Bill Mayer: 'Bush Has The Thinnest Resume For President Anyone Has Ever Seen'


May 29, 2010
I don't believe this for a minute. George W. Bush had a real resume of doing executive work as a business owner and operating drilling rigs prior to becoming a two term governor of Texas. How does Mayer come to this conclusion? Look at Obama's resume before his presidency or even when he was a jr senator by default in Illinois. For example, even if you look at Palins resume and compare that to Obama's, she has got him beat for miles on executive experience and at operating budgets. I guess that Mayer is just doing damage control for Obama since he proven that his lack of any executive experience has had a adverse drastic effect on America for the worst.

Please read the link or watch the video:
Maher: 'Bush Had the Thinnest Résumé for President Anyone Had Ever Seen' - Bill Maher - Fox Nation

As for the previous president's résumé, he was twice elected governor of our nation's second most populated state. Prior to that point, Bush:

•Was managing general partner of the Texas Rangers for five years

•Assisted in running his father's re-election campaign in 1992

•Was a campaign advisor and media liaison for his father's first presidential campaign in 1988

•Created Arbusto Energy company which later merged with Spectrum 7 eventually becoming Harken Energy which he served on the Board of Directors

•Was a member of the Texas Air National Guard

•Graduated with a BA from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard Business School

Is going to Harvard and Yale, creating an oil company, and being twice elected governor of our nation's second most populated state a "thin résumé?"

If it is, our current president's curriculum vitae is emaciated by comparison:

•U.S. Senator 2005 through 2008

•Illinois State Senator 1997 through 2004

•Lectured at University of Chicago Law School 1991 through 2004

•Harvard Law School graduate 1991

•Community organizer 1985 through 1988

•Graduated with a BA from Columbia University in 1983

As it pertains to the highest office in the land, which résumé looks thinner to you?
Someone needs to tell Maher that Bush is working on it, and will have it looking prettier when he runs again.

The only thing clinging desperately to the past more than Bill Maher is his career.
I don't believe this for a minute. George W. Bush had a real resume of doing executive work as a business owner and operating drilling rigs prior to becoming a two term governor of Texas. How does Mayer come to this conclusion? Look at Obama's resume before his presidency or even when he was a jr senator by default in Illinois. For example, even if you look at Palins resume and compare that to Obama's, she has got him beat for miles on executive experience and at operating budgets. I guess that Mayer is just doing damage control for Obama since he proven that his lack of any executive experience has had a adverse drastic effect on America for the worst.

Please read the link or watch the video:
Maher: 'Bush Had the Thinnest Résumé for President Anyone Had Ever Seen' - Bill Maher - Fox Nation

As for the previous president's résumé, he was twice elected governor of our nation's second most populated state. Prior to that point, Bush:

•Was managing general partner of the Texas Rangers for five years

•Assisted in running his father's re-election campaign in 1992

•Was a campaign advisor and media liaison for his father's first presidential campaign in 1988

•Created Arbusto Energy company which later merged with Spectrum 7 eventually becoming Harken Energy which he served on the Board of Directors

•Was a member of the Texas Air National Guard

•Graduated with a BA from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard Business School

Is going to Harvard and Yale, creating an oil company, and being twice elected governor of our nation's second most populated state a "thin résumé?"

:cuckoo: FAIL

Bush was a FratBoy
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Bill Maher is a wannabe intellectual who my wife could kick the crap out of.

Why do any of you care what that pussy thinks?
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I don't believe this for a minute. George W. Bush had a real resume of doing executive work as a business owner and operating drilling rigs prior to becoming a two term governor of Texas. How does Mayer come to this conclusion?
Unlike you 'Baggers, Mahrer "resorts" to (legitimate) sources-of-info.....rather than FAUX Noise & Porky Limbaugh.​
"Bush Junior has done some good work as governor of Texas. He has crossed the partisan divide, reached out to minorities, and tackled at least one tough, thankless issue (school financing; his plan was voted down in the legislature.)

But 4 years -- even 4 good ones -- is a pretty short resume for the leader of the free world.

His business career was marked by mediocrity or failure which nonetheless resulted in him getting lots of money from his father's political allies. And his political career has been handed to him on a platter by his famous name, and by his dad's cronies."

"Several researchers have investigated the business history of the Bush family. The facts that they have uncovered are not very pretty. The business record of George W. Bush holds some revealing insights to how his presidency has operated, and helps to explain why the country has fallen so deeply in debt and has so many other problems."

"The governor's oil-field career can be summed up in a single paragraph: George W. arrived in Midland in 1975, set up a shell company, lost a congressional election in 1978, restarted building the company he'd put on hold, lost more than $2 million of other people's money, and left Midland with $840,000 in his pocket."

Bill Maher is a wannabe intellectual who my wife could kick the crap out of.

Why do any of you care what that pussy thinks?

After this stupid claim, I think it's disputable that he does think. Cause no thinking person can honestly say President Obama had more experienced to be President than a two term governor from one of the largest states in the country plus experience in the private industry.

Now, you could argue that it still help President Bush that much for the job. But if Maher is seriously claiming that Obama's resume (Or rather the lack of it) provides more background experience than President Bush's did, then he is clearly not thinking.
Apparantly Maher hasn't taken a real good look at BO's resume.

Or Maher is merely a political hack who doesnt care about honesty or discussions on real facts.

I'm not a big Maher fan...I watch his show from time to time on demand if I'm bored, or if he has a good guest on. But he does blast the Democrats too (just not as much). He also is a fan of Ron Paul.

(sorry I don't know how to embed lol)

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