Bill Clinton: "No he didn't!"

Bill Clinton got paid well to lie last night, he is an expert at lying.

He lied non-stop last night since he feels Hillary's best shot is in 2016 if she replaces Obamination, not going against a strong Romney that actually turned around the mess.
I almost think Clinton sold the idea that nobody could've brought the economy back so that we'd think about it and then realize; that's some serious bull shit!
I think Reagan was facing a much greater challenge when he took over after Carter. Besides, Obama himself confidently said in interview after interview that if he can't turn things around then we're looking at a one term presidency. Problem with this guy is he comes from the same cloth as Clinton when it comes to his word. You just can't trust him. He sure speaks eloquently like he's some fucking civil rights leader (civil rights my ass, so far Syria's regime has slaughtered 26,000 of it's own people while Obama thumbs his nose). He said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman, Hollywood told him if he doesn't change that he won't see the big money coming in for his campaign, so he changed that. Yesterday he tried to pull a fast one by taking God and Jerusalem out of the Democrat platform, after being caught, he's acting like Mr. Micromanager KNEW NOTHING ABOUT IT. So he changed it back, of course after suppressing the votes of his own party against it! This president has turned his own party to the communist party of no God, and he's taken a bad situation and made it much worse. Nothing Bill Clinton said last night, or what he's going to say tonight is going to change that.
Bill Clinton got paid well to lie last night, he is an expert at lying.

He lied non-stop last night since he feels Hillary's best shot is in 2016 if she replaces Obamination, not going against a strong Romney that actually turned around the mess.
Oh I'm sure some of the heavy hitters donated a few million at least to one or more of his organizations and funds. There was definitely a quid pro quo.
What exactly did he cut? What exactly did he do to cut the deficit by 50%? What exactly did he do for long term job creation??

Obamalama has added 6+ trillion to the debt during his tenure (by the same criteria that you and your ilk used to say that Bush doubled the debt in 8 years)

Well, for starters, under pressure from Eric Cantor and John Boehner, he extended Bush's tax cuts on the wealthi....I mean job creators. THAT in itself (according to the GOP) was supposed to create jobs. Since Cantor and Boehner would not negotiate on extending UE benefits for those alreadt out of work unless Obama extended those cuts, where are the jobs they promised?

Sorry VA.. that is not a cut... you want to go on the UE benefits? Really?? You know what those got expanded to right?? And where does that get paid from??

The fact is that the debt and spending have increased immensely... with us still being worse off...

Yup. As I recall the taxcuts were extended to everyone. Not just the to top 1% Everyone.

He didn't have to cave to anyone. He could have raised everyones taxes.

Of course raising taxes on anyone with the economy the way it is would have been one giant fubar.

But hey, gotta get those "evil" rich to pay "their fair share."
If Bush is still to blame for all the bad over the last four years because of his policies.
Wouln't it stand to reason that all the good is because of Bush as well?
Bill Clinton can sure put it in a way that anyone can understand .. well, almost anyone.
To paraphrase, he said that the cons got us into debt. Now they say that Obama hasn't gotten us out of debt fast enough so we should elect them again.
Bill Clinton: "No he didn't!"

"Bill Clinton's speech tonight at the Democratic National Convention was very long but it was masterful — not only in laying out the case for Barack Obama and against Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, but in giving the American public what they most want and need in this election season: details, facts, and logic.

Republicans have eschewed all detail, all fact, all logic. Theirs has been a campaign of ideological bromides mixed with outright bald-faced lies.

Therein lies the importance of what Bill Clinton accomplished tonight. But, just as importantly, it wasn't a wonky talk. He packaged the facts in a way people could hear. This is the highest calling of a public educator."

Bill Clinton’s Wonderfully Long Speech

[ame=]Bill Clinton full DNC Speech 2012 - YouTube[/ame]


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