
Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
In the Twenty-First Century, the wisdom of the Holy Bible illuminates, guides, transforms, educates, if people would only heed and follow it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36

Phil Spector – Hollywood record producer whose net worth was $100 million, murdered his girlfriend, doing life in prison

Bernie Madoff – Wall Street mogul and former NASDAQ Chairman had a net worth of $823 million but engineered a $65 billion Ponzi Scheme and is doing life in prison

Bill Cosby – Hollywood celebrity and perhaps most beloved person in America, with a net worth of $400 million, drugged and raped dozens of women, doing three to ten years in prison. Expects to do full ten years rather than say “sorry” to victims.

Jeffrey Epstein – Wall Street mogul worth $577 million, molested and raped dozens of young girls and committed suicide while awaiting trial

Harvey Weinstein –Hollywood film producer worth $300 million, raped numerous aspiring actresses and was sentenced to 23 years in prison, which is a virtual life sentence
In the Twenty-First Century, the wisdom of the Holy Bible illuminates, guides, transforms, educates, if people would only heed and follow it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36

Phil Spector – Hollywood record producer whose net worth was $100 million, murdered his girlfriend, doing life in prison

Bernie Madoff – Wall Street mogul and former NASDAQ Chairman had a net worth of $823 million but engineered a $65 billion Ponzi Scheme and is doing life in prison

Bill Cosby – Hollywood celebrity and perhaps most beloved person in America, with a net worth of $400 million, drugged and raped dozens of women, doing three to ten years in prison. Expects to do full ten years rather than say “sorry” to victims.

Jeffrey Epstein – Wall Street mogul worth $577 million, molested and raped dozens of young girls and committed suicide while awaiting trial

Harvey Weinstein –Hollywood film producer worth $300 million, raped numerous aspiring actresses and was sentenced to 23 years in prison, which is a virtual life sentence

Chem - certainly true. There is a difference between "knowledge) and wisdom (Greek sophia).

Wisdom involves applying knowledge in a beneficial way - certainly not the way those to whom you refer in OP lived. Not sure Epstein was a suicide - certainly suicide watch did not work.

James 3:17
But the wisdom+ from above is first of all chaste,+ then peaceable,+ reasonable,*+ ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits,+ not making partial distinctions,+ not hypocritical

See the context, btw.
In the Twenty-First Century, the wisdom of the Holy Bible illuminates, guides, transforms, educates, if people would only heed and follow it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36

Phil Spector – Hollywood record producer whose net worth was $100 million, murdered his girlfriend, doing life in prison

Bernie Madoff – Wall Street mogul and former NASDAQ Chairman had a net worth of $823 million but engineered a $65 billion Ponzi Scheme and is doing life in prison

Bill Cosby – Hollywood celebrity and perhaps most beloved person in America, with a net worth of $400 million, drugged and raped dozens of women, doing three to ten years in prison. Expects to do full ten years rather than say “sorry” to victims.

Jeffrey Epstein – Wall Street mogul worth $577 million, molested and raped dozens of young girls and committed suicide while awaiting trial

Harvey Weinstein –Hollywood film producer worth $300 million, raped numerous aspiring actresses and was sentenced to 23 years in prison, which is a virtual life sentence
Saving souls is big business for religion. The TV power preachers rake in the dollars by raping their flocks.

The Catholic Church - The institution ran a syndicate for Child sex abuse that lasted for decades. The pious priests were lecturing their flock on all things moral and holy while boinking little Boys.
In the Twenty-First Century, the wisdom of the Holy Bible illuminates, guides, transforms, educates, if people would only heed and follow it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36

Phil Spector – Hollywood record producer whose net worth was $100 million, murdered his girlfriend, doing life in prison

Bernie Madoff – Wall Street mogul and former NASDAQ Chairman had a net worth of $823 million but engineered a $65 billion Ponzi Scheme and is doing life in prison

Bill Cosby – Hollywood celebrity and perhaps most beloved person in America, with a net worth of $400 million, drugged and raped dozens of women, doing three to ten years in prison. Expects to do full ten years rather than say “sorry” to victims.

Jeffrey Epstein – Wall Street mogul worth $577 million, molested and raped dozens of young girls and committed suicide while awaiting trial

Harvey Weinstein –Hollywood film producer worth $300 million, raped numerous aspiring actresses and was sentenced to 23 years in prison, which is a virtual life sentence
Saving souls is big business for religion. The TV power preachers rake in the dollars by raping their flocks.

The Catholic Church - The institution ran a syndicate for Child sex abuse that lasted for decades. The pious priests were lecturing their flock on all things moral and holy while boinking little Boys.

True- but that is a case of evil practices not Godly wisdom. Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day for equally good reasons.
True- but that is a case of evil practices not Godly wisdom. Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day for equally good reasons.

My good friend, Newtonian, replied to Hollie who is on my Ignore List. When I clicked reply to Newtonian, Hollie's ignorance popped up, viz.,

"The Catholic Church - The institution ran a syndicate for Child sex abuse that lasted for decades. The pious priests were lecturing their flock on all things moral and holy while boinking little Boys." -
Hollie the Leftist

Two important points need to be made.

1. Every Catholic priest who molested a little boy was by definition a homosexual. So the condemnation of this protected and revered class of Leftist by Hollie makes her a "bigot" and "homophobe" by the usual classification of Leftists.

