Biden FBI Plant at Twitter fired for secretly censoring Twitter Files before being released

You don’t need read it to me. You should read it for yourself though. You need to show the section that backs up your arguments but you can’t so you just pretend like it’s in there…. It isn’t
I already did, you witless turd..

20. This post about the Crackhead Hunter Biden laptop situation shows that Roth not only met weekly with the disgraced FBI and Department of Homeland Security, but with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI):
FBI Employee (former) Jim Baker served as general counsel at Twitter & should have been fired in the first round of firings but actually I am really happy the way this went down. He was caught red handed trying to protect Joe Biden and the Corrupt and Politicized & Weaponized FBI by sanitizing and removing all references to Biden and FBI corruption and the Hunter Biden Laptop from the Twitter Files before releasing them and did so secretly and without permission. Jim Baker was involved in the Russian Collusion Hoax as well as other nefarious activities. There was also a back door channel directly to The FBI and Biden Administration that was used to censor and ban Twitter users, including arguably President Trump and many other conservative leaders and Twitter users.

The FBI has proven itself to be a threat to the Constitution, to Constitutional rights, to the Rule of Law, to American citizens, & to our democratic Republic.

It has proven itself to be equal to the Nazi regime's Gestapo or 'SS'.

Mueller, Comey, and Wray should be tried for their proven crimes on national TV.

The FBI should either be disbanned / shut down OR its ranks be purged or criminal partisans and the FBI placed under management / supervision by a truly independent person from OUTSIDE the FBI, who has never been a member of the FBI, never worked with the FBI, and who has no past with former or current FBI leadership.
Would you mind if I just take a moment to show why you are a brain dead dupe??

You posted a link to some right wing propaganda source that posted the 3rd Twitter dump. I got to #6 and saw the term “Brain dead Joe Biden”. Didn’t sound right. So I went to Twitter and looked at the real thread….. no “Brain Dead Joe Biden”

So your source is editing the Twitter dump. You’re reading an edited version and presenting it as real news. It’s not. It is fake news and a manipulation of the source. Now why would you reference that crap instead of just going to the source? You are not an honest person

Do better

LOL. My reply to you was very responsive to your silly claim that it is all a conspiracy theory with no basis.

My post was more recent information from Matt Taibbi. As he posts, they say they are uncovering more information and release it as they find it.

And regarding your second included Tweet, he has provided more information about how biased the requests for censoring were...

I already did, you witless turd..

20. This post about the Crackhead Hunter Biden laptop situation shows that Roth not only met weekly with the disgraced FBI and Department of Homeland Security, but with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI):
You’re posting fake news… here is the actual post. No crackhead.

The post also says nothing about the FBI/DHS/DNI telling them to censor it. It actually says that they “declined to share anything useful”. Do you even read the things you post?! Unbelievable

Would you mind if I just take a moment to show why you are a brain dead dupe??

You posted a link to some right wing propaganda source that posted the 3rd Twitter dump. I got to #6 and saw the term “Brain dead Joe Biden”. Didn’t sound right. So I went to Twitter and looked at the real thread….. no “Brain Dead Joe Biden”

So your source is editing the Twitter dump. You’re reading an edited version and presenting it as real news. It’s not. It is fake news and a manipulation of the source. Now why would you reference that crap instead of just going to the source? You are not an honest person

Do better

View attachment 737581View attachment 737582
So they inserted some colorful adjectives. Did they change the essential text of the post? No, You're grasping at straws.
LOL. My reply to you was very responsive to your silly claim that it is all a conspiracy theory with no basis.

My post was more recent information from Matt Taibbi. As he posts, they say they are uncovering more information and release it as they find it.
The claims being tossed out there are a conspiracy theory at this point. There’s no evidence to back up the claims. If more is being uncovered then cool. As of now nothing has been uncovered to substantiate the claims y’all are making. So as of now y’all are lying or spreading assumptions disguised as facts
Would you mind if I just take a moment to show why you are a brain dead dupe??

