Betraying the Constitution


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
“It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”—Thomas Paine

While Congress subjects the nation to its impeachment-flavored brand of bread-and-circus politics, our civil liberties continue to die a slow, painful death by a thousand cuts.

Case in point: while Americans have been fixated on the carefully orchestrated impeachment drama that continues to monopolize headlines, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law legislation extending three key provisions of the USA Patriot Act, which had been set to expire on December 15, 2019.

Once again, to no one’s surprise, the bureaucrats on both sides of the aisle—Democrats and Republicans alike—prioritized political grandstanding over principle and their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.

As Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) predicted:

Betraying the Constitution – The Future of Freedom Foundation

Imagine that! BOTH sides betraying their oath of office.
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Wow- 44 views and only one semi-response- imagine that.
It seems that you and I are trying to wake up our fellow man to the real social, political, economic, religious and legal crises that plague our country.

The masses are content to focus on what the controlled news and entertainment feed us and ignore the real issues. A well seasoned lobbyist once told me to ignore the headlines and look at what is not being talked about.

I lobbied against the so - called "Patriot Act" only to become one of the near victims of it. It took three years out of my life and the pieces of dog squeeze that worked against me were part of the group that dismantled the civilian militias single handedly. Today the American people are getting comfortable with Orwellian womb to the tomb surveillance and the evisceration of Due Process. Imagine that. We have a president that denounces Due Process and his proselytes are following him into Hell because he gives lip service to an evil system... a system that man serves better than any globalist who ever walked.

Maybe these discussion boards are the wrong venue for finding those who want information and some way to fight against tyranny and oppression.
Has this abomination ever been challenged?
I know the supreme court upheld its violations to the first amendment.
But what about the 4th?
The supreme court has been nothing more than political activists since the early 19th century.
Fuck them.
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Maybe these discussion boards are the wrong venue for finding those who want information and some way to fight against tyranny and oppression.
Maybe- but I'm from the school of knowledge isn't biased in its origin and can manifest itself in unimaginable ways- I consider myself to be a sower of seeds which can bear fruit- we are consuming the fruit from seeds sown long ago- Liberty is a plant of rapid growth once the seeds take root-

A problem I've found with political forums is the bias against reading. But, being an optimist, by nature, I hope that even though comments are few there are those who read what's written- it's kinda like dealing with my kids, both of whom have admitted they find themselves saying to themselves; I remember dad telling me that when at the time I didn't think what I'd said had registered- and, at my age these forums are all I have energy for LOL
Has this abomination ever been challenged?
I know the supreme court upheld its violations to the first amendment.
But what about the 4th?

Some portions of the so - called "Patriot Act" have been challenged and only a few have been found to be unconstitutional. Here's the real deal however:

Politicians would have you believe that only 42 days after 9 / 11 Congress came up with a bill that could (for the most part) pass constitutional muster while dismantling the 4th Amendment. I don't buy it. I have spent too much time researching the law and drafting proposed legislation. The so - called "Patriot Act" was originally over 300 pages long (342 IIRC) and there is no way it could have been researched, shepardized, rewritten and pass constitutional muster in 6 weeks.

These bills to dismantle the Constitution are always being written in think tanks and just waiting for the right crisis to happen so they can rush it through Congress and dismantle the Constitution on the installment plan.
Maybe these discussion boards are the wrong venue for finding those who want information and some way to fight against tyranny and oppression.
Maybe- but I'm from the school of knowledge isn't biased in its origin and can manifest itself in unimaginable ways- I consider myself to be a sower of seeds which can bear fruit- we are consuming the fruit from seeds sown long ago- Liberty is a plant of rapid growth once the seeds take root-

A problem I've found with political forums is the bias against reading. But, being an optimist, by nature, I hope that even though comments are few there are those who read what's written- it's kinda like dealing with my kids, both of whom have admitted they find themselves saying to themselves; I remember dad telling me that when at the time I didn't think what I'd said had registered- and, at my age these forums are all I have energy for LOL

I've never understood "discussion" boards myself. The most successful gurus are the guys who hit you with some cockamamie nonsense in three sentences and then slide out of the conversation. They cannot defend it and the average poster finds ten paragraphs insurmountable... unless it's ten separate attacks in a multi - quote. The problem there is that NO poster can be wrong on every paragraph they write. Even a broken clock has the potential to be right twice a day.
Has this abomination ever been challenged?
I know the supreme court upheld its violations to the first amendment.
But what about the 4th?

Some portions of the so - called "Patriot Act" have been challenged and only a few have been found to be unconstitutional. Here's the real deal however:

Politicians would have you believe that only 42 days after 9 / 11 Congress came up with a bill that could (for the most part) pass constitutional muster while dismantling the 4th Amendment. I don't buy it. I have spent too much time researching the law and drafting proposed legislation. The so - called "Patriot Act" was originally over 300 pages long (342 IIRC) and there is no way it could have been researched, shepardized, rewritten and pass constitutional muster in 6 weeks.

