Biased crap on Murtha

Pa. Dem Murtha remembered as military advocate - Yahoo! News

Not one mention of his infamous attack on the Marine Corps. Figures.

Well Gunny, Mr. Murtha was awarded the American Spirit Honor Medal out of Boot Camp. He became a Drill Instructor, served in Viet Nam, where he was awarded the Purple Heart.

Your are full of crap. You know your full of crap. Your crap meter is on overload.

Traveling Asshole,

Adolph Hitler also served with distinction in WWI. Got the Iron Cross (something like a bronze star).......and he turned out to be one of the worst assholes of Mankind.

Here's the lesson for you, you fucking idiot: It's not what you WERE, when you were the good guy. It's what you are.....and what you did in your final years.

And Murtha was a TOTAL ASSHOLE in the last decades of his life !!!!!

Visiting and extolling the Baghdad PSYCHO ENEMY Saddam just days or weeks before the invasion.....and being a TOTAL OBAMARRHOIDAL ASSHOLE in his final days and years

May MURTHA the CRUNT roast in Hell together with that other turd: The Chappaquidick Murderer.
I was taught not to speak ill of the dead so i will hold back on what i really think about Murtha. I will say that term limits need to be seriously considered though. That guy served way too long in Congress. 30 or 40yrs in Congress is just too long in my opinion. The term limit issue needs to be taken seriously.
thank God the congressional toilet just flushed out one of the turds that are in congress. time for some more flushing!!! time of term limits!!!!

Only they must've not made the mistakes they were accused of and it doesn't take a partisan hack to care about what the politicians who are supposed to represent us and we vote are flapping off at the gums about. Especially when they are making false accusations.

Whether Marines are Gods and or make mistakes are both irrelevant since no Marine I know claimed to be a god, nor did Murtha accuse anyone of making a "mistake". Murder is a deliberate act.

One is still under investigation, and the others were let off due to lack of evidence..hardly ringing endorsements

Ya cause lack of evidence does not prove one did not do it, ehh? Dumb ass.

By your rationale, the 70+% of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay who were released before 2008 were innocent. You accept that then, right? That the vast majority of people we claimed were not actually terrorists and were held in detention for years extralegally were innocent and we fucked up, because once anyone saw the case against them they realized there was no evidence?

If a lack of evidence exonerates you, as you claim and as the law holds, then you recognize that the vast, vast majority of Gitmo detainees were not terrorists.

As for Murtha, he was right on Iraq eventually, but voted for the AUMF like an easily led idiot giving away his Congressional responsibility to be the one to declare war and all that comes with it. I respect his reversal and attempts to pull the troops out once it was abundantly clear our presence was doing more harm than good to all, but he was a slimy, corrupt fuck all the same who exploited his position for personal gain and helped fund the MI-C in a bunch of sleazy, unscrupulous ways.

I'm not cheering his death, as I wouldn't cheer anyone's, but I also don't buy into the idea that we should pretend people were so much better than they were just because they've died.
Pa. Dem Murtha remembered as military advocate - Yahoo! News Not one mention of his infamous attack on the Marine Corps. Figures.

Your a lying, low life, scum sucking, shit eating lifer gunny, and you know it.

You had no problem with the shrub being a deserter, did you gunny, you piece of crap.

You had no problem with dead-eye dick(less) being a draft dodger, did you gunny, you scum sucking, lifer piece of shit.

All Mr. Murtha did was tell the truth, but you yellow belly coward, you didn't like the truth and you post lies even now.

You are a coward gunny, a shit sucking coward.

Lazy, Inefficient Fuck Off Execpting Retirement. LIFER ASSHOLE!!!!!

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