Bio Fuels have no CO2 according to Kyoto Accords


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2009
According to the Kyoto Accords, the burning of Bio Fuels does not emit any CO2.

The rationale behind this is that the Corn, for example, absorbed carbon while it was growing and now is only re-releasing it. Therefore, no emission at all.


How did the carbon get into the fossil fuels or the coal might we suppose? Was that not also absorbed at some point and now only being freed?

The more I hear about these supposed scientists, the more it becomes crystal clear that they are only political hacks doing their best to conduct a swindle.

The same fantasy is supported across various countries' regulations.

CBC News - Technology & Science - Kyoto biofuels flaw threatens forests: scientists
Well, Code, you know the real facts, and are just shilling for the energy companies. But you have the two shallow end boys dittoing you all the way.
maurauder you forgot about bogus assumptions, preposterous conclusions and willful ignorance of the actuallity that is our extraordinarily comlex and complicated weather system that even the best computer models after years of tinkering still can't push acurrate predictons much further than five to seven days in advance of right this minute. And theya re trying to tell us what the weather will be like in fifty years.

And lets not forget that climate is weather over time.
Hansen's projections in 1988 were spot on. In fact, most of the projections have been far to conservative. Nobody foresaw the speed of the melt in the Arctic, or in the permafrosts of Siberia and North America.

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