Better bargain, "bang for buck": Government or Private sector???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Which use of your dollar gives you the most value? The most bang for the buck? Lets discuss:

Government: Most people pay between 25%-50% of their salary on taxes (local, county, state, sales, federal, etc). What do we get for it? Here it is:

- Roads that are passable, in relatively ok shape, so we can drive.
- Military protection: The US hasn't been invaded by a foreign nation since....well, ever. The Brits lost in 1776. Japan never attempted an invasion.
- Police protection: You have somehwere near you, at all times 24/7, an armed cop willing to risk his life to protect yours anytime if you dial 911. As close to a personal bodyguard as one can get without paying for it.
- Fire protection: If your home catches fire, a truck comes with brave men on it who will save your ass and try to save your house.
- Schools- Some suck, some dont. But we have public schools that everyone has access to.
- A social safety net: YES, it has issues and money trouble. But bottom line is....our people dont starve to death or have to fight wars for water. Our poor are fat for God's sake.

I feel like...if Im being honest...that we taxpayers are getting a pretty good deal overall. 90% of us are getting back WAY MORE from the govt than we put into it. Now...we should fix the problems for sure.

Private sector: For the sake of the length of this thread, I wont list every single thing the private sector provides. Basically everything thats not listed above.

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

So...basically, the private sector is built on the idea that people give them money, and they give them a product or service that is worth a little bit less than the money they gave, or a LOT less. Thats how profit works.

And the government...provides 90% of people far more in return than they put in. Which may not be sustainable at all much longer, but is great for 90% of people. And the other 10%? Well, its payback for taking our money in the private sector and not returning teh same amount hahaha!
I feel like it's a lot more complicated than that.
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Which use of your dollar gives you the most value? The most bang for the buck? Lets discuss:

Government: Most people pay between 25%-50% of their salary on taxes (local, county, state, sales, federal, etc). What do we get for it? Here it is:

- Roads that are passable, in relatively ok shape, so we can drive.
- Military protection: The US hasn't been invaded by a foreign nation since....well, ever. The Brits lost in 1776. Japan never attempted an invasion.
- Police protection: You have somehwere near you, at all times 24/7, an armed cop willing to risk his life to protect yours anytime if you dial 911. As close to a personal bodyguard as one can get without paying for it.
- Fire protection: If your home catches fire, a truck comes with brave men on it who will save your ass and try to save your house.
- Schools- Some suck, some dont. But we have public schools that everyone has access to.
- A social safety net: YES, it has issues and money trouble. But bottom line is....our people dont starve to death or have to fight wars for water. Our poor are fat for God's sake.

I feel like...if Im being honest...that we taxpayers are getting a pretty good deal overall. 90% of us are getting back WAY MORE from the govt than we put into it. Now...we should fix the problems for sure.

Private sector: For the sake of the length of this thread, I wont list every single thing the private sector provides. Basically everything thats not listed above.

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

So...basically, the private sector is built on the idea that people give them money, and they give them a product or service that is worth a little bit less than the money they gave, or a LOT less. Thats how profit works.

And the government...provides 90% of people far more in return than they put in. Which may not be sustainable at all much longer, but is great for 90% of people. And the other 10%? Well, its payback for taking our money in the private sector and not returning teh same amount hahaha!

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

You really don't have to pay Comcast and you really didn't have to buy Madden football...
You don't like the price ...Don't buy it.
They will only be able to charge what the market will allow.
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Which use of your dollar gives you the most value? The most bang for the buck? Lets discuss:

Government: Most people pay between 25%-50% of their salary on taxes (local, county, state, sales, federal, etc). What do we get for it? Here it is:

- Roads that are passable, in relatively ok shape, so we can drive.
- Military protection: The US hasn't been invaded by a foreign nation since....well, ever. The Brits lost in 1776. Japan never attempted an invasion.
- Police protection: You have somehwere near you, at all times 24/7, an armed cop willing to risk his life to protect yours anytime if you dial 911. As close to a personal bodyguard as one can get without paying for it.
- Fire protection: If your home catches fire, a truck comes with brave men on it who will save your ass and try to save your house.
- Schools- Some suck, some dont. But we have public schools that everyone has access to.
- A social safety net: YES, it has issues and money trouble. But bottom line is....our people dont starve to death or have to fight wars for water. Our poor are fat for God's sake.

