Big Labor Strike Coming Soon


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
To the Executuve Branch,

When the corporate CEO's, bankers, the House and Senate politicians and the rest of the fat cats in this sell out and sold out economized country take their pay cuts, then and only then do they have even a remote right to expect the rest of working class Americans to take a mandated pay cut. This is crap and it is going to start a labor battle in this country that hasn't been seen for decades.

Wall Street and Washington wants to play games with everyone's livelihood. When your future's market cattle, hogs and sheep can't get to the packing houses, your Detroit cars can't get hauled to the dealers and your construction machinery and equipment can't get hauled and your sub-standard retail store chains wares are setting in Jersey and L.A. getting snagged by the dock boys, don't come bitching to Labor for a bailout.

I don't know how many of you guys on this forum are writers and/or reporters but you need to start putting this out there so people know what's coming. I've got a friend who took on over 500 over the road trucks to serve a cartage contract for a bunch of sellout greed mongers. The oil futures Wall Street leeches nailed him on fuel, the wall street banker he had for years mysteriously cancelled his multi-million dollar lines of credit, etc. etc. etc, I could go on and on. How far do these ignorant, sold out bought on credit legislators and good ole boy business cronies expect the American people to go?

Somebody in D.C. better wake up because from what I'm hearing out here in rural America time is running out. This new president has no idea what he is getting into. It's not that people out here won't tighten up a belt and roll up sleeves and get on with it but people, they aren't willing to carry (literally) this country much farther while a bunch of futures traders and bankers are out selling it off. And another thing while I'm on a roll here, don't expect the military to hang tight forever either. And the first one of you arm chair Charlie's that tell me to get a life can go straight to Hell! Myself and others out here and our kids and grandkids have a life. We are getting damn tired of a bunch of D.C. dumbasses selling us out for nothing. You have already soldout our yesterdays now you want to sellout our tomorrows too! Get off of labor's ass and get on the fat cat CEO's ass.

Rod, I sure can't argue with you.

If a business is in trouble, any type of business, the cut backs and reductions have to be across the board, every level, every department. My wife and I are far from saints and we surely make mistakes, but, when things get tight, we take the first cuts, before passing it down the line. It has to be that way if we expect to stay effective as leaders. It didn't matter if it was years back when we had multiple retail outlets or now with only one. The principles are the same.

In regard to the military, I'm a nationalist, I am a patriot, I really like military life and I have a great admiration for those who choose that path. But, you make a valid point. Serving is not just about giving it up for your nation, but, it is a families livelihood or a single persons career in many cases. They count on the income, along with the educational and health benefits.

I agree, we as a people, as a nation have to each be willing to do what is needed to make things better. We are certainly capable, it comes down to willingness.
I just heard the President of the UAW's on the radio.

What an idiot.

The UAW has my support no longer.
but people, they aren't willing to carry (literally) this country much farther while a bunch of futures traders and bankers are out selling it off.

Atlas shrugs, and remembers that he has nothing to fear from the working class because he knows he can always hire one worker to kill the other.
If I get laid off, expect me to take a few month to go on the picket line too. Why not when no one is hiring and I have 6 months of unenjoyment, plus a 3 month extension!!!

Just kidding.

But I would go picket.

And I do want all American labor to organize.

The ones who are arguing for the Big 3 to fail, you can never join our union. Companies will hire you first, for $8 hr. But we'll make them hire us for $20. LOL.
In most cases, it's not the hourly wages that are killing these companies; it's the benefits, especially the long term benefits. Companies like GM gave away the house at a time when they were making good profits. No one expected health care costs to triple in such a short time. In every other non-union industry, workers are being required to pay a much larger share of their health costs. Unions need to do the same, and that will mean giving up some of the perks.

Over the long haul, if we want to pay decent wages to our workers, healthcare costs need to be cut. Universal healthcare under a one-payer system would do that. It's not about fairness or providing guaranteed healthcare to everyone. When looking at the quality of care, you can make an argument that ours is the best in world. However, there is a very valid argument that it is not. That is based soley on the quality without considering the cost. When considering the cost, we need to look at the quality based on cost. Other countries pay half of what we do for healthcare; everyone is covered, and they live longer than us, and they have a lower infant mortality rate. In some cases, they may wait a little longer to see a doctor. In the end, is waiting a little longer that big of an issue if the overall quality is the same and the cost is half?

Healthcare costs directly affect the ability of companies to hire and pay decent wages. If our healthcare costs were reduced, American business would become more competetive on the world stage, and we would see more manufacturing jobs created here in the US.
Rod, I sure can't argue with you.

If a business is in trouble, any type of business, the cut backs and reductions have to be across the board, every level, every department. My wife and I are far from saints and we surely make mistakes, but, when things get tight, we take the first cuts, before passing it down the line. It has to be that way if we expect to stay effective as leaders. It didn't matter if it was years back when we had multiple retail outlets or now with only one. The principles are the same.

In regard to the military, I'm a nationalist, I am a patriot, I really like military life and I have a great admiration for those who choose that path. But, you make a valid point. Serving is not just about giving it up for your nation, but, it is a families livelihood or a single persons career in many cases. They count on the income, along with the educational and health benefits.

I agree, we as a people, as a nation have to each be willing to do what is needed to make things better. We are certainly capable, it comes down to willingness.

We always ran our business that away. The cuts come from the top first. My grandpa, grandma & dad always taught us never ask anyone to do anything you would not first do yourself. I do not know who it is that can face themselves that would ask a worker to do without when they are unwilling to take the first step.

