Black America Never HAD a Mind

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.
Skin pigment is the only difference. It's the same blood, same DNA. Therefore it's nurture, not nature, which would explain your unsourced statistic, if it's true.

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.
Skin pigment is the only difference. It's the same blood, same DNA. Therefore it's nurture, not nature, which would explain your unsourced statistic, if it's true.

Is that true? I thought that regardless of nurture, blacks still performed lower on standardized tests. I'll have to look that up, but since it's not PC the data may be difficult to find.
No, Midnight. Race is far more than "skin color."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior

"(An) incendiary thesis....that separate races of human beings evolved different reproductive strategies to cope with different environments and that these strategies led to physical differences in brain size and hence in intelligence. Human beings who evolved in the warm but highly unpredictable environment of Africa adopted a strategy of high reproduction, while human beings who migrated to the hostile cold of Europe and northern Asia took to producing fewer children but nurturing them more carefully."

---Malcolm W. Browne, New York Times Book Review

"Rushton is a serious scholar who has assembled serious data. Consider just one example: brain size. The empirical reality, verified by numerous modern studies, including several based on magnetic resonance imaging, is that a significant and substantial relationship does exist between brain size and measured intelligence after body size is taken into account and that the races do have different distributions of brain size."
---Charles Murray, Afterword to The Bell Curve

"Describes hundreds of studies worldwide that show a consistent pattern of human racial differences in such characteristics as intelligence, brain size, genital size, strength of sex drive, reproductive potency, industriousness, sociability, and rule following. On each of these variables, the groups are aligned in the order: Orientals, Caucasians, Blacks."
---Mark Snyderman, National Review

"Rushton's Race, Evolution, and an attempt to understand [race] differences in terms of life-history evolution....Perhaps there ultimately will be some serious contribution from the traditional smoke-and-mirrors social science treatment of IQ, but for now Rushton's framework is essentially the only game in town."
---Henry Harpending, Evolutionary Anthropology

"This brilliant book is the most impressive theory-based study...of the psychological and behavioral differences between the major racial groups that I have encountered in the world literature on this subject."
---Arthur R. Jensen, University of California, Berkeley

"The only acceptable explanation of race differences in behavior allowed in public discourse is an entirely environmental one...Professor Rushton deserves our gratitude for having the courage to declare that this emperor has no clothes, and that a more satisfactory explanation must be sought."
---Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr., University of Minnesota

"The remarkable resistance to racial science in our times has led to comparisons with the inquisition of Rome, active during the Renaissance.... Astronomy and the physical sciences had their Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo a few centuries ago; society and the welfare of humanity is the better for it today. In a directly analogous fashion, psychology and the social sciences today have their Darwin, Galton, and Rushton."
---Glayde Whitney, Contemporary Psychology

"The data are startling to the uninitiated....Race, Evolution, and Behavior confronts us as few books have with the dilemmas wrought in a democratic society by individual and group differences in key human traits."
---Linda Gottfredson, Politics and the Life Sciences

"Professor Rushton is widely known and respected for the unusual combination of rigour and originality in his work....Few concerned with understanding the problems associated with race can afford to disregard this storehouse of well-integrated information which gives rise to a remarkable synthesis."
---Hans J. Eysenck, University of London

"Should, if there is any justice, receive a Nobel Prize."
---Richard Lynn, Spectator
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White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.
Skin pigment is the only difference. It's the same blood, same DNA. Therefore it's nurture, not nature, which would explain your unsourced statistic, if it's true.

Is that true? I thought that regardless of nurture, blacks still performed lower on standardized tests. I'll have to look that up, but since it's not PC the data may be difficult to find.
The science is true. The stats? No idea.

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.
Skin pigment is the only difference. It's the same blood, same DNA. Therefore it's nurture, not nature, which would explain your unsourced statistic, if it's true.

I attribute Wm Joyce's failure to nuture as racism is not genetic.

Thanks Mr. and Mrs. J.

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.
Skin pigment is the only difference. It's the same blood, same DNA. Therefore it's nurture, not nature, which would explain your unsourced statistic, if it's true.

I attribute Wm Joyce's failure to nuture as racism is not genetic.

Thanks Mr. and Mrs. J.
It's not genetic nor is is partisan, or limited to skin pigment. It's universal, unfortunately.

