Birthers Attempt To Remove Obama From New Hampshire Primary


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Igor Bobic - November 19, 2011

The birther wars continue. Orly Taitz, birther queen of California, personally filed a complaint in New Hampshire on Saturday that challenged President Obama’s U.S. citizenship and argued for his removal from the state’s ballot, reports the Concord Monitor.

New Hampshire’s electoral governing body, the Ballot Law Commission, turned down the complaint in a public hearing via 5-0 vote. It got pretty ugly shortly thereafter.

“Traitors!” screamed the members of the attending public. “Treason!”

“You have no decency! You have no honesty! You’re committing treason!”

The group of birthers, which included several New Hampshire state representatives, erupted after the decision, shouting at the commission attorneys as they tried to exit the hearing room. Another state representative apparently suggested committee members should cover their face with a mask if they ever found themselves in his district.

In her own report posted here, Orly Taitz assailed the commission as corrupt, citing as evidence the fact that all its members were Democrats.

“The level of corruption was unbelievable,” Taitz said. “We found out that all five members of the committee are Democrats. As I was presenting all of the evidence, people were listening and getting more and more angry.”

If indeed all members of the commission were Democrats, New Hampshire would have a major legal problem. Except Brad Cook, the chair of the commission, is a prominent Republican.

Birthers Attempt To Remove Obama From New Hampshire Primary | TPM2012
More lying birthers gone wild...

However, lefties love to continue hearing birther activity from the righties...
By Igor Bobic - November 19, 2011

The birther wars continue. Orly Taitz, birther queen of California, personally filed a complaint in New Hampshire on Saturday that challenged President Obama’s U.S. citizenship and argued for his removal from the state’s ballot, reports the Concord Monitor.

New Hampshire’s electoral governing body, the Ballot Law Commission, turned down the complaint in a public hearing via 5-0 vote. It got pretty ugly shortly thereafter.

“Traitors!” screamed the members of the attending public. “Treason!”

“You have no decency! You have no honesty! You’re committing treason!”

The group of birthers, which included several New Hampshire state representatives, erupted after the decision, shouting at the commission attorneys as they tried to exit the hearing room. Another state representative apparently suggested committee members should cover their face with a mask if they ever found themselves in his district.

In her own report posted here, Orly Taitz assailed the commission as corrupt, citing as evidence the fact that all its members were Democrats.

“The level of corruption was unbelievable,” Taitz said. “We found out that all five members of the committee are Democrats. As I was presenting all of the evidence, people were listening and getting more and more angry.”

If indeed all members of the commission were Democrats, New Hampshire would have a major legal problem. Except Brad Cook, the chair of the commission, is a prominent Republican.

Birthers Attempt To Remove Obama From New Hampshire Primary | TPM2012

Loony toon stuff like that needs to be video taped and put in NH and nationwide.
BWAHAHAHA. Birthers are so entertaining. I wish I could see a video of that hearing. Gold, baby, pure gold.

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