I feel like...if Im being honest...that we taxpayers are getting a pretty good deal overall. 90% of us are getting back WAY MORE from the govt than we put into it. Now...we should fix the problems for sure.

Private sector: For the sake of the length of this thread, I wont list every single thing the private sector provides. Basically everything thats not listed above.

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

So...basically, the private sector is built on the idea that people give them money, and they give them a product or service that is worth a little bit less than the money they gave, or a LOT less. Thats how profit works.

And the government...provides 90% of people far more in return than they put in. Which may not be sustainable at all much longer, but is great for 90% of people. And the other 10%? Well, its payback for taking our money in the private sector and not returning teh same amount hahaha!

That's not how profit works at all. If you paid Best Buy $60 for the new Madden video game then you valued that video game more than you valued the $60, whereas Best Buy valued the $60 more than the video game. If this were not the case then neither of you would have agreed to the sale. The truth is that you both profited from the exchange.
Which use of your dollar gives you the most value? The most bang for the buck? Lets discuss:

Government: Most people pay between 25%-50% of their salary on taxes (local, county, state, sales, federal, etc). What do we get for it? Here it is:

- Roads that are passable, in relatively ok shape, so we can drive.
- Military protection: The US hasn't been invaded by a foreign nation since....well, ever. The Brits lost in 1776. Japan never attempted an invasion.
- Police protection: You have somehwere near you, at all times 24/7, an armed cop willing to risk his life to protect yours anytime if you dial 911. As close to a personal bodyguard as one can get without paying for it.
- Fire protection: If your home catches fire, a truck comes with brave men on it who will save your ass and try to save your house.
- Schools- Some suck, some dont. But we have public schools that everyone has access to.
- A social safety net: YES, it has issues and money trouble. But bottom line is....our people dont starve to death or have to fight wars for water. Our poor are fat for God's sake.

I feel like...if Im being honest...that we taxpayers are getting a pretty good deal overall. 90% of us are getting back WAY MORE from the govt than we put into it. Now...we should fix the problems for sure.

Private sector: For the sake of the length of this thread, I wont list every single thing the private sector provides. Basically everything thats not listed above.

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

So...basically, the private sector is built on the idea that people give them money, and they give them a product or service that is worth a little bit less than the money they gave, or a LOT less. Thats how profit works.

And the government...provides 90% of people far more in return than they put in. Which may not be sustainable at all much longer, but is great for 90% of people. And the other 10%? Well, its payback for taking our money in the private sector and not returning teh same amount hahaha!

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

You really don't have to pay Comcast and you really didn't have to buy Madden football...
You don't like the price ...Don't buy it.
They will only be able to charge what the market will allow.

But food, energy and medical care are different beasts.
Which use of your dollar gives you the most value? The most bang for the buck? Lets discuss:

Government: Most people pay between 25%-50% of their salary on taxes (local, county, state, sales, federal, etc). What do we get for it? Here it is:

- Roads that are passable, in relatively ok shape, so we can drive.
- Military protection: The US hasn't been invaded by a foreign nation since....well, ever. The Brits lost in 1776. Japan never attempted an invasion.
- Police protection: You have somehwere near you, at all times 24/7, an armed cop willing to risk his life to protect yours anytime if you dial 911. As close to a personal bodyguard as one can get without paying for it.
- Fire protection: If your home catches fire, a truck comes with brave men on it who will save your ass and try to save your house.
- Schools- Some suck, some dont. But we have public schools that everyone has access to.
- A social safety net: YES, it has issues and money trouble. But bottom line is....our people dont starve to death or have to fight wars for water. Our poor are fat for God's sake.