These bills to dismantle the Constitution are always being written in think tanks and just waiting for the right crisis to happen so they can rush it through Congress and dismantle the Constitution on the installment plan.
Many provisions were put forth by Reagan. Bush tried to do it too.
9-11 made it possible.
Has this abomination ever been challenged?
I know the supreme court upheld its violations to the first amendment.
But what about the 4th?

Some portions of the so - called "Patriot Act" have been challenged and only a few have been found to be unconstitutional. Here's the real deal however:

Politicians would have you believe that only 42 days after 9 / 11 Congress came up with a bill that could (for the most part) pass constitutional muster while dismantling the 4th Amendment. I don't buy it. I have spent too much time researching the law and drafting proposed legislation. The so - called "Patriot Act" was originally over 300 pages long (342 IIRC) and there is no way it could have been researched, shepardized, rewritten and pass constitutional muster in 6 weeks.

These bills to dismantle the Constitution are always being written in think tanks and just waiting for the right crisis to happen so they can rush it through Congress and dismantle the Constitution on the installment plan.
Many provisions were put forth by Reagan. Bush tried to do it too.
9-11 made it possible.

You're absolutely right. Both Democrats and Republicans seem to be thinking up new and novel ways to destroy the Constitution. The sheeple seem oblivious to the threat.

For me, the Right to Privacy is two - fold. I don't want the government and every swinging Richard on the face of the earth to know everything about me and what I do or don't do - believe in or don't believe in. Secondly, the benefit of the Second Amendment to the people is so the citizenry can insure the security of a free state.

You cannot maintain that security when the government has all this control over your life and knows every minute detail about you. As the CIA was fond of saying: knowledge is power. When someone has unlimited knowledge about you, they can control your every movement in life. That kind of clashes with the one word that summed up America when the Constitution was ratified: Liberty.
Thanks for posting this info, GDjjr. I mentioned it as well around here some place.

Few care unfortunately. So I think it's just a waste of time now. It's like talking to the wall. It's all about dick waving over the colors blue and red and the letters D and R these days. Few really care what's actually going on. The Framers are likely rolling over in their graves.

I've come around to just accepting the notion that the electorate deserves everything they get. And I hope they get it balls deep, I'm going the expat route. I've been back and forth on it but I think I've finally decided on it.

Irrelevant of the several FISA abuses mentioned in the Inspector General's report, almost all of the Republicans joined most Democrats yesterday to reauthorize intelligence activities without any reforms to protect the rights of the electorate. They either don’t know, don’t care, or are political opportunists. And President Trump will sign it.

Final vote results for Roll Call 672 -

On Agreeing to the Conference Report
BILL TITLE: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020

DEMOCRATIC 188 / 41 / 3
REPUBLICAN 189 / 6 / 2
TOTALS 377 / 48 / 5

That from Justin Amash's twitter feed. Justin is one of the best in Washington and has a near perfect voting record. Which is why the Republicans hate him so much.
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Irrelevant of the several FISA abuses mentioned in the Inspector General's report, almost all of the Republicans joined most Democrats yesterday to reauthorize intelligence activities without any reforms to protect the rights of the electorate. They either don’t know, don’t care, or are political opportunists. And President Trump will sign it.

Final vote results for Roll Call 672 -

On Agreeing to the Conference Report
BILL TITLE: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020

DEMOCRATIC 188 / 41 / 3
REPUBLICAN 189 / 6 / 2
TOTALS 377 / 48 / 5

With those numbers in mind and it's purpose

National Security Surveillance Apologists Are Starting to See the Light

Despite many FISA abuses noted in the IG's report, nearly all Rs joined most Ds today to reauthorize intelligence activities without reforms to protect Americans' rights. Trump will sign it. They either don't know, don't care, or are partisan opportunists.

— Justin Amash (@justinamash) December 12, 2019
And this

Republicans, Democrats Agree to Dump $738 Billion More Into the Forever War and Space Force

"The bipartisan provision to stop the war in Yemen? Stripped by the White House," he added. "The bipartisan amendment to stop the war in Iran? Stripped by the White House. The bipartisan provision to repeal the 2002…authorization for the war in Iraq, which is sending our troops overseas? Stripped by the White House."

He went on to slam colleagues who applaud when people say they want to stop our endless wars but then continue to vote to fund them.
I know about the 10th Amendment Center.

There used to be a site dedicated to repealing the 17th amendment.

Who are the constitutional guardians that you are aware of ?

My goal is to become more active in this area.
Its a shaming thing. So for example some dumbfuck wants to get bossy and pushy. The location is going to be somewhere you are under particular ettiquette expectations (work, the store, a movie theater) Your hands are tied and you don't want conflict. Say its so bad that you can either say hey man your steppin on my toes and denying me my rights or you can get into a brawl and be escorted out of the place permanently. You dont want to go be like excuse me while I consult the constitution and the antagonist already knows that, thats why hes doing it, specifically for that reason.

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