Bill Clinton - I get why she's Hot

wow alert the media...Bill Clinton acknowledged Palin has appeal...

I find it kind of telling that the dems acknowledge the appeal of Palin but the cons chalk up the appeal of Obama as just brainwashed idiocy.
“I like that little Down syndrome kid. One of them lives down the street. They’re wonderful children. They’re wonderful people."


What an asshat.
I saw the interview. Your point? I think we all get why the extremists like her. she looks nice and says what they want her to say. So?

Oh... and President Clinton didn't use the word "hot", so why would you?

Actually he did say she was hot.

Do you think 82% of the people in Alaska are extreme? Because that is the approval rating she enjoys in the state she governs.

Bill Clinton understands that Palin appears to be an ordinary person to ordinary folks and that's why they like her.


He did not say he wanted to bang her.

Thank you. :eusa_angel:
I think John McCain was a handsome man when he was a LOT younger, doesn't mean I'm going to vote for him, now does it?
I think she is a hot item in every sense the OED can define Hot. I am a strait male with relatively good eyesight. She Also speaks directly to me as someone with similar political views and she has a lot of emotional resonance because of her story.

One of my favorite movies when I was younger was "Solid Gold Caddilac" with Judy Holliday. She was hot. It was a good flick, and the story of an ordinary person who brought down the corrupt bad guys is pretty cool.

It is pretty much Bill Clinton's fault that when he says hot, the only interpretation people assume he means is bangable.
I saw the interview. Your point? I think we all get why the extremists like her. she looks nice and says what they want her to say. So?

Oh... and President Clinton didn't use the word "hot", so why would you?

Did you even read the article? :cuckoo:
Did you even read the article? :cuckoo:

I saw the interview... I don't need someone at fox news telling me WHAT I saw... although it's been suggested I'm incorrect about the use of the word "hot", but if he did, it certainly wasn't in the context YOU implied.

In other words, I'm not sure what the point is... Again, I think we all get why the wackies like her.

You do understand, right, that Palin did nothing for McCain but solidify the "base"? you know, the people who think global warming is "just
G-d hugging us closer" :cuckoo:
wow alert the media...Bill Clinton acknowledged Palin has appeal...

I find it kind of telling that the dems acknowledge the appeal of Palin but the cons chalk up the appeal of Obama as just brainwashed idiocy.


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