You posted a link to some right wing propaganda source that posted the 3rd Twitter dump. I got to #6 and saw the term “Brain dead Joe Biden”. Didn’t sound right. So I went to Twitter and looked at the real thread….. no “Brain Dead Joe Biden”

So your source is editing the Twitter dump. You’re reading an edited version and presenting it as real news. It’s not. It is fake news and a manipulation of the source. Now why would you reference that crap instead of just going to the source? You are not an honest person

Do better

View attachment 737581View attachment 737582
I don't have a twitter account so I can't go there directly
So they inserted some colorful adjectives. Did they change the essential text of the post? No, You're grasping at straws.
Why insert anything if you’re trying to examine the facts? Shows that you pull off of biased sources and spread fake news. Why aren’t you just sticking to the facts
The claims being tossed out there are a conspiracy theory at this point. There’s no evidence to back up the claims. If more is being uncovered then cool. As of now nothing has been uncovered to substantiate the claims y’all are making. So as of now y’all are lying or spreading assumptions disguised as facts
There's no conspiracy "theory." we have hard proof that the FBI was directing Twitter what to censor and who to ban.
Why insert anything if you’re trying to examine the facts? Shows that you pull off of biased sources and spread fake news. Why aren’t you just sticking to the facts
I went to the first result that appeared in my search results. Prove that the addition of insulting adjectives changed any of the fact.

Here ya go from the taibbi's twitter feed:

20. This post about the Hunter Biden laptop situation shows that Roth not only met weekly with the FBI and DHS, but with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI):​
Now try to weasel out of that.
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There's no conspiracy "theory." we have hard proof that the FBI was directing Twitter what to censor and who to ban.
You have zero proof which is why you keep dancing around posting it. Right now post the hard proof… let’s see it
I went to the first result that appeared in my search results. Prove that the addition of insulting adjectives changed any of the fact.
I’m not saying it changes facts I’m saying it shows they are editing the source. Right there should label them untrustworthy. How do you know they aren’t deleting out important passages or changing meanings? There should be zero editing or opinionating when reviewing source material. You’d be saying the same crap if I posted a BS source like you just did. We both know it.
There are no conspiracies. The Russians were colluding with Trump. Trump should have been removed for high crimes and misdemeanors. You are the ones who want to use false claims and accusations to overturn elections.
It was proven that Obama, Clinton, The DNC and Joe Biden hatched the Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP and had the FBI carry out their dirty work.

The FBI also protected both Clinton and Biden from being criminally prosecuted for corruption and multiple felonies.

I’m not saying it changes facts I’m saying it shows they are editing the source. Right there should label them untrustworthy. How do you know they aren’t deleting out important passages or changing meanings? There should be zero editing or opinionating when reviewing source material. You’d be saying the same crap if I posted a BS source like you just did. We both know it.
"Them" isn't Elon Musk of Matt Taibbi. I posted directly from Twitter, Only the terminally gullible would trust some desperate bone head like you over them.
"Them" isn't Elon Musk of Matt Taibbi. I posted directly from Twitter, Only the terminally gullible would trust some desperate bone head like you over them.
The Partisan FBI, CDC and DHS met weekly with Twitter and essentially ran that social media company as an advertisement service for The Democrat Party and as their own personal censorship mechanism for anyone they saw as a threat to their narratives.
"Them" isn't Elon Musk of Matt Taibbi. I posted directly from Twitter, Only the terminally gullible would trust some desperate bone head like you over them.
I haven’t posted anything that requires trust from me. I’m the one posting directly from Twitter. You just lied and said you posted directly from Twitter when a few posts ago you admitted to not being able to access Twitter cause you don’t have an account. You’re just a liar, why do you waste everybody’s time

I don't have a twitter account so I can't go there directly
I haven’t posted anything that requires trust from me. I’m the one posting directly from Twitter. You just lied and said you posted directly from Twitter when a few posts ago you admitted to not being able to access Twitter cause you don’t have an account. You’re just a liar, why do you waste everybody’s time
ROLF Obviously I didn't have way to post directly from twitters. I found a way to do it. You aren't disputing that the last thing posted from Twitter is genuine. They were caught red-handed taking instruction from the corrupt FBI and thereby violating the First Amendment.

I realize you believe exposing FBI criminals is a waste of time, but some people in this country place the Bill of Rights before their filthy party.
I went to the first result that appeared in my search results. Prove that the addition of insulting adjectives changed any of the fact.

Here ya go from the taibbi's twitter feed:

20. This post about the Hunter Biden laptop situation shows that Roth not only met weekly with the FBI and DHS, but with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI):​
Now try to weasel out of that.

No weaseling neccessary. Just read the rest of the tweet that your lying ass omitted… the part in black where they said the government didn’t give them anything useful….


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