BIDEN:"we will NOT allow Americans Freedom of CHOICE!!"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"And with regard to Social Security, we will not — we will not privatize it. If we had listened to Romney, Governor Romney, and the congressman during the Bush years, imagine where all those seniors would be now if their money had been in the market."

YES JOE LET"S imagine OK?????
FIRST THE FACTS ARE: the Proper term is "CHOICE"
Choice being ONLY for those UNDER AGE 55 everyone else continues as is!!!

Biden seem to forget that stipulation that ANYONE including the above "seniors" would NOT BE eligible for the "CHOICE" plan for SS/Medicare!

The then for those UNDER 55 to choose... KEEP exactly the way they are doing
CHOICE ONLY use a mix of SOLID secure investments LIKE what SS invests in ... US TREASURIES!!!
CHOICE of a mix of high growth potentials when younger moving as SMART people do the older towards more secure like bonds.. and near retirement 80 to 100% Secure!

WHERE in any of that would any SANE smart person at age 65 be 100% in the stock market ????

That mentality Biden displayed IS why idiots like Biden have relied on scare tactics.."oh don't want to be in the market...gamble..."
WELL Mr. Biden and all you idiots....
.. the facts are IF I at age 25 when I entered the job market had the $5,000 my employer and I contributed to SS/Medicare and I was GIVEN the freedom to choose and I had from age 25 to 45 in that DANGEROUS risky stock market would have at age 45 $238,000 .
Then age 45 take half that put in 3% growth secure bonds, etc.. leave rest in" risky stock market".. for 20 years at age 65 would have: $1,022,867!

GIVEN the choice at age 25 that 20 years in "risky stock market " has shown growth for 6% means $238,000

Then age 45 switch half to 3% bonds,etc. balance in "risky stock market".. TOTAL for over 40 years ONE MILLION dollars ..
Bidenlites: ???? IF the "risky stock market was so risky" WHY has it been around for hundreds of years???

WHY has the average appreciation of $1,000 in the "RISKY MARKET for 40 years grow to $13,000???

Why are BidenIdiots so afraid of letting the AVERAGE AMERICAN HAVE CHOICES???

Are you anti-choice, anti-freedom people actual PROJECTING YOUR OWN ignorance and assume the rest of AMERICANS ARE AS DUMB AS YOU that you have to have the government be there when you are born (womb) and control your life and burial ( tomb)!

ARE YOU idiots truly that mindless?? THAT IGNORANT you can't be educated, or make your own decisions???

OH I'm SURE BidenLites.. are so stupid you won't know how to use this calculator but for the "smart" intelligent people.. go to this web site and
it will prove my figures as this is where I got them!

Simple savings calculator --

I used 3% for bonds... 6.5% for "risky stock market".. started with $5,000 (which is what age 25 with a $40,000 salary would be contributed).
Then at 45 split the money half in bonds half in "risky stock market" and accumulation for 20 years $1 million!!!
Nothing is stopping you from investing retirement money in the stock market right now. Most Americans already do it
Why is Biden/Obama and his liteheads.. SO afraid of the average American having the freedom of choice in putting money in the "risky stock market"???

Why are they against the average American becoming a Millionaire through the power of "compound Interest"????
Why is Biden/Obama and his liteheads.. SO afraid of the average American having the freedom of choice in putting money in the "risky stock market"???

Why are they against the average American becoming a Millionaire through the power of "compound Interest"????

Power and control.

They NEED people to be dependent on government.

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