Bigger Than 9/11 Coming?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
UBL did warn before 9/11, see here:
September 20, 2006
Hamid Mir On Glenn Beck Show

Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir was on both the Glenn Beck radio and t.v. shows today.

Sandcrawler crewmembers are (hopefully) working on getting some audio. If we can't do it, you can subscribe to Beck's Insider thingie for a month for a measly 7 bucks to hear it. It was in the second hour of the radio show. The radio is better than the t.v. interview.

UPDATE: Hot Air has the audio up here. Saving you a buck or two.

Some relevant points made:

Was warned to not embed with NATO troops in Afghanistan anymore.

Osama is alive, and won't do video because the CIA can target him anywhere in the world based on the video. Which makes sense, and doesn't. Osama was pinpointed by geologists in a video he released after 9/11 by the rocks he was sitting in front of in the video. They were rocks found only in one part of the world. Ever since, if you haven't noticed, AQ videos have a curtain behind the speaker, or are inside. Oh, and I'm not talking about AQ in Iraq videos. The main men, so to speak. Osama, Ayman, Azzam the Asstard.

Reiteration of the call for all Muslims to leave America. Why? Because American Muslims are a "shield." However, if they stay, the attack will go on anyway.

Details of a meeting between Adnan Al-Shukri Jumaa and AQ leadership in Khost, Afghanistan two months ago.

I blinked and almost missed it. Hamir doesn't claim Adnan Al-Shukri Jumaa smuggled nukes across the southern border, he uses the phrase "dangerous materials." Wow, what a relief.

Reports that he was told that the terrorists working to carry out this attack are not using Muslim names, they are hiding behind Western sounding names and related documents, such as passports.

There is no timeframe for any attacks, inside U.S. or Afghanistan. Backs up 300 suicide bomber claim by saying that shortly after he returned to Pakistan, suicide attacks began in Afghanistan, which is true.

Say's that Osama has completed the "cycle of warnings." Under Islamic law, the defender is given three warnings before being attacked. Says that Osama is trying to legitimize his actions with Islamic scholars who criticized him for 9/11.

Doesn't believe they're bluffing. Said in earlier interviews with Osama, he didn't believe he'd ever strike America. He was proven wrong.

Once again says "very dangerous materials" have been smuggled over the border. Doesn't specify what.

Says it's an "open secret" that AQ is in Lebanon, and is allied with both Iran and Hezbollah. Says that Osama forged an alliance with Hezbollah when he was still in the Sudan. Says that Iran is providing arms and money to both AQ and the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Finally, I can't make it out well, but the name of the AQ person he talked to sounds like Abu Daoud. I've backed it up and re-played it numerous times. It still sounds like Abu Daoud.

Which is interesting, because Abu Daoud masterminded the 1972 Munich slaughter, and Abu Daoud was also captured in Iraq.

Since the first Abu Daoud is obviously a hero to the Islamotards for killing those filthy joooo athletes bravely in cold blood, it's only logical that future Islamotards would appropriate his name.

Sadly, Ahmad Shah Massoud doesn't seem to be popular in Islam, since the man who carried it warned us of 9/11, and was assassinated two days before.

Well, I guess I saved you 7 bucks. Like I said, hopefully we can get some actual audio of the interview.

As for the concern about being "alarmist." I think that's just silly. I also think that it's more a worry that the Left, or so-called "Moderates" are going jump your shit.

BFD, I say. Ask anyone if they think we're going to be hit by terrorists again, and even if they don't circulate within the media/blogosphere bubble, chances are they'll say yes.

Frankly, most people, despite what you think, are walking around plenty alarmed already. They're just not outspoken about it like we are. They know that it's not "if" but "when."

They also know, quite well, that when it all boils down, there ain't a damned thing we can do about it. So the thing to do is to live your life normally.

But keep your eyes peeled.
yeah i heard Glenn's interview with this guy. I dont know how true it is but it needs to be looked at.

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