Biggest lie of the left.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Is their claim that photo identification law requirement discriminates and disenfranchise minorities.
I can prove I am who I say I am with my photo identification from DMV. I cannot believe the 54 year old Black women who went into a DMV to get a photo identification and did not have ONE document proving who she was. Claiming she did not even have a social security card? Causing the DMV to waste 4 hours proving who she was. Unbelievable a 54 year old woman never had to prove who she was? Even my mentally disabled grand daughter has a birth certificate, Social Security card, a bank account and a bank card and a photo identifications. It is a safety issue that everyone in this country have a photo identification. If not, do you know how many Jose’s and Maria’s could be using the same identification? I never leave home without my identification, just incase of an accident and I am unconscious in a hospital who has a data base with my name in it.
How has she been able to vote without even ONE piece of identification? This woman was a Left Wing set up.

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