Bill Clinton: "Writing is on the wall for Hussien Obama"

Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.
You're taking a lot of literary license with Clinton's statement. Clinton was recommending campaign strategy. He made it quite clear that he believe Obama would be far better for the economy than Romney. Nice try.

"Clinton suggested it was dangerous for Democrats to go after Romney's record at Bain Capital. He said, "I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work," Clinton said. "This is good work." Instead, the former president argued that the Obama campaign should turn its focus to the "real issue" of what Romney will do as president and how it stacks up against Obama's record. He told CNN that he believes Obama will win re-election when that comparison is made.

"The Obama proposals and the Obama record will be far better for the American economy and most Americans than those that Gov. Romney has laid out," Clinton said. "And that's what the election ought to be about."

Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's
Pretty telling, wouldn't you say, when one of the most popular presidents concludes that unless Obama changes his strategy it will spell doom for him. Of course as one of the party leaders, he's not going to totally trash Obama, and have some good things to say. But this is about as politically correct a way of trashing as one can get, without jumping off the Democrat reservation.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.
You're taking a lot of literary license with Clinton's statement. Clinton was recommending campaign strategy. He made it quite clear that he believe Obama would be far better for the economy than Romney. Nice try.

"Clinton suggested it was dangerous for Democrats to go after Romney's record at Bain Capital. He said, "I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work," Clinton said. "This is good work." Instead, the former president argued that the Obama campaign should turn its focus to the "real issue" of what Romney will do as president and how it stacks up against Obama's record. He told CNN that he believes Obama will win re-election when that comparison is made.

"The Obama proposals and the Obama record will be far better for the American economy and most Americans than those that Gov. Romney has laid out," Clinton said. "And that's what the election ought to be about."

Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's
Pretty telling, wouldn't you say, when one of the most popular presidents concludes that unless Obama changes his strategy it will spell doom for him. Of course as one of the party leaders, he's not going to totally trash Obama, and have some good things to say. But this is about as politically correct a way of trashing as one can get, without jumping off the Democrat reservation.

No he did not say or indicate that unless the president change strategy it spelled doom. That's your spin. Clinton said "I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work," Clinton said. "This is good work." Instead, the former president argued that the Obama campaign should turn its focus to the "real issue" of what Romney will do as president and how it stacks up against Obama's record. He told CNN that he believes Obama will win re-election when that comparison is made. And I agree with Clinton. The American voter doesn't need any help in seeing how little Romney offers.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Objectively speaking, having Republican Congress helped Clinton. He was never as left as his wife and many of the people she surrounded them with. He was a Southern Democrat and knew how not to stand in the way of Capitalism. If Obama wins in '12 and all of Congress is Republican, it won't be as civil as it was with Clinton. Obama has never shown a capability to work across the aisle. It's not in him.

I think the way Obama works, he is trying to eliminate the need for congress. He prefers to allow his czars to create new regulations without approval from congress. Then there are executive orders. Congress will be meaningless if Obama gets reelected.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Objectively speaking, having Republican Congress helped Clinton. He was never as left as his wife and many of the people she surrounded them with. He was a Southern Democrat and knew how not to stand in the way of Capitalism. If Obama wins in '12 and all of Congress is Republican, it won't be as civil as it was with Clinton. Obama has never shown a capability to work across the aisle. It's not in him.

I think the way Obama works, he is trying to eliminate the need for congress. He prefers to allow his czars to create new regulations without approval from congress. Then there are executive orders. Congress will be meaningless if Obama gets reelected. does that Republican idiot known as Walker....................

A last minute controversy in the unpleasant battle in Wisconsin whether to remove governor Scott Walker from office is the revelation that he has hired Dr. James Kroll, who embodies the Texas tradition that hunting should be on game farms and an activity for those with money. Public wildlife, held in trust by the state and managed by a state agency, is according to Kroll, “Communism.” So are public lands like state and national forests, parks, wildlife refuges, etc.