I feel like...if Im being honest...that we taxpayers are getting a pretty good deal overall. 90% of us are getting back WAY MORE from the govt than we put into it. Now...we should fix the problems for sure.

Private sector: For the sake of the length of this thread, I wont list every single thing the private sector provides. Basically everything thats not listed above.

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

So...basically, the private sector is built on the idea that people give them money, and they give them a product or service that is worth a little bit less than the money they gave, or a LOT less. Thats how profit works.

And the government...provides 90% of people far more in return than they put in. Which may not be sustainable at all much longer, but is great for 90% of people. And the other 10%? Well, its payback for taking our money in the private sector and not returning teh same amount hahaha!

That's not how profit works at all. If you paid Best Buy $60 for the new Madden video game then you valued that video game more than you valued the $60, whereas Best Buy valued the $60 more than the video game. If this were not the case then neither of you would have agreed to the sale. The truth is that you both profited from the exchange.

Not true. That game aint worth 50 bucks. BUT...I cant get it anywhere else for cheaper. So I suck it up and take the loss because I want the game.

Kinda like taking a really hot chick you just met out to an expensive dinner, movie, etc, dropping a couple hundred bucks.....just to try to get some. She aint worth that, neither is one night of hook-up, but, we do it anyway.

Some stuff is technically optional, like Comcast. But reality is....some shit is simply mandatory to live a civil, responsible life. Like a car, power, water, food......all sold at way higher prices by the private sector than what it costs to produce. AND IM FINE WITH THAT. I'd do it too. Just trying to spark some conversation here.
Business for the most part is there for the good of the business.
Let's hold off on Medical companies for a minute.
Business is not there to "take care of people" by providing a job for the community.
If the company is publicly owned they have a duty to shareholders to return profit on their investments.

Government can provide stuff and lose millions along the way and stay in business.

I think this is pretty basic stuff...No?
Which use of your dollar gives you the most value? The most bang for the buck? Lets discuss:

Government: Most people pay between 25%-50% of their salary on taxes (local, county, state, sales, federal, etc). What do we get for it? Here it is:

- Roads that are passable, in relatively ok shape, so we can drive.
- Military protection: The US hasn't been invaded by a foreign nation since....well, ever. The Brits lost in 1776. Japan never attempted an invasion.
- Police protection: You have somehwere near you, at all times 24/7, an armed cop willing to risk his life to protect yours anytime if you dial 911. As close to a personal bodyguard as one can get without paying for it.
- Fire protection: If your home catches fire, a truck comes with brave men on it who will save your ass and try to save your house.
- Schools- Some suck, some dont. But we have public schools that everyone has access to.
- A social safety net: YES, it has issues and money trouble. But bottom line is....our people dont starve to death or have to fight wars for water. Our poor are fat for God's sake.

I feel like...if Im being honest...that we taxpayers are getting a pretty good deal overall. 90% of us are getting back WAY MORE from the govt than we put into it. Now...we should fix the problems for sure.

Private sector: For the sake of the length of this thread, I wont list every single thing the private sector provides. Basically everything thats not listed above.

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

So...basically, the private sector is built on the idea that people give them money, and they give them a product or service that is worth a little bit less than the money they gave, or a LOT less. Thats how profit works.

And the government...provides 90% of people far more in return than they put in. Which may not be sustainable at all much longer, but is great for 90% of people. And the other 10%? Well, its payback for taking our money in the private sector and not returning teh same amount hahaha!

That's not how profit works at all. If you paid Best Buy $60 for the new Madden video game then you valued that video game more than you valued the $60, whereas Best Buy valued the $60 more than the video game. If this were not the case then neither of you would have agreed to the sale. The truth is that you both profited from the exchange.

Not true. That game aint worth 50 bucks. BUT...I cant get it anywhere else for cheaper. So I suck it up and take the loss because I want the game.

