Bible for Heavens or Earth?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
The bible appears to be 99% about Earth, so I would say it was written for Earth, and has no influence over travelers to Mars or the moon, or other solar systems. Once you leave Earth, you can leave your bible behind. In fact, I don't see where there is any bibical reference to take it with you.

Wrong. It was written for Earthlings. Who is to say that God did not create other beings too and provided their bible?

The probibility is that we will never get out of the solar system, may never get past Mars if we even get there that is.
I think many Christians deny any possibility of intelligent life on other planets due to the question "why would God send his only son down to earth of all places?"
I think many Christians deny any possibility of intelligent life on other planets due to the question "why would God send his only son down to earth of all places?"

But maybe the others did not succumb to the fruit of the tree of life! And therefore do not need the blood of Christ to wash away their sins. For someone to say that God did not do this is saying they know the mind of God and his purpose and I say no mortal mind knows the mind of God or his purpose. So anything is possible.
Wrong. It was written for Earthlings. Who is to say that God did not create other beings too and provided their bible?

The probibility is that we will never get out of the solar system, may never get past Mars if we even get there that is.

Wrong? You said the same thing I did!!! LMAO! :lol: I am not sure we are correct, but that is why I asked, to stir the hearts a little in thought.

Why wouldn't an all seeing, all knowing god write one book for the universe? He has no interest in making us feel good about earth. Then again, maybe he uses the same materials and just changes the name of earth to something else for the other planets.
The bible appears to be 99% about Earth, so I would say it was written for Earth, and has no influence over travelers to Mars or the moon, or other solar systems. Once you leave Earth, you can leave your bible behind. In fact, I don't see where there is any bibical reference to take it with you.


I would presume that those of God's children on other planets have their own volumes of Scriptures much like the Tribes of Israel, other than Judah, and the other Tribes of the earth have theirs.

However, the principles would likely be the same. I highly doubt God is going to fail to teach them the principles of the Eternities.
The bible appears to be 99% about Earth, so I would say it was written for Earth, and has no influence over travelers to Mars or the moon, or other solar systems. Once you leave Earth, you can leave your bible behind. In fact, I don't see where there is any bibical reference to take it with you.


The bible was written BY men. Men who have no knowledge of anything other then earth. They were fiction writers, not science fiction. :lol:

The bible appears to be 99% about Earth, so I would say it was written for Earth, and has no influence over travelers to Mars or the moon, or other solar systems. Once you leave Earth, you can leave your bible behind. In fact, I don't see where there is any bibical reference to take it with you.


what a silly question...
Below is a quote from:
American Christian Society -

thought it might help – sorry for the long read – enjoy

Years ago Galileo was put to death for teaching that the earth was a sphere and we revolved around the sun. Religious “teachers” had a problem with this because it no longer placed us in the center of the universe. Today we are still asked to believe that we are the center of the universe, in other words, the only apple of God’s eye. It’s just us, this one group of people in this one moment of time. God does not limit his love and gifts to a very small group of people and simply stop there. Take complicated problems and break them down to simple problems. The answers are under our noses. In nature we do not ever see one of anything. Patterns emerge and we see multiple things. Look at trees all over the world for one example. Not two are ever exactly alike, but there are always more and more.
The sun is the seed in our solar system. We can see other solar systems and galaxies going through different points of development. Some are young and some are old. It’s just like looking at trees in a forest.
Maybe, Just maybe

There are millions of worlds with different life forms and we happen to inhabit only one of them. Of course, if this is true, what is the significance of man to the universe?

Thus the need to erase the possibility of life on other planets. Such a thing would suggest Genesis is like a myth!!

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