Black, 9-year-old Chicago Boy is executed: Where's the outrage?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The HYPOCRISY of the BLACK BIGOT movement, allowed to play out in black ghetto's, is appalling! It MUST contain a white man as the perpetrator in order for the pond scum of the black world to crawl out of their nests and make something out of it...while they care little for a simple execution of one of their own, and an almost certainty by one of their own....How pathetic, and simply disgusting!

Antonio Smith, 9 years old, was assassinated the other day. He was Chicago's youngest fatal shooting victim this year. He was shot at least four times and fell in a backyard on the South Side.

Police and neighbors on Chicago's South Side are hunting for a gunman after a 9-year-old boy was killed in a hail of bullets in the backyard of an apartment building near his home Wednesday.
Antonio Smith, 9, was pronounced dead at Comer Children's Hospital about an hour after he was shot in the chest, hands and arms in the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood at about 4 p.m., The Chicago Tribune reported.

So far, there were no suspects, and police did not have a description of the killer.
"He was just a child, just a baby, still had a whole life ahead of him. Just a child," Kenya Eggleston, one of the boy's cousins, told reporters outside the hospital Wednesday. "When is it going to stop?"

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Makes you wonder why residents of Chicago, do not hold nightly protests like they have in St Louis, and say enough is enough.

They won't though, it simply doesn't fit the narrative. The fact that for every white cop that kills a black man, there are dozens of black men killing black men doesn't matter.
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It's 4 o'clock in the is it that there is NO ONE that saw this, or even after SHOTS FIRED looked out of a window to, at least get a description of the shooter?...... Are the neighbors all SCARED of some gang banger that might have done this?
Sickening. And a powerful eye opener of the mindset of blacks since they choose to stay silent about it instead of looting and rioting over one of their own that murdered that kid.
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RIP Antonio Smith.

(At the site where 9-year-old Antonio Smith was gunned down, family members and Rev. Michael Pfleger gather to call for justice and remember the young shooting victim. (John J. Kim/Chicago Tribune)
If the person is ever arrested and that person has a pinkish/beige hue, let the looting begin.

If his skin is the color of a thick molasses, then we will not know and the race baiting white guilt limousine liberals will not give one tiny shit.

The absolute truth.
It's 4 o'clock in the is it that there is NO ONE that saw this, or even after SHOTS FIRED looked out of a window to, at least get a description of the shooter?...... Are the neighbors all SCARED of some gang banger that might have done this?

Probably! "Snitching" on a gangbanger is tantamount to suicide. (Some will also wipe out the "snitch's" wife, parents, children, etc. as a deterrent to others...which seems to work pretty well.) And honestly...if they heard shots, they quite possibly dove for cover rather than looking outside!
Hey Esmerelda, these are the areas where our police must operate. More appropriate for US Marines. Savages.
The HYPOCRISY of the BLACK BIGOT movement, allowed to play out in black ghetto's, is appalling! It MUST contain a white man as the perpetrator in order for the pond scum of the black world to crawl out of their nests and make something out of it...while they care little for a simple execution of one of their own, and an almost certainty by one of their own....How pathetic, and simply disgusting!

Antonio Smith, 9 years old, was assassinated the other day. He was Chicago's youngest fatal shooting victim this year. He was shot at least four times and fell in a backyard on the South Side.

Police and neighbors on Chicago's South Side are hunting for a gunman after a 9-year-old boy was killed in a hail of bullets in the backyard of an apartment building near his home Wednesday.
Antonio Smith, 9, was pronounced dead at Comer Children's Hospital about an hour after he was shot in the chest, hands and arms in the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood at about 4 p.m., The Chicago Tribune reported.

So far, there were no suspects, and police did not have a description of the killer.
"He was just a child, just a baby, still had a whole life ahead of him. Just a child," Kenya Eggleston, one of the boy's cousins, told reporters outside the hospital Wednesday. "When is it going to stop?"

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I hope it STAYS in the news so there is pressure to find the murderers.
This is not news worthy... Black on black crime is accepted behavior in America. However, if it was a white person who killed the black boy there would be a huge shit storm.
When murderers murder someone, there is no surprise. When police murder (allegedly) someone, there is and should be outrage.

It is not surprising when criminal do criminal things.
I was gonna say.....theres no white cop to blame.

BUT WAIT..........where were the white Chicago PD cops to protect him!!!!??? WHITE COPS FAULT!
A friend of mine is a VP at a multi million dollar financial firm. He gets stopped routinely - at least twice a month- for driving his expensive car in his own neighborhood.

