Big Bear


You're not the boss of me
Mar 28, 2009
some beach
If a guy got me a bear bigger than me, I'd dump his ass. Does that make me an ungrateful bitch??:D

They were trying to sell that shit on TV last night for 99 bucks...

Not to mention when I was 5 I got one.. :lol:

I want what my parents paid for, it's certainly not the fuck bear.

Besides , realistically if you need a gigantic fucking bear to satisfy your woman you got bigger (or smaller) problems than the bear....
On a side note.

this is a gift a father would give his daughter.

If you give this to your wife or girlfriend, it had better have flowers in one hand and chocolates in the other or you will be holding something in your hand later on.

or the bear better have a stunning piece of jewelry on it...i am not saying diamonds or precious gems...but a lovely unique piece
On a side note.

this is a gift a father would give his daughter.

If you give this to your wife or girlfriend, it had better have flowers in one hand and chocolates in the other or you will be holding something in your hand later on.

or the bear better have a stunning piece of jewelry on it...i am not saying diamonds or precious gems...but a lovely unique piece

Black Pearls....yeah. Women go gaga over black pearls.
Bear + blonde for $30.

That's thrifty spending.

You should hold on to him for his sense of economic fortitude alone.
How much for Just the Bear for an hour? Or is it BOTH for 30? That's some deal, she can supervise.

Too romantic? not enough? I was aiming for slezemantic.
I would love the ruby velour lounge set. So if a guy got this and then told me that we were going to donate the bear to a children's hospital or orphanage, I might fall in love with him.:lol:
It said SAVE $30. Which is pretty much the cost of the bear. The blond will probably cost more than that.
Shoot. Well there goes THAT fantasy. Just when I thought I found the bear of my dreams, cheap.

On a side note.

this is a gift a father would give his daughter.

If you give this to your wife or girlfriend, it had better have flowers in one hand and chocolates in the other or you will be holding something in your hand later on.

or the bear better have a stunning piece of jewelry on it...i am not saying diamonds or precious gems...but a lovely unique piece


She's not saying it had better be diamonds. That's womanise for it had better be diamonds.


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