White America's going nuts because we're being held responsible for black failures, but nobody admits that most black failure can be attributed to them having IQ's that are 15 points lower than whites.

Seriously? When you begin your thread with White America's I cannot take it or you seriously. The last time I check it was just America. This raictist shit has got to stop. If socialism will force eveybody to see they are equal to everybody else I will become a socialist.
No, Midnight. Race is far more than "skin color."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior
Your premise is, "Blacks are inferior to whites."

Right, Adolph?

When it comes to intelligence, whites are indeed superior to blacks.

In turn, Jews and Asians are superior to whites!

What do you have to say about that, beer boy?
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I think you paint with a broad, racist brush, s0n.

Yet you have no evidence to refute me.

If you're suggesting that all racial groups have the same level of intelligence, how would that be generalizing any LESS? Wouldn't that actually be generalizing MORE?

*and other things the race-deniers don't think about too much*
I think you paint with a broad, racist brush, s0n.

Yet you have no evidence to refute me.

If you're suggesting that all racial groups have the same level of intelligence, how would that be generalizing any LESS? Wouldn't that actually be generalizing MORE?

*and other things the race-deniers don't think about too much*
Except, you're erecting a straw man since I never asserted that.

See? You're as full of fallacies as you are full of shit.
Skin pigment is the only difference. It's the same blood, same DNA. Therefore it's nurture, not nature, which would explain your unsourced statistic, if it's true.

I attribute Wm Joyce's failure to nuture as racism is not genetic.

Thanks Mr. and Mrs. J.
It's not genetic nor is is partisan, or limited to skin pigment. It's universal, unfortunately.

It is universal, just like's just that some people have more of it.
I think you paint with a broad, racist brush, s0n.

Yet you have no evidence to refute me.

If you're suggesting that all racial groups have the same level of intelligence, how would that be generalizing any LESS? Wouldn't that actually be generalizing MORE?

*and other things the race-deniers don't think about too much*
Except, you're erecting a straw man since I never asserted that.

See? You're as full of fallacies as you are full of shit.

You seem to be taking the position that the only racial difference is "skin pigment"... did I miss that?
When it comes to intelligence, whites are indeed superior to blacks.

In turn, Jews and Asians are superior to whites!

What do you have to say about that, beer boy?

I'd say that you are not a White Supremacist, but rather a White Mediocrephile
No, Midnight. Race is far more than "skin color."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior
Your premise is, "Blacks are inferior to whites."

Right, Adolph?

When it comes to intelligence, whites are indeed superior to blacks.

In turn, Jews and Asians are superior to whites!

What do you have to say about that, beer boy?

On the contrary...Asians score slightly less on IQ tests. They just work harder....
Yet you have no evidence to refute me.

If you're suggesting that all racial groups have the same level of intelligence, how would that be generalizing any LESS? Wouldn't that actually be generalizing MORE?

*and other things the race-deniers don't think about too much*
Except, you're erecting a straw man since I never asserted that.

See? You're as full of fallacies as you are full of shit.

You seem to be taking the position that the only racial difference is "skin pigment"... did I miss that?
And just like Hitler did with his "scientific consensus" about inferiority of Jews and Blacks, and the superiority of the German race, you trot out a big appeal to authority web page, attempting to back your racist assertions. When you well know, the DNA is identical and doesn't lie. It's HUMAN.

Your logical fallacies actually work against you.
Except, you're erecting a straw man since I never asserted that.

See? You're as full of fallacies as you are full of shit.

You seem to be taking the position that the only racial difference is "skin pigment"... did I miss that?
And just like Hitler did with his "scientific consensus" about inferiority of Jews and Blacks, and the superiority of the German race, you trot out a big appeal to authority web page, attempting to back your racist assertions. When you well know, the DNA is identical and doesn't lie. It's HUMAN.

Your logical fallacies actually work against you.

Well, it's a little more complicated than just saying the DNA is identical. Races are different. For instance, Black people are more susceptible to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses mostly because of genetics. Now I certainly differ from William Joyce's views on separation of the races, but there are differences. There may be differences in IQ, but it's such a PC-charged subject that you won't find much information on it and any you do will usually be regarded as 'racist'. I, for one, enjoy living in a world with a diversity of races, especially mixed races.

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