How grateful should he be?
I found THIS most interesting...Why would any police officer NOW take a proactive role in protecting the public....If I were a cop, I'd go on burglary and man with a gun calls with lights and siren blasting doing 5-10 mph, hoping the perp heard me coming and ran away.... making out a report is so much easier!

NYPD Officers Told To Stop "Proactive Policing"

New York City Police are being warned against proactively policing in response to anti-discrimination legislation passed recently by the city legislature.

The city council last month passed two bills that will make it easier to sue the NYPD for racial profiling, and did so with a veto-proof majority. In response, cops are being told to only answer radio calls and respond to crimes they see taking place – a big change from the proactive policing started in the 1990s under then-mayor Rudy Giuliani.

The first bill, which creates an inspector general to oversee the department, passed 40-11, according to reports. The second bill, which allows people to sue for racial profiling, passed 34-17. The bills garnered the votes needed to override any mayoral veto.

The NYPD Patrolman’s Benevolent Association this week sent a letter warning cops to no longer react to ‘events not occurring in the officer’s presence… [which could] subject the officer to legal action,’ according to a copy of the letter obtained by Mail Online.

A veteran officer with more than a decade on the force who spoke to Mail Online said this severely handicaps the department’s ability to protect citizens and turns them from a proactive police force into a reactive force answering radio calls.

Giving the example of an incident involving a black male in his 20s, wearing a white t-shirt, jeans and a Yankees hat, the officer said he can only get on the radio and say ‘suspect is a male wearing a Yankees hat, jeans and a white t-shirt.’
Mentioning a suspect's race could expose the officer to a discrimination lawsuit in a department that won't indemnify officers against infractions as minor as parking tickets, the officer says, asking 'why should I believe they;ll have my back?'

Taking it a step further, the officer said that quality of life crimes like drug dealing, people walking around with weapons, and other similar offenses will go largely unpoliced for fear of legal action being taken against an officer.
‘In order to live safely, you have to be willing to give up some of your privacy,’ the officer said.

Not only will it cripple any ability police have to proactively thwart crime, it will also lead to a wave of lawsuits brought against the department by clever kids out for a buck, according to the officer.

‘If someone comes up to me and says so and so on the corner has a gun and I go check and he doesn’t have one, I could be sued,’ the officer said, later adding 'as far as we’re concerned, let the city burn.’

Stop and frisks are an important part of police work, said the officer, explaining that even if only one in 10 searches turns up a gun, there’s no telling how many lives that may save, ‘even most minorities you talk to aren’t against it.’ The officer is a minority himself.

In defending the legislation prior to its passage, city councilman Jumaane Williams – the bills’ sponsor – said ‘there have been a lot of bald-faced lies told about this bill,’ according to the New York Daily News.

‘We can have safety and can have police accountability at the exact same time,’ Williams argued.

A number of prominent politicians and officials disagreed.

The bills ‘would seriously impede the ability of the Police Department and the City to protect 8.4 million New Yorkers” inviting “avalanche of new lawsuits against police action,’ Michael Best, counsel to Mayor Michael Bloomberg write in a letter to the city council.

‘It will achieve the ultimate goal of this bill, to put judges in charge of the NYPD… Crime will soar, murder will rise, children will die,’ councilman Peter Vallone told the Daily News.

‘Crime is going to go back to 80s levels, which is what it will take for people to learn their lesson,’ said the officer.

Mail Online was unable to reach the PBA, Best, Villone or Williams for comment. The NYPD did not respond to a message left for comment.

Read more: NYPD officers being advised to curtail proactive policing in response to legislation making it legal to sue cops for discrimination | Mail Online
I found THIS most interesting...Why would any police officer NOW take a proactive role in protecting the public....If I were a cop, I'd go on burglary and man with a gun calls with lights and siren blasting doing 5-10 mph, hoping the perp heard me coming and ran away.... making out a report is so much easier!


Anyone who plays chess regularly develops the habit of thinking through their moves and modeling the moves of their opponents, that is, thinking ahead. I saw this coming when the lawsuits against NYPD were filed and then ruled upon.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. All those trillions of dollars of property values now get to be depressed by increasing crime. I hope liberals don't buckle on this principle, don't cave to the moneyed liberals on Manhattan and the hipsters gentrifying all those neighborhoods. NYC is the freaking epicenter of this liberal craziness and they spew it all over the nation, so I find it fitting that they should suffer the consequences which arise from the philosophy they defend and push.

I think it would be a fantastic tonic for the nation to watch NYC repeat the crime wave of the 70s.

Hold steady liberals. Stick to your guns.

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