Big Brother Hates Conservatives & Libertarians. Freedom & Liberty Movement Is Growing


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Homeland Security continues to demonize Conservatives and Libertarians

By Bob Barr

Thanks to the federal government’s constant overreach and deference to international organizations such as the United Nations, many Americans have become increasingly distrustful of government institutions and officials. Meanwhile, government officials seem to have become increasingly distrustful of individual liberty, a distrust that manifests itself in a number of bizarre and frightening ways.

To cite a particularly absurd example of this distrust, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) issued a report in 2009 titled “The Modern Militia Movement” warning that “militias” — very broadly defined — were on the rise, and that readers of the report should be wary of individuals displaying the Gadsden (“Don’t Tread On Me”) flag or whose vehicles displayed bumper stickers supporting two-time Republican presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, 2008 Constitution Party presidential nominee Chuck Baldwin or me (I was the 2008 Libertarian Party presidential nominee).

MIAC later apologized for these idiotic statements, which it deleted from the online version of its report. The federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS), however, has not let up in its crusade to demonize all manner of liberty-oriented groups. Around the same time that MIAC published its report on “right-wing groups,” DHS issued its own report — which happened to come out just as the tea party movement was becoming a force in national politics — lumping together tea party organizations and white-supremacist groups, and labeling them all “right-wing extremists.” DHS said that these groups are “hate-oriented” and noted that “extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures.” Such concerns about our economy obviously were valid political expressions then, and remain so today. Linking such views to inappropriate if not unlawful behavior is abhorrent.

Given the outcry from conservatives over that report, one would think that DHS would be at least hesitant to smear opponents of the Obama administration again. Wrong.

The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), which provides research analysis to DHS, issued a report in January offering what it presents as an historical look at terrorist “hot spots” around the country from 1970 to 2008.

The report may appear innocuous, but it is not. It offers a carefully scripted but insidious analysis of Americans who happen to hold certain philosophical or political views, many of which are common among Conservatives and Libertarians...

Read more: Homeland Security continues to demonize conservatives and libertarians | The Daily Caller
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Conservatives can be kind of cuddly sometimes

Everyone hates Libertarians.......they are a bunch of flaming assholes
Lol so the traditional honest Americans are the bad guys now ? Someone called that dude Janet Napolatano big sous I still laugh at that. Yeah seems logical abuse thevictims of terrorism and that's what Obama administration does TSA , this, border, etc...

I can't believe it either but its reality
Lol so the traditional honest Americans are the bad guys now ? Someone called that dude Janet Napolatano big sous I still laugh at that. Yeah seems logical abuse thevictims of terrorism and that's what Obama administration does TSA , this, border, etc...

I can't believe it either but its reality

Yes, it is very sad. But i consider it wonderful news that Big Brother hates us so much. I wouldn't want it any other way. It's a fantastic sign the Freedom & Liberty Movement is very healthy. It's scaring the shit out of Big Brother. And that's a great thing.
Conservatives can be kind of cuddly sometimes

Everyone hates Libertarians.......they are a bunch of flaming assholes

With the above post you appear to be a libertarian from your description of one.


Have you ever met a Libertarian that wasn't a complete douchebag?
Yeah, I'm sick of them always rambling about "Constitutional Issues", "Civil Liberties" and other boring shit like that.

I'd prefer my candidates to just stick to singing 60's R&B tunes at campaign rallies.
Conservatives can be kind of cuddly sometimes

Everyone hates Libertarians.......they are a bunch of flaming assholes

With the above post you appear to be a libertarian from your description of one.


Have you ever met a Libertarian that wasn't a complete douchebag?
Mad Scientist, BasicGreatGuy, Dr. Drock, TakeAStepBack, bayoubill, Zander, Paulie, Locke11_21.....

I'd have a harder time finding democrat posters around here who weren't complete douchebags, even if I included you....Which I wouldn't.
With the above post you appear to be a libertarian from your description of one.


Have you ever met a Libertarian that wasn't a complete douchebag?
Yeah, I'm sick of them always rambling about "Constitutional Issues", "Civil Liberties" and other boring shit like that.

I'd prefer my candidates to just stick to singing 60's R&B tunes at campaign rallies.

Aw, pay no mind to ole RW. Big Brother Totalitarianism is all the rage with Socialist/Progressive dunces like him. When an 'R' gets back in the White House, he'll get right back to pretending he cares about the Constitution and Freedom. But for right now it's, "Heil Big Brother!" for him. ;)
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With the above post you appear to be a libertarian from your description of one.


Have you ever met a Libertarian that wasn't a complete douchebag?
Mad Scientist, BasicGreatGuy, Dr. Drock, TakeAStepBack, bayoubill, Zander, Paulie, Locke11_21.....

I'd have a harder time finding democrat posters around here who weren't complete douchebags, even if I included you....Which I wouldn't.

He's very disingenuous. I never take him too seriously. He's all about the Big Brother-Worship these days. But don't worry, that'll change as soon as an 'R' gets back in there. Then he'll immediately begin pretending he actually cares about the Constitution. He's just your average Socialist/Progressive Wingnut. Nothing more, nothing less.
Freedom & Liberty is on the march. And obviously Big Brother doesn't like it.
It is deeply disturbing that the executive branch of our federal government continues to demonize and delegitimize political beliefs, particularly those challenging the “conventional wisdom” or the status quo. It is even more distressing that neither the U.S. House of Representatives nor the Senate has moved to put a stop to such efforts, which they could if their members possessed the understanding and the backbone to do so.

Homeland Security continues to demonize conservatives and libertarians

particularly those challenging the “conventional wisdom” or the status quo -

It is deeply disturbing that the executive branch of our federal government continues to demonize ... It is even more distressing that neither the U.S. House of Representatives nor the Senate has moved to put a stop to such efforts -

the above for - Barr: "Thanks to the federal government’s constant overreach and deference to international organizations such as the United Nations"

one might ask Barr what the United Nations has to do with, challenging the “conventional wisdom” or the status quo (US) per Homeland Security as in any way relevant to UN operations - world conspiracy.

but then neither the House nor Senate seem to have noticed either ... if the Libertarians believe it - It Must be True.

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