Kinda like taking a really hot chick you just met out to an expensive dinner, movie, etc, dropping a couple hundred bucks.....just to try to get some. She aint worth that, neither is one night of hook-up, but, we do it anyway.

Some stuff is technically optional, like Comcast. But reality is....some shit is simply mandatory to live a civil, responsible life. Like a car, power, water, food......all sold at way higher prices by the private sector than what it costs to produce. AND IM FINE WITH THAT. I'd do it too. Just trying to spark some conversation here.

Value is subjective, so you can't say what it's worth objectively as you seem to try to be doing when you say the game isn't worth $50. To me, that game would most certainly not be worth $50. It wouldn't even be worth $5. I don't particularly enjoy video games so I would never spend $50 on it. However, the simple fact is that if you pay $50 for the game, then the game was worth MORE than the $50 to you. You wouldn't have purchased it otherwise. Or you would have waited until the price went down, but that introduces time preference which tells us that goods in the present are worth more than goods in the future. By buying the game when it was just released for $50 you're saying that the game was worth more than $50 to you at the time. Now, how you feel about the game after the fact is irrelevant in discussing value and profit. The same principles apply to your scenario of dating a woman, and anything else you can think of.
I know Obama and the rest of them at the WH and probably
most Democrats hold companies in very low regard and thanks to the
hate being sent out from this administration people well,hate businesses.
Thanks to this little tid bit...

If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”
Business for the most part is there for the good of the business.
Let's hold off on Medical companies for a minute.
Business is not there to "take care of people" by providing a job for the community.
If the company is publicly owned they have a duty to shareholders to return profit on their investments.

Government can provide stuff and lose millions along the way and stay in business.

I think this is pretty basic stuff...No?

Yep. Thats a well said summary.

The trick now is getting private business to....maybe give a fuck a tad bit more about the people in their ranks and customers.

And getting govt to handle their fiscal issues with....I dont know...a minimum responsibility of say a 25 year old bar manager? That taking an occassional loss once in a while for the sake of pleasing a customer is ok, but do it daily and you're broke?
So what's the answer we get someone like Van Jones to be a profit monitor Czar and he reports to
Valerie Jarrett the real power behind Obama and she decides just how much profit companies can be allowed to make?
That's not how profit works at all. If you paid Best Buy $60 for the new Madden video game then you valued that video game more than you valued the $60, whereas Best Buy valued the $60 more than the video game. If this were not the case then neither of you would have agreed to the sale. The truth is that you both profited from the exchange.

Not true. That game aint worth 50 bucks. BUT...I cant get it anywhere else for cheaper. So I suck it up and take the loss because I want the game.

Kinda like taking a really hot chick you just met out to an expensive dinner, movie, etc, dropping a couple hundred bucks.....just to try to get some. She aint worth that, neither is one night of hook-up, but, we do it anyway.

Some stuff is technically optional, like Comcast. But reality is....some shit is simply mandatory to live a civil, responsible life. Like a car, power, water, food......all sold at way higher prices by the private sector than what it costs to produce. AND IM FINE WITH THAT. I'd do it too. Just trying to spark some conversation here.

Value is subjective, so you can't say what it's worth objectively as you seem to try to be doing when you say the game isn't worth $50. To me, that game would most certainly not be worth $50. It wouldn't even be worth $5. I don't particularly enjoy video games so I would never spend $50 on it. However, the simple fact is that if you pay $50 for the game, then the game was worth MORE than the $50 to you. You wouldn't have purchased it otherwise. Or you would have waited until the price went down, but that introduces time preference which tells us that goods in the present are worth more than goods in the future. By buying the game when it was just released for $50 you're saying that the game was worth more than $50 to you at the time. Now, how you feel about the game after the fact is irrelevant in discussing value and profit. The same principles apply to your scenario of dating a woman, and anything else you can think of.

Well, yes, thats a good Economics 101 explanation.

