Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker

Yeah, yeah Willow. Biden spoke at a table in private with dinner mates and you put it out on the internet. Typical of the SIG shit flying around these days.

Not only that, it was at the [in]famous gridiron dinner, where everything is a joke or at worst a wink and a nod.

The alleged "bunker" in the VP residence was an office, specially built with state-of-the-art communications adaptability, and it was turned into a guest bedroom when the Bidens moved in.

The concrete bunker (command center) in the event of an attack is and always has been beneath the White House. Then there is a specially modified 747 located at Andrews which also serves as an operations command center for the president and his immediate staff. There are bunkers all over Camp David, and underground installations near Camp David along the Pennsylvania-Maryland border, at Mount Weather, in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, each of which could serve as a military command post for the president in time of war.

There is also a top secret location completely camoflauged which would serve as residences for the immediate families of the president, vice president and other top advisors.

Gets more intriguing by the minute, doesn't it?

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