As far as being saints you and your wife have no idea what you are until the Lord tells you. So do not discount yourselves that easily.
no problem, and please tell the UAW not to come bitching to me for a handout

I do not recall in Rod's post anywhere he said anything about the UAW. He said "labor"! The point he was making is that everybody is going to pay for what is happening. Union labor, skilled labor, non skilled labor, LABOR! Labor is going to hoof the bill for this and everyone is going to pay the cost. Want to or not you have no choice.

The news this moring hearing legislators say they are intending on mandating a cut in any workers pay should have every working class stiff out there up in arms.

That is the problem people just do not get it. It makes no difference what you do if you work for anyone else expect a lowering of your wages or expect to pay more to the CEO's and the union.

I would rather support a union worker that makes enough to feed his family than any CEO and manager that has a Golden Parachute.

These politicians make a lot of promises to get into their offices. Once out of the trenches into these elected positions they forget so very quickly that the trenches even existed. And this crap all in the name of politics? Bullshit is bullshit. It,s hot and steamy, it stinks, no one can walk through it without getting some on them, and there is so much of it that they don't even know what to do with it. They are so stupid by this point they don't know enough to just throw it out. Clean it up. Get rid of it.

A poor man pays taxes just like a rich man. How many rich are there in the world compared to the poor? People sit on there high horses and say, "Oh well, he's just a poor working class fool. He does not count anyway. Besides there are enough of them to float our boat."

If we are going to say we do not want the legislators to make a LOAN to GM, Chrysler and/or the UAW, then they damn sure better make that money they GAVE to the banking industry a loan also subject to payback and usury.
If I get laid off, expect me to take a few month to go on the picket line too. Why not when no one is hiring and I have 6 months of unenjoyment, plus a 3 month extension!!!

Just kidding.

But I would go picket.

And I do want all American labor to organize.

The ones who are arguing for the Big 3 to fail, you can never join our union. Companies will hire you first, for $8 hr. But we'll make them hire us for $20. LOL.

Way to do your part in reducing inflation.
Unions are nothing but gangs holding business hostage.
Way to do your part in reducing inflation.
Unions are nothing but gangs holding business hostage.

Well, first, the present big danger is not inflation, but a sudden massive deflation. First signs? T-bills selling at negative interest rates.

As for your other statement, it would be every bit as true to say that businessmen just parasites on the men who produce the labor. And just as indictutive of defective thinking as your statement.
Unions are nothing but gangs holding business hostage.

Dam, but the coporate thieves just love people like you, Ali.

Business has always had the upper hand. One person or a few can organize and make the rules a hell of a lot easier than a million workers with no single voice.

The unions didn't fuck up the banking business. The bankers did, but they get a free bail out.

Without unions we would still have sweat shops and only minimum wages at best.

Maybe if we had a decent fucking universal health plan, we wouldn't be tacking that cost on to each car made and all the other products we still make.

Le'ts just go along with Ali in our love and trust of all big business. At least we won't have to listen to her drivel for long. They will take away the internet except for the rich.

What some people don't seem to realize is you can't have business without owners and you can't have business without workers. It's just easier to replace the workers, so it's also easier to screw them.

Hopefully, Obama and the Dems can halt Reagan's war on the middle class which has reached a new zenith with the current economy ala Bush and the NeoCons.
Without unions we'd still be producing our own cars and processing our own materials.
You think it's bad now with unions, we better hope that the dumbocrats don't get the Employee Free Choice Act passed....
To the Executuve Branch,

When the corporate CEO's, bankers, the House and Senate politicians and the rest of the fat cats in this sell out and sold out economized country take their pay cuts, then and only then do they have even a remote right to expect the rest of working class Americans to take a mandated pay cut. This is crap and it is going to start a labor battle in this country that hasn't been seen for decades.

Wall Street and Washington wants to play games with everyone's livelihood. When your future's market cattle, hogs and sheep can't get to the packing houses, your Detroit cars can't get hauled to the dealers and your construction machinery and equipment can't get hauled and your sub-standard retail store chains wares are setting in Jersey and L.A. getting snagged by the dock boys, don't come bitching to Labor for a bailout.

I don't know how many of you guys on this forum are writers and/or reporters but you need to start putting this out there so people know what's coming. I've got a friend who took on over 500 over the road trucks to serve a cartage contract for a bunch of sellout greed mongers. The oil futures Wall Street leeches nailed him on fuel, the wall street banker he had for years mysteriously cancelled his multi-million dollar lines of credit, etc. etc. etc, I could go on and on. How far do these ignorant, sold out bought on credit legislators and good ole boy business cronies expect the American people to go?

Somebody in D.C. better wake up because from what I'm hearing out here in rural America time is running out. This new president has no idea what he is getting into. It's not that people out here won't tighten up a belt and roll up sleeves and get on with it but people, they aren't willing to carry (literally) this country much farther while a bunch of futures traders and bankers are out selling it off. And another thing while I'm on a roll here, don't expect the military to hang tight forever either. And the first one of you arm chair Charlie's that tell me to get a life can go straight to Hell! Myself and others out here and our kids and grandkids have a life. We are getting damn tired of a bunch of D.C. dumbasses selling us out for nothing. You have already soldout our yesterdays now you want to sellout our tomorrows too! Get off of labor's ass and get on the fat cat CEO's ass.


Less than 20% of America's work force is unionized and thus unable to 'strike'. You choose not to show up at my place of work and there are 5 people waiting in line to take your job.....

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