Black millennial plays race card with black cop.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Its spoiled, over privileged hood rats like this, that use the race card whenever and wherever they can, that keeps racism going.
She was black and unarmed, why didn't he shoot her?
Yeah, I saw that live. It was ridiculous. There have been a few others through the series that have tried to pull the same thing.
She was black and unarmed, why didn't he shoot her?

More whites are killed by cops than Negroes thus your statement is ignorant.

I think he was being sarcastic, calm down David Duke....

Irregardless...........that is the exact sentiment of so many coinfused Negroes.,,,so brainwashed by the libs that they are the only folks in the world that are ever victimized......not eve to mention that blacks are the perps in most hate crimes....but rarely charged with a hate crime....just the ole double standard that is always at play due mainly to the monopolistic news media aka the msm....constantly supporting the fallacious narrative of black victimhood.

New FBI Stats: Blacks More Likely To Commit Hate Crimes Than Any Other Race

Its spoiled, over privileged hood rats like this, that use the race card whenever and wherever they can, that keeps racism going.

Damn, its super fortunate that he happened to have black skin. White cops dont have that luxury.
Had she treated the officer with curiosity and respect I’m pretty sure she would have avoided a ticket.

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