Bipartisan means bohica


Jul 14, 2009
White House draft bill expands DHS cyber responsibilities

Incorporates Senate cyber bill, OMB memo

The bill would bring together legislative proposals by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Tom Carper (D-Del.), as well as Office of Management and Budget's memo from July 2010 expanding DHS's authorities.

"The cybersecurity legislation being developed in Congress is a large, complex bill with wide-ranging implications, and several Senate committees are involved in its drafting," said committee spokeswoman Leslie Phillips. "The two primary committees of jurisdiction - Homeland Security and Commerce - completed the bulk of their work last August and ironed out several remaining differences by the end of March this year. However, other committees and the White House are critical to the completion of this bill."
Federal News Radio 1500 AM: White House draft bill expands DHS cyber responsibilities
DHS oversees all civilian cybersecurity

The bill authorizes DHS, in coordination with OMB, "to exercise primary responsibility of operational aspects of IT security in agencies" that is consistent with OMB guidance. The DHS secretary "shall oversee agency security implementations, the implementation of policies" and compliance with policy and regulatory requirements.

DHS and OMB also would issue "compulsory and binding directives" oversee the implementation of agency information security policies, review agency information security programs, designate a person to receive information on security threats and issues and address incident response.

The bill exempts national security and DoD systems from DHS oversight.
Three largest online poker sites indicted and shut down by FBI

The founders of the three largest online poker sites were indicted on Friday in what could serve as a death blow to a thriving industry.

Eleven executives at PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, Absolute Poker and a number of their affiliates were charged with bank fraud and money laundering in an indictment unsealed in a Manhattan court. Two of the defendants were arrested on Friday morning in Utah and Nevada. Federal agents are searching for the others.

Prosecutors are seeking to immediately shut down the sites and to eventually send the executives to jail and to recover $3 billion from the companies. By Friday afternoon Full Tilt Poker’s site displayed a message explaining that “this domain name has been seized by the F.B.I. pursuant to an Arrest Warrant.”

Dont worry folks the government is here to take care of you.
If it were not for drug laws you would be shooting lsd right now
White House draft bill expands DHS cyber responsibilities

Incorporates Senate cyber bill, OMB memo

The bill would bring together legislative proposals by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Tom Carper (D-Del.), as well as Office of Management and Budget's memo from July 2010 expanding DHS's authorities.

"The cybersecurity legislation being developed in Congress is a large, complex bill with wide-ranging implications, and several Senate committees are involved in its drafting," said committee spokeswoman Leslie Phillips. "The two primary committees of jurisdiction - Homeland Security and Commerce - completed the bulk of their work last August and ironed out several remaining differences by the end of March this year. However, other committees and the White House are critical to the completion of this bill."
Federal News Radio 1500 AM: White House draft bill expands DHS cyber responsibilities
DHS oversees all civilian cybersecurity

The bill authorizes DHS, in coordination with OMB, "to exercise primary responsibility of operational aspects of IT security in agencies" that is consistent with OMB guidance. The DHS secretary "shall oversee agency security implementations, the implementation of policies" and compliance with policy and regulatory requirements.

DHS and OMB also would issue "compulsory and binding directives" oversee the implementation of agency information security policies, review agency information security programs, designate a person to receive information on security threats and issues and address incident response.

The bill exempts national security and DoD systems from DHS oversight.

pretty pahetic if you ask me. we are getting the change obama mentioned but was it the change people expected? No it isn't.

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