Bible Belt unemployment, divorce rates, illiteracy, and tornadoes are God's Wrath

And the murder rate in DC is indicative of the stupidity of the left, I guess.

And the HIV & Hep rates in San Francisco.

Actually, when HIV his San Francisco, President Reagan and the Republicans worked hard to ignore it. I suspect they thought that if all the gays died, the pluses outweighed the minuses.

Even today, the UN has publicly stated the Republicans cutting all funding to planned parenthood and the effectiveness of using condoms has probably caused many more cases of AIDS than if a more sensible approach of safe sex and prevention were used.

Republicans think that "Just say No" should work. It's the Jesusyway to do things.
Republicans let ideology trump common sense every single time. They can't help it.
Turns out Rush Limbaugh was apparently making some racist remarks about the tragedy in Haiti too.

Sad individuals, trying to turn a horrible incident into a way to make points in some political/religious game they're playing.

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