2. The US Department of Education stated that the number of minors molested by public school teachers is at LEAST 100 times the number molested by Catholic priests.
True- but that is a case of evil practices not Godly wisdom. Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day for equally good reasons.

My good friend, Newtonian, replied to Hollie who is on my Ignore List. When I clicked reply to Newtonian, Hollie's ignorance popped up, viz.,

"The Catholic Church - The institution ran a syndicate for Child sex abuse that lasted for decades. The pious priests were lecturing their flock on all things moral and holy while boinking little Boys." - Hollie the Leftist

Two important points need to be made.

1. Every Catholic priest who molested a little boy was by definition a homosexual. So the condemnation of this protected and revered class of Leftist by Hollie makes her a "bigot" and "homophobe" by the usual classification of Leftists.

2. The US Department of Education stated that the number of minors molested by public school teachers is at LEAST 100 times the number molested by Catholic priests.

And don't forget children who are abused or even raped and murdered under child protective services custody. Btw - this fact is usually suppressed.

But, as usual, Hollie has got us off topic! Nonetheless, both wisdom and knowledge are involved when considering taking a child away from his/her parents - rarely is the child's feelings taken into consideration nor the dangers involved revealed.

But you are correct - a child away from parents is in danger even at school - even in anger from fellow students not just teachers.

This is why at our meetings children and adults attend the same meetings at our place of worship (or now on Zoom)
From the dudes mentioned above like Epstein, Bill Cosby, Weinstein, those guys weren't religious people like going to the church every week. They didn't have wisdom, they were just smart people, something that is a complete different scenario.

On the other hand, Ham, the son of Noah who was born toasted and from who the black race comes from, he probably received words of wisdom from his father Noah.

About priest from the Catholic church, well, they never received wisdom anyway, their doctrine was corrupted from its very beginning.

The topic itself guides to understand that people without wisdom do crazy and stupid things, they do harm to others and they destroy themselves as well.
From the dudes mentioned above like Epstein, Bill Cosby, Weinstein, those guys weren't religious people like going to the church every week. They didn't have wisdom, they were just smart people, something that is a complete different scenario.

On the other hand, Ham, the son of Noah who was born toasted and from who the black race comes from, he probably received words of wisdom from his father Noah.

About priest from the Catholic church, well, they never received wisdom anyway, their doctrine was corrupted from its very beginning.

The topic itself guides to understand that people without wisdom do crazy and stupid things, they do harm to others and they destroy themselves as well.

Good points but on what basis do you think Ham was 'black'?

See the table of nations in Genesis chapter 10 - many 'races' came from Ham. From our Bible dictionary under "Ham":


"Some persons have incorrectly held that the black race and enslavement of members of that race resulted from the curse pronounced upon Canaan. On the contrary, the descendants of Canaan, the cursed one, were not of the black race. The black race descended from Cush and possibly from Put, other sons of Ham who were not involved in the incident or the curse."
From the dudes mentioned above like Epstein, Bill Cosby, Weinstein, those guys weren't religious people like going to the church every week. They didn't have wisdom, they were just smart people, something that is a complete different scenario.

On the other hand, Ham, the son of Noah who was born toasted and from who the black race comes from, he probably received words of wisdom from his father Noah.

About priest from the Catholic church, well, they never received wisdom anyway, their doctrine was corrupted from its very beginning.

The topic itself guides to understand that people without wisdom do crazy and stupid things, they do harm to others and they destroy themselves as well.

Good points but on what basis do you think Ham was 'black'?

See the table of nations in Genesis chapter 10 - many 'races' came from Ham. From our Bible dictionary under "Ham":


"Some persons have incorrectly held that the black race and enslavement of members of that race resulted from the curse pronounced upon Canaan. On the contrary, the descendants of Canaan, the cursed one, were not of the black race. The black race descended from Cush and possibly from Put, other sons of Ham who were not involved in the incident or the curse."
This is not about the incident with Canaan. Come on.

The name Ham means hot, heat, brown.

Why is that name received by this son of Noah?

He was toasted.

According to legends from more recent events like the Exodus era, while the pharaoh was dealing with the plagues in his empire, in Arabia the people experience floods, same as well in China. The catastrophe was worldwide.

Records of those ancient writings made after the catastrophe, mention that the weather became so hot in some areas, that people jumped over the water tryin to refresh themselves and died cooked because the water was boiling as well.

The skin of their bodies turned dark due to the heat. Their hair was burnt as well, and became curly. Just lite a match near your straight hair and will curl itself as well. Their lips became swollen and they adopted the characteristics of today's black people.

And look, the effects weren't caused directly by the heat but by the chemicals which arose from the catastrophe. Like the chemicals which caused the T-Rex to lose digits in the hands, small arms, bigger head and deformed gigantic teeth, those were caused by chemicals in the environment.

The flood is known to be caused by hot water coming from the abyss, as the bible states. Surely also brought up chemicals from the interior of earth as well.

Ham was the affected son, his name reveals what happened to him.

His wife was probably white or perhaps black as Ham. There is no mention about it, but yes, Ham has white race children, the ones who lived in the known land of Canaan and beyond.

It is not uncommon for children to be born with white skin from a black father and a white mother.

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