Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?)

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.
Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.
Where have you been Bass? Don't you remember that Martin Luther King speech?:
"I have a dream that someday all gays will be able to legally suck the cawk in the institution of marriage".

Concerned Women for America - Homosexuals Hijack Civil Rights Bus

Key statement:

When has a multitude of gays been kidnapped and made to be slaves for 400 years? When was it illegal to teach gays to read and write? When were there ever any gay Jim Crow laws? When were gays required to say "sah" or "ma'am" to straight people? When were there separated gay and straight water fountains? In public buildings, when were there separate entrances for gays and straights, the gays going out the back? In theaters, have gays been forced to sit in the balcony while the straights sit on the main floor? When were there segregated lunch counters based on sexual preference? When was a gay required to give up their seat on a bus to a straight person? Who was the gay Rosa Parks? Were gays at the bottom of the economic social structure for decades? Where were the poor gay ghettos? When have gays gotten worse jobs and lower pay than straight people? When were there separate-but-equal schools for gays and straights?

Still waiting for the pro-sodomite forces of Satan to prove how black civil rights and faggots wanting acceptance of their sexually deviant lifestyle are one and the same.
Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

Well, you're black, and you're gay.

In your case, they ARE the same.

Repeatedly falsely accusing someone of being a salad tossing leather daddy like yourself does *NOT* constitute a refutation to the fact that black civil rights and gays wanting acceptance of their sexually deviant lifestyle are *NOT* the same, it only constitutes pro-gay trolling.
Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.

We're still waiting on evidence that you don't cornhole the sailors on the corner during fleet week.

Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.

We're still waiting on you to acknowledge to the board that you like a good cawk now and then.
We're still waiting on evidence that you don't cornhole the sailors on the corner during fleet week.

Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.

We're still waiting on you to acknowledge to the board that you like a good cawk now and then.

Your incessant trolling was met with a swift objurgation from the Bass, but you have not addressed the thread topic so it suffice to say that you don't have an argument.
Your incessant trolling was met with a swift objurgation from the Bass

Objurgation: Tongue lashing.

No Bass, I'm not gay. Go stick your tongue on some other guy.

Objurgation: Strong rebuke.

Your latent homosexuality is destroying you, repent and be baptized you heathen.

Noun 1. objurgation - rebuking a person harshly
chiding, scolding, tongue-lashing.

You were talking about latent homosexuality?
Objurgation: Tongue lashing.

No Bass, I'm not gay. Go stick your tongue on some other guy.

Objurgation: Strong rebuke.

Your latent homosexuality is destroying you, repent and be baptized you heathen.

Noun 1. objurgation - rebuking a person harshly
chiding, scolding, tongue-lashing.

You were talking about latent homosexuality?

Who brought up anything about tongues except your gay jackass?
Another bullshit thread about gay people started by someone who knows less about the subject than I do about sports.

Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.
Another bullshit thread about gay people started by someone who knows less about the subject than I do about sports.

Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.

You have been shown evidence many ... many ... many times, you choose to ignore it, that's no one else's fucking fault but your's.

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