Bidenville ... ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or is it more attuned to the place in the great Christmas Classic
- It's a Wonderful Life - { 1946 } and the near infamous :
- Pottersville - Renamed from - Bedford Falls - on account a
crotchety Old Banker fart named Potter.Better known as
Mr. Potter or Old Man Potter.
" George,I am an old man,and most people hate me.But I don't
like them and that makes it even. "
Whatever ! Potter.
" The envious ones say that,George.The suckers.
Yes,sir,trapped into this small town and frittering his
life away,playing nursemaid to a lot of garlic eaters.
Do I paint the correct picture,or do I exagerrate.? "
How long before our precious country is transformed into some
Biden Pottersville.Will only time tell.
Most people I knowed ain't that patient.
Most americans had to endure being treated like patients
just a couple/three years ago.

There's a homeless encampment (Bidenville) going up near my brothers house.

I told him I only had 2 words...LIQUID ASS!
There's a homeless encampment (Bidenville) going up near my brothers house.

I told him I only had 2 words...LIQUID ASS!
Um ... you dint have help in Thunking that up ... per chance.?
Bidenville is where dumb people who voted poorly go to live in poverty, squalor and total subservience to government.
It's no surprise by now that our Mainstream media is
" corrupt ". But the real questions are how " corrupted "
and when they plan on " wising up ". The days of gettin' cute
as Skinny Prick leftist President Woodrow Wilson did are long
over.But he started the Leftist train a runnin' with hardly any brakes.
He is the Father of Leftism and Racism.
Plus he was Potus when we had the Depression of 1920-21.
It was a conservative { Warren Harding } who solved that Depression
in about a years time.By being prudent and understanding what
makes for a Depression.
So now we are in a new era where American city's are in a
Depressed state.However On Purpose.Where far left Liberal mayors
and city council think it cute to persecute our Police and let
violence run rampant.Plus embolden a Sanctuary city mindset.
The New Bidenvilles.Keep in mind what happened in Jimmy Stewarts
- It's a Wonderful Life - dreamstate.There became a Pottervilles
replacing Bedford Falls.Where Vice and city streets were lit up
with hootchy-kootchy Saloons and Pawn shops with neon lights to
Kinda reminds one of a couple-three years ago.Where Churches
and even their parking lots were closed,yet places of vice remained
open.All Mandated by Big Brother Government { mainly state run }.

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