Bill Clinton says Obama’s delaying of oil drilling permits is “ridiculous”


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
In the aftermath of the BP oil spill in the Gulf last year Barack Obama issued a moratorium on oil drilling. A federal judge ruled that this moratorium was illegal and ordered Barack Obama to rescind the drilling moratorium. Barack Obama has been ignoring this court ruling and has illegally kept the drilling moratorium in effect.

Since this ruling there have been several oil companies which have applied for drilling permits in the Gulf, but the Obama regime has delayed action on these permits in a clear attempt to keep his drilling moratorium in effect, even though the court ordered him to lift the drilling ban in the Gulf.

During an event that former presidents Bush and Clinton hosted on Friday a question was asked from a person in attendance about the drilling ban in the Gulf, to which former President Clinton replied
that the delay in permitting was “ridiculous.”
Clinton said there are “ridiculous delays in permitting when our economy doesn’t need it,” according to Noe and others.

That was the most surprising thing they said,” Noe said.

The two former presidents both generally agreed on the need to get offshore drilling workers back on the job.

There you have it; the left wing’s icon–Bill Clinton–has broken with the current president on the issue of the drilling moratorium, stating basically that in these economic times delaying the permitting process for liberal ideology is “ridiculous.” Even Bill Clinton realizes that you cannot cut off the nose to spite the face, and in that aspect he has shown that he is smarter than Barack Obama will ever be.

Bill Clinton says Obama’s delaying of oil drilling permits is “ridiculous” « America's Watchtower
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Clinton may have been a left wing degenerate sexual pervert but he was always a political pragmatist. When he signed the bill that confiscated Alaskan land he left a loophole that a portion of ANWAR could be accessed for oil drilling. The question is whether Clinton puts the future of the neo-socialist democrat party ahead of the welfare of the citizens of the United States.
Clinton may have been a left wing degenerate sexual pervert but he was always a political pragmatist. When he signed the bill that confiscated Alaskan land he left a loophole that a portion of ANWAR could be accessed for oil drilling. The question is whether Clinton puts the future of the neo-socialist democrat party ahead of the welfare of the citizens of the United States.

While I'm no fan of Clinton, Compared to Obama he doesn't look that bad. "political pragmatist" is a good discription, at least when he lost congress, he worked with the Republicans...Obama? doesn't look like it. He's too hard core.

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