But your premise would suggest that ANY purchase, at any time, is "worth it" simply because the person decided to make the purchase. So "worth" is determined simply on whether the person bought it or not.

It eliminates the option of a person simply making a stupid fucking purchase. Some is a luxury. Or just stupid to buy. To a millionaire who loves video games, Madden NFL at $50 is a huge bargain. But to a guy working his way through college and raising a kid....and with credit card debt....that would be an awful decision, and that game is not worth 50 to him. But...he might buy it anyway. HIS priorities shouldnt determine the "worth" of that item.

And almost any item you buy from a private company is worth less than one pays for it. Priority of owning that item may differ from customer to customer, but "worth" if the product doesn't imo.
So what's the answer we get someone like Van Jones to be a profit monitor Czar and he reports to
Valerie Jarrett the real power behind Obama and she decides just how much profit companies can be allowed to make?

Nah, Im just trying to muddy the water a bit. The atmosphere seems to be that the government is 100% evil, a ripoff, stealing from us, and full of crooks and morons who do nothing for society.........while the private sector is sacred, noble, beloved, charitable and does no wrong.

Neither side is as good or bad as they seem...and in fact, NEED EACH OTHER to survive.
Not true. That game aint worth 50 bucks. BUT...I cant get it anywhere else for cheaper. So I suck it up and take the loss because I want the game.

Kinda like taking a really hot chick you just met out to an expensive dinner, movie, etc, dropping a couple hundred bucks.....just to try to get some. She aint worth that, neither is one night of hook-up, but, we do it anyway.

Some stuff is technically optional, like Comcast. But reality is....some shit is simply mandatory to live a civil, responsible life. Like a car, power, water, food......all sold at way higher prices by the private sector than what it costs to produce. AND IM FINE WITH THAT. I'd do it too. Just trying to spark some conversation here.

Value is subjective, so you can't say what it's worth objectively as you seem to try to be doing when you say the game isn't worth $50. To me, that game would most certainly not be worth $50. It wouldn't even be worth $5. I don't particularly enjoy video games so I would never spend $50 on it. However, the simple fact is that if you pay $50 for the game, then the game was worth MORE than the $50 to you. You wouldn't have purchased it otherwise. Or you would have waited until the price went down, but that introduces time preference which tells us that goods in the present are worth more than goods in the future. By buying the game when it was just released for $50 you're saying that the game was worth more than $50 to you at the time. Now, how you feel about the game after the fact is irrelevant in discussing value and profit. The same principles apply to your scenario of dating a woman, and anything else you can think of.

Well, yes, thats a good Economics 101 explanation.

But your premise would suggest that ANY purchase, at any time, is "worth it" simply because the person decided to make the purchase. So "worth" is determined simply on whether the person bought it or not.

It eliminates the option of a person simply making a stupid fucking purchase. Some is a luxury. Or just stupid to buy. To a millionaire who loves video games, Madden NFL at $50 is a huge bargain. But to a guy working his way through college and raising a kid....and with credit card debt....that would be an awful decision, and that game is not worth 50 to him. But...he might buy it anyway. HIS priorities shouldnt determine the "worth" of that item.

And almost any item you buy from a private company is worth less than one pays for it. Priority of owning that item may differ from customer to customer, but "worth" if the product doesn't imo.

The guy working through college, etc... etc... you say it's not worth $50 to him, but again, I'd say that it is since he bought it. His priorities don't matter, and his rationality doesn't matter. The only thing that matters in determining value is a person's actions. Yes, you can make what you deemed "a stupid fucking purchase," but that's ex post facto. At the time of the purchase you deemed that item worth more than the amount of money you paid for it, regardless of how you feel about it later. This has to be the case, otherwise you wouldn't have bought it.

