Betelgeuse Supernova?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The other morning my brother watched the star Betelgeuse glowing red in the deep of night. Maybe it was how it shimmered through the atmosphere that particular night but it was a very strange, he even thought it was a UFO for awhile.

I looked it up and in what may be the precursor to it blowing up in a Supernova, apparently the star has been collapsing for at least 15 years.

When it does, it's so big and so close you'll be able to read by its light at night.
Its not close enough to effect us directly, it will be like having a full moon in the sky for 6 straight weeks
The first important thing to note here is that if Betelgeuse explodes, we’re in no danger at all. It’s too far away to hurt us. Got that? It’s the most important thing to remember here, because I’m quite sure this story will get wildly exaggerated as it gets repeated.

So, what’s the deal with Betelgeuse? What is it, will it explode, and if so, when?

The details:

Betelgeuse is one of the brightest stars in the sky. That’s because it’s an intrinsically luminous star, and one that’s relatively close by. By luminous, I mean something like 100,000 times that of the Sun, and by close I mean roughly 600 light years away if not more. That’s 6 quadrillion kilometers, or almost 4 quadrillion miles. In other words, quite a hike.

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant. It has a mass of something like 20 times the Sun’s, and is near the end of its life. When it dies, it will explode as a supernova, a titanic event that is among the most violent in the Universe. For details on how this happens, read this essay I wrote about it.

It’s hard to know just when a star will explode when you’re on the outside. Betelgeuse might go up tonight, or it might not be for 100,000 years. We’re just not sure.
Is Betelgeuse about to blow? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
it will become a black hole..if i understand all this..and the light will be from when? centuries ago?

Scientist can't seem to tell how close it is to the nearest hundred light years. It seems to be about 650 LY +- 120. It's a really weird star; it's MASSIVE, it pulsates.

Also, it seems to have come from a section of the sky that had had no way to form anything as large or even any other stars.

So whatever happened to it, happened 650 years ago +- 120 years
You know........the Magi followed a very bright star when Yeshua was born.

Wonder if Betelgeuse going supernova is going to be the herald of His return?

Ought to give something for the rapture myth believers to play with............
You know........the Magi followed a very bright star when Yeshua was born.

Wonder if Betelgeuse going supernova is going to be the herald of His return?

Ought to give something for the rapture myth believers to play with............

:lol: If it happens 12/12/12 we'll never hear the end of it!

................Or 11/11/11 ? :eusa_eh:
You know........the Magi followed a very bright star when Yeshua was born.

Wonder if Betelgeuse going supernova is going to be the herald of His return?

Ought to give something for the rapture myth believers to play with............

:lol: If it happens 12/12/12 we'll never hear the end of it!

................Or 11/11/11 ? :eusa_eh:

Actually, according to the Mayan calendar, it's supposed to happen December 21st, 2012 at 11:00 am.

(Interestingly enough, Orion was a constellation that has great significance for both the Mayan and Egyptian cultures. Some of the plans for the arrangement of their pyramids were made to resemble Orion's belt).

Gonna be an interesting next 3 years or so.......
Not to be confused with

Interesting Indeed!

Everyone I asked had a different opinion. What I discovered as a scientist was that the only way that I would know what 2012 was all about was to understand the people who created the calendars that tell us about 2012. And the only way to understand them was to understand great cycles of time.

Q: What do you mean when you say, “cycles of time?”

Braden: Science now is telling us that we, on this planet, our lives, and our planet in general, are under the influence of great cycles of time; cycles within cycles, within cycles. Some of the cycles we know about, like the 24-hour cycle of the day for day and night, or the 28-days of a woman’s cycle. But the great cycles cover such vast periods of time that we don’t remember them from one civilization to the next. Our present great cycle is a 5,125-year-long cycle linked to an astronomical event that occurred in the year 3114 B.C.

Q: Now, that’s almost incomprehensible for people—3114 B.C.

Braden: It ends on December 21, the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 A.D.

Q: And in that moment or on that day, the sun, you say, is going to move into an alignment with the equator of the Milky Way.

Braden: What happens during this time—and we have to be really careful when we talk about this—there is an alignment that’s occurring because Earth does this little tip and this little wobble over long periods of time. As Earth changes — tips and wobbles in its orbit, it changes the scenery of the night sky. It changes our orientation in space with respect to the center of our own Milky Way galaxy.

Scientists have discovered—and they are publishing this openly—that the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a very powerful source of magnetic energy. The term they use is “magnetic filiments” that radiate from the center of our Milky Way. Where we are, in relation to that source of energy, has a huge effect on planet Earth. Sometimes we’re further away, and we’re tilted away from it, and the effect is less. Sometimes we’re closer or we’re tilted toward it, and the effect is greater.

On December 21st in the year 2012, we have a straight shot—a linear shot, unobstructed by any other planets or any other bodies in the solar system–where we have direct access to that field of energy.

Is There Science Behind 2012 Prophecies?
You know........the Magi followed a very bright star when Yeshua was born.

Wonder if Betelgeuse going supernova is going to be the herald of His return?

Ought to give something for the rapture myth believers to play with............

:lol: If it happens 12/12/12 we'll never hear the end of it!

................Or 11/11/11 ? :eusa_eh:

Actually, according to the Mayan calendar, it's supposed to happen December 21st, 2012 at 11:00 am.

(Interestingly enough, Orion was a constellation that has great significance for both the Mayan and Egyptian cultures. Some of the plans for the arrangement of their pyramids were made to resemble Orion's belt).

Gonna be an interesting next 3 years or so.......

not at 11 am, but at 11:11 am.
:lol: If it happens 12/12/12 we'll never hear the end of it!

................Or 11/11/11 ? :eusa_eh:

Actually, according to the Mayan calendar, it's supposed to happen December 21st, 2012 at 11:00 am.

(Interestingly enough, Orion was a constellation that has great significance for both the Mayan and Egyptian cultures. Some of the plans for the arrangement of their pyramids were made to resemble Orion's belt).

Gonna be an interesting next 3 years or so.......

not at 11 am, but at 11:11 am.

Whoa! :eusa_eh: I just looked it up, that's a Friday so I'll be sure to dress casually!

Seriously amazing how the scientists could project so far ahead.......

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