Biden goes full as*hole on an 84 year old retiree.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Watch this 1 minute tirade that Good Ol Joe unleashed on an 84 year old Iowa farmer asking a question about Hunter Biden. Wow "You're a damn liar, you're fat, you're too old to vote for me!!!" What a dick!

Joe Biden's idea of courting voters in unconventional to say the least. He's an out of control nut bag.
Watch this 1 minute tirade that Good Ol Joe unleashed on an 84 year old Iowa farmer asking a question about Hunter Biden. Wow "You're a damn liar, you're fat, you're too old to vote for me!!!" What a dick!

did you hear him say that, I think you are hearing things, but I didn't like his response.
There is additional video taken during Biden's summer campaign featuring stories about his childhood arch villain named "cornpop". Biden rambles about his leg hair and how he likes to have children sit on his lap. Recently America's crazy old uncle apparently challenged an 89 year old voter to a pushup contest.
There is additional video taken during Biden's summer campaign featuring stories about his childhood arch villain named "cornpop". Biden rambles about his leg hair and how he likes to have children sit on his lap. Recently America's crazy old uncle apparently challenged an 89 year old voter to a pushup contest.
This is the man the democrats are going to run against Trump. :113:
Democrats are assholes!
Hilarious. The guy was spewing Fox b******* about Biden. And he did not say fat. Super duper. Can't wait until Biden gets elected and we can rejoin reality. Democrats should spend 80% of their time telling truth to idiocy about the GOP propaganda machine.
There is additional video taken during Biden's summer campaign featuring stories about his childhood arch villain named "cornpop". Biden rambles about his leg hair and how he likes to have children sit on his lap. Recently America's crazy old uncle apparently challenged an 89 year old voter to a pushup contest.
This is the man the democrats are going to run against Trump. :113:
Whatever you do, don't fact-check any of your misinformation super duper. And nobody in the real world gives a s*** about your garbage character assassination and misinformed hatred, hater dupe. We should no longer ignore your idiocy like Hillary did...
To me, Mr. Biden should just be glad that anything is said at all period. In my opinion, its better than busting your behind off only to have people ignore you for the most part like my late beautiful precious Billy Joe Royal was sadly a victim of for two whole decades in between his first two top ten songs.

God bless you and his family and Mr. B. always!!!


P.S. To me, if Billy Joe had not been cremated, underneath his name where his resting place would've been, I would've left the following message.

"He never knew when to quit."
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The real kicker is that the 84 year old fart later said that he is gonna vote for Biden!

Look it up! True story.

IOWA really stands for 'I'm Out Wandering Around'.
Watch this 1 minute tirade that Good Ol Joe unleashed on an 84 year old Iowa farmer asking a question about Hunter Biden. Wow "You're a damn liar, you're fat, you're too old to vote for me!!!" What a dick!

Biden was accurate as the guy is a Liz Warren supporter
Watch this 1 minute tirade that Good Ol Joe unleashed on an 84 year old Iowa farmer asking a question about Hunter Biden. Wow "You're a damn liar, you're fat, you're too old to vote for me!!!" What a dick!

Wow, where's all the people crying about a commercial
they interpreted as fat shaming, body images
giving joe backlash for calling this man fat and old

How does Joe know this man didn't get his info from MSNBC?
Watch this 1 minute tirade that Good Ol Joe unleashed on an 84 year old Iowa farmer asking a question about Hunter Biden. Wow "You're a damn liar, you're fat, you're too old to vote for me!!!" What a dick!

Joe was too kind to the butt.
I am glad to see someone get shut down for mis-information. No matter what age.
You think it's cool for a private citizen to be ridiculed for being too old and fat by a so-called political leader of our country? Oh I forgot Liberals like to "shut down" anyone questioning the Democratic elite, my bad.
There is additional video taken during Biden's summer campaign featuring stories about his childhood arch villain named "cornpop". Biden rambles about his leg hair and how he likes to have children sit on his lap. Recently America's crazy old uncle apparently challenged an 89 year old voter to a pushup contest.
This is the man the democrats are going to run against Trump. :113:
Whatever you do, don't fact-check any of your misinformation super duper. And nobody in the real world gives a s*** about your garbage character assassination and misinformed hatred, hater dupe. We should no longer ignore your idiocy like Hillary did...
Fact check? By Huffington or George Soros? The freaking vids are out there. Personally I suggest that hard core democrats continue to support Biden. It will make Trump's landslide in 2020 even more significant.

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