Wisconsin governor hires “deer czar” to save deer and hunters from Communism | The Wildlife News

And the fucked up thing about Walker? He hired his "deer czar" from Texas, a state all the way across the nation from WI.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Objectively speaking, having Republican Congress helped Clinton. He was never as left as his wife and many of the people she surrounded them with. He was a Southern Democrat and knew how not to stand in the way of Capitalism. If Obama wins in '12 and all of Congress is Republican, it won't be as civil as it was with Clinton. Obama has never shown a capability to work across the aisle. It's not in him.

I think the way Obama works, he is trying to eliminate the need for congress. He prefers to allow his czars to create new regulations without approval from congress. Then there are executive orders. Congress will be meaningless if Obama gets reelected.
If knew anything about government, you would realize that your statement is pretty dumb.
It's not just Clinton.

Every day lately it seems more and more Dems are suddenly coming out of the woodwork in full attack mode against Obama.

I think you're seeing a group of people who realize they've been used and abused by Obama for four long years - Reps, Senators, former and current, all sorts of Dems know that if they don't speak up now, they're going to be stuck with another four years of misery.

It's now or never to get their dibs in.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

I believe it--but do you have a LINK?
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Link or it's another one of your lies.

No lie here. No link required. Just maybe you should try something other MSNBC or NPR..

Ahhhh -- I'm actually missing the Hillbilly WhoreHopper from Hope now.....

Why didn't I listen to the defenders of the indefensible when they told me we shouldn't impeach him??
Business profits are at historic highs and Republicans call Obama anti business? They are so fucking stupid.
Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

I believe it--but do you have a LINK?

You too OREO??? Somebody gave a reasonable link a while back. Wait a minute..

Courtesy of CleverGirl ------

OP is pretty dam accurate..

EDITED: Here's a more concise report --- without all the blog sausage...
In an interview with CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," Clinton, a top Obama surrogate who is set to raise cash with the president next week, directly contradicted Democrats who have attacked Romney's business record, suggesting it does qualify him for president.

"I think he had a good business career," Clinton told guest host Harvey Weinstein, a movie mogul who is one of Obama's top fundraisers. "There's no question that in terms of getting up and going to the office and, you know, basically performing the essential functions of the office, the man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

"I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work," Clinton said. "This is good work."

Instead, the former president argued that the Obama campaign should turn its focus to the "real issue" of what Romney will do as president and how it stacks up against Obama's record.
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Bill Clinton calls for Obama to change his anti business policies and redefine the horrible image he has in the business community. His recommendation was to stop criticising Romney's record at Bain which can backfire bigtime and it plays into the whole anti business and anti capitalist image. He also noticed that Obama and the Democrat party have veered too far to the left, and Obama needs to learn how Clinton governed, which was to cut deals and make concessions with the republican majority congress. Of which there will be none between now and election day. So basically what Clinton is saying is Hussein's goose is cooked, barring some miracle or act of Allah.

Now there's an intelligent, wise man, a president who lead this country into an amazing era of progress and prosperity, calling it like it is without having to be afraid of any political consequences. Kudos to Clinton, one of the greatest presidents this country has had.
You're taking a lot of literary license with Clinton's statement. Clinton was recommending campaign strategy. He made it quite clear that he believe Obama would be far better for the economy than Romney. Nice try.

"Clinton suggested it was dangerous for Democrats to go after Romney's record at Bain Capital. He said, "I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work," Clinton said. "This is good work." Instead, the former president argued that the Obama campaign should turn its focus to the "real issue" of what Romney will do as president and how it stacks up against Obama's record. He told CNN that he believes Obama will win re-election when that comparison is made.

"The Obama proposals and the Obama record will be far better for the American economy and most Americans than those that Gov. Romney has laid out," Clinton said. "And that's what the election ought to be about."

Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's

Hey, what the hell, it's partisan rhetoric. Intellectual honesty optional, frowned upon. Make shit up as needed.



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