Birdman of Babylon: DNA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture vignette inspired by the film Heaven Can Wait.

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Movies were changing the American landscape, and college students across America were learning about NASDAQ and the Human Genome Project, as post-modern writers such as Michael Crichton were replacing the likes of Isaac Asimov in cultural symbolism, since fears regarding civilization shifted from slavery to scientific corruption. A young idealistic Ivy League student (Dartmouth College) named Alas wanted to use comic book characters to generate political cartoons on the World Wide Web geared towards populism criticism. Alas's primary avatar-of-choice was Captain America (Marvel Comics), since the patriotic superhero represented progressive populism in modern America.

Alas's Captain America was named Steve Darby (not Steve Rogers). Darby (aka 'Captain America') wanted to see modern media become a platform for meaningful democratic geopolitical and social networking (e.g., Facebook, eTrade, Captain America had to tackle the demons of modern cynicism personified in the super-terrorist Red Skull, a ghoulish fascist who wanted to use panic to bring forth socialist revolution and declare himself Supreme Dictator. Fortunately, Captain America endorsed populism-friendly user-platforms (e.g., iTunes, Wall Street Journal Online, etc.) to refute Red Skull's claim that capitalism left no room for teamwork.

Captain America had many friends in his crusade --- Spider-Man, Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Storm, and Wolverine. This legion of heroes had to contend with the anarchism-consciousness of Red Skull and his demonic 'friends' --- Cheetah, Green Goblin, Doctor Doom, Rhino, Venom, Vertigo, and Hobgoblin. The legion of heroes tackled the legion of evil and the goal was to see democracy reign as a profitable platform for populism-oriented reforms in the media-centric modern world. 'TrumpUSA' soon became a symbol of profit-networking success and prestige. The media-broadcasted Super Bowl (the annual NFL championship game in America!) was touted as a 'democracy-gladiator theater' when the underdog Philadelphia Eagles defeated the seemingly-indomitable New England Patriots and made the American Bald Eagle the new 'consumerism-deity' (replacing the New England 'Patriot').



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