Black Bloc riots in England


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Some 500 protestors decided to use violence and destruction to get their message across in London. This comes during larger protests expressing disapproval of recent austerity measures. This is perhaps somewhat rather ironic as this writer noticed at least two instances of the anarchi-socialist flag among the demonstrators in the footage aired by the Nightly News, which at first glance would lead one to think these idiots would oppose large-scale welfare state programs in favour of the same local cooperation we might expect a Christian libertarian to advocate. Police report 157 arrests and 43 injuries.
[T]he philosopher, being of necessity a man of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, has always found himself, and had to find himself, in contradiction to today: his enemy was ever the ideal of today' -Nietzsche

Far too many people want to be financially cossetted by the state (in other words private sector businesses and employees), either through public sector employment or with welfare payments.
Some 500 protestors decided to use violence and destruction to get their message across in London. This comes during larger protests expressing disapproval of recent austerity measures. This is perhaps somewhat rather ironic as this writer noticed at least two instances of the anarchi-socialist flag among the demonstrators in the footage aired by the Nightly News, which at first glance would lead one to think these idiots would oppose large-scale welfare state programs in favour of the same local cooperation we might expect a Christian libertarian to advocate. Police report 157 arrests and 43 injuries.

The same bunch of anarchists and teenage yobs who turn out at EVERY public protest to wreak their havoc on the police and society in general. You cannot get much lower than these excuses for human beings.
These people remind me of the middle class students who used to try and sell me copies of Living Marxism in central Birmingham about twenty years ago.
Some 500 protestors decided to use violence and destruction to get their message across in London. This comes during larger protests expressing disapproval of recent austerity measures. This is perhaps somewhat rather ironic as this writer noticed at least two instances of the anarchi-socialist flag among the demonstrators in the footage aired by the Nightly News, which at first glance would lead one to think these idiots would oppose large-scale welfare state programs in favour of the same local cooperation we might expect a Christian libertarian to advocate. Police report 157 arrests and 43 injuries.

So unions like SEIU love turmoil. They want people to protest. And we have a President that thinks it's just kids doing a public service. He's do proud of them.

The other day a union leader was overheard giving a speech about how Americans are so wimpy because we didn't take the lead of the protesters in Wisconsin and start burning the country down like all of those idiots in Middle Eastern countries.
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