I'll give another example. As I said before the video game would not be worth $50 to me, therefore I wouldn't, and haven't ever, purchased it. However, you say that you bought it, and think that it was not worth the price after the fact. I have a friend who buys every new edition of Madden every year, and he's quite good at it. For him, and he's not rich or anything like that, the game is more than worth $50 every year. So again, we come down to the fact that "value" is entirely subjective.
So what's the answer we get someone like Van Jones to be a profit monitor Czar and he reports to
Valerie Jarrett the real power behind Obama and she decides just how much profit companies can be allowed to make?

Nah, Im just trying to muddy the water a bit. The atmosphere seems to be that the government is 100% evil, a ripoff, stealing from us, and full of crooks and morons who do nothing for society.........while the private sector is sacred, noble, beloved, charitable and does no wrong.

Neither side is as good or bad as they seem...and in fact, NEED EACH OTHER to survive.

At least with companies I pay for and receive a product.I have control over it.
My tax dollars leave my paycheck and while some of it does good most of it goes
to a bureaucracy that if 1 million was needed to complete a project 100 million will be spent just to get it started and another 500 million to complete it 5 years after it was supposed to be done.
Which use of your dollar gives you the most value? The most bang for the buck? Lets discuss:

Government: Most people pay between 25%-50% of their salary on taxes (local, county, state, sales, federal, etc). What do we get for it? Here it is:

- Roads that are passable, in relatively ok shape, so we can drive.
- Military protection: The US hasn't been invaded by a foreign nation since....well, ever. The Brits lost in 1776. Japan never attempted an invasion.
- Police protection: You have somehwere near you, at all times 24/7, an armed cop willing to risk his life to protect yours anytime if you dial 911. As close to a personal bodyguard as one can get without paying for it.
- Fire protection: If your home catches fire, a truck comes with brave men on it who will save your ass and try to save your house.
- Schools- Some suck, some dont. But we have public schools that everyone has access to.
- A social safety net: YES, it has issues and money trouble. But bottom line is....our people dont starve to death or have to fight wars for water. Our poor are fat for God's sake.

I feel like...if Im being honest...that we taxpayers are getting a pretty good deal overall. 90% of us are getting back WAY MORE from the govt than we put into it. Now...we should fix the problems for sure.

Private sector: For the sake of the length of this thread, I wont list every single thing the private sector provides. Basically everything thats not listed above.

HOWEVER....there is one kick: They are FOR PROFIT. Meaning...whatever money you give're getting LESS in return. Otherwise they'd go broke. I pay Comcast $75 a month. I dont get $75 worth of product in return. I pay Best Buy $60 for the new Madden NFL video game. That game did NOT cost Best Buy $60.

So...basically, the private sector is built on the idea that people give them money, and they give them a product or service that is worth a little bit less than the money they gave, or a LOT less. Thats how profit works.

And the government...provides 90% of people far more in return than they put in. Which may not be sustainable at all much longer, but is great for 90% of people. And the other 10%? Well, its payback for taking our money in the private sector and not returning teh same amount hahaha!

You say you paid $60 for Madden Football, but you doesn't think it's worth $60? By definition, if you were willing to pay the price asked, then you believed it was worth it.

The problem with libs is they don't understand basic economic concepts like "worth" or "value." "value" is not defined by the equation "price - profit = worth." That's a Marxist conception, not an economic principle.
So what's the answer we get someone like Van Jones to be a profit monitor Czar and he reports to
Valerie Jarrett the real power behind Obama and she decides just how much profit companies can be allowed to make?

Nah, Im just trying to muddy the water a bit. The atmosphere seems to be that the government is 100% evil, a ripoff, stealing from us, and full of crooks and morons who do nothing for society.........while the private sector is sacred, noble, beloved, charitable and does no wrong.

Neither side is as good or bad as they seem...and in fact, NEED EACH OTHER to survive.

The first part of your claim is correct : government is 100% evil, a ripoff, stealing from us, and full of crooks and morons who do nothing for society.

The private sector isn't perfect, but it's far better than government. they main reason being that the private sector doesn't get to use guns to ram their crappy products and "services" down our throats. That ability makes government inherently evil.

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