Better relations


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
I'm sure someone probably suggested this many times on USMB, but here goes.

Maybe we could agree to write neutral thread titles in the future. Seems like the authors frequently engage in baiting from the very start with inflamatory titles.

They do the same thing that newpaper editors do.

They seek to capture the readers' interest.

What astounds me is how often the article (or post) doesn't really have all that much to do with (or actually refutes) the subject line/headline
To what end, saveliberty? Even assuming we could agree on the rules -- which would never happen -- is there some value is restricting partisanship to the content of the post alone?
Just hoping we might get better debates and some cooperation.
I was disappointed. I thought this thread would offer up some really killer ideas and tips about how to have great sex... Bummer.
I was disappointed. I thought this thread would offer up some really killer ideas and tips about how to have great sex... Bummer.

We might get further with that discussion anyways Big Black Dog. Feel free to hijack the thread. :lol:

I agree we make do Madeline. Not looking forward to the hyper partisanship the next couple of weeks might generate.
I'm sure someone probably suggested this many times on USMB, but here goes.

Maybe we could agree to write neutral thread titles in the future. Seems like the authors frequently engage in baiting from the very start with inflamatory titles.

Actually, even if I write neutral thread titles they sometimes end up inflammatory. I once posted a thread about a hot topic, and several others were also posted about that same topic. Whatever mod merged the threads chose to use an inflammatory thread title as the titel of the merged thread, and since I was the first to post it looked like I posted that title. (Not that I have a problem with mods exercising their power that way. I actually liked the editorial change.)

Since then I simply prefer to be inflammatory, it irritates people more. Civil discourse is a wonderful concept, but I reserve my right to offend anyone who needs offending.
I'm sure someone probably suggested this many times on USMB, but here goes.

Maybe we could agree to write neutral thread titles in the future. Seems like the authors frequently engage in baiting from the very start with inflamatory titles.


A controversial thread title is much more likely to receive clickage than a bland neutral one.
It really would be a good idea, and If everyone else did it, the world would be a wonderful place.

Rainbows and unicorns and all the rest of it.

But I really don't think I would be able to hold anybody to a standard I can't keep myself.

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