BEST argument I've ever heard from a left winger!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok. So a friend of mine is a bit of a leftie. And we all met today to do our NFL fantasy football roundup. And of course, after that and pizza, politics came up. And he is a staunch Obama supporter. He said of course the Tea Party was evil, blamed Bush for the mess we're in, then offered one whopper of an idea. Wanna hear it?

He said if only the right wing would get out of the way, Obama could fix the country and have 0% unemployment. Thats right. ZERO % unemployment. How, I asked? He says....

"The government can do two things: Hire people, and print money. There is so much that needs to be done, the government can just hire everyone who is unemployed, give them a role, and print the money to pay them. There would be no unemployment and no poverty. Of course, the Tea Party would vote to block it because for some reason they like people struggling."

How could I not have thought of that myself??????????

Of course. Just hire everyone, and print the money to pay them. No more poverty, no more unemployment!!!!!!

Left wingers, you are so brilliant:clap2:
Ok. So a friend of mine is a bit of a leftie. And we all met today to do our NFL fantasy football roundup. And of course, after that and pizza, politics came up. And he is a staunch Obama supporter. He said of course the Tea Party was evil, blamed Bush for the mess we're in, then offered one whopper of an idea. Wanna hear it?

He said if only the right wing would get out of the way, Obama could fix the country and have 0% unemployment. Thats right. ZERO % unemployment. How, I asked? He says....

"The government can do two things: Hire people, and print money. There is so much that needs to be done, the government can just hire everyone who is unemployed, give them a role, and print the money to pay them. There would be no unemployment and no poverty. Of course, the Tea Party would vote to block it because for some reason they like people struggling."

How could I not have thought of that myself??????????

Of course. Just hire everyone, and print the money to pay them. No more poverty, no more unemployment!!!!!!

Left wingers, you are so brilliant:clap2:


So did you just let him go on believing that??
Ok. So a friend of mine is a bit of a leftie. And we all met today to do our NFL fantasy football roundup. And of course, after that and pizza, politics came up. And he is a staunch Obama supporter. He said of course the Tea Party was evil, blamed Bush for the mess we're in, then offered one whopper of an idea. Wanna hear it?

He said if only the right wing would get out of the way, Obama could fix the country and have 0% unemployment. Thats right. ZERO % unemployment. How, I asked? He says....

"The government can do two things: Hire people, and print money. There is so much that needs to be done, the government can just hire everyone who is unemployed, give them a role, and print the money to pay them. There would be no unemployment and no poverty. Of course, the Tea Party would vote to block it because for some reason they like people struggling."

How could I not have thought of that myself??????????

Of course. Just hire everyone, and print the money to pay them. No more poverty, no more unemployment!!!!!!

Left wingers, you are so brilliant:clap2:

So, did you waste you time trying to explain it...or did you simply pat his shoulder and shake your head with a sympathetic expression on your face.


So did you just let him go on believing that??

Well....sort of. I tried to explain inflation to him. And he said "But we keep producing stuff people want. So if we print a lot more money, but hire more people, we'll be making more money but also more stuff, and more people will have money so it'll balance out."

Brilliant. Just hire everyone through the government, then print the money to pay them. 0% unemployment.

God I love left wingers. be fair, he did say "I don't really believe in welfare, because people should work for their money". But he thought we should just employ anyone who doesnt' have a job through the government, and print the money to pay them.

A guaranteed job. Yes. That would make private sector employees work so hard.
Steve Martin once observed that he could teach anybody to make a million dollars and yet never pay any taxes. Asked how, he noted that it was "simple:"

Step one: make a million dollars.

Step two: don't pay any taxes.

"But, Steve. Won't I go to jail for failing to pay my taxes?"

Steve: "Two simple words we so often forget, 'EXCUUUUUUUSE Meeeeeee!'"
Clearly, we've had our first meeting engagement with the Liberal Intellectual Elite.

Two years ago I suggested that Obama make every unemployed person some new Czar.
Typical leftist thought process:

Clearly, we've had our first meeting engagement with the Liberal Intellectual Elite.

Two years ago I suggested that Obama make every unemployed person some new Czar.

And pay them huge salaries with great health plans (naturally, they will all be exempted from Obamacare). Additionally, they will all be UNIONIZED!

And President Obama has already figured out how to PAY for it all!


(He went to the same economics forum as the liberal quoted in the OP, of course.)
Left wingers, you are so brilliant

Just out of curiosity, which part are you claiming is impossible for us to do? Or, are you trying to say this plan is possible, you just don't like it?

All of it is impossible.

The government hire EVERY unemployed American? 35 million people?

The government print enough money to pay them all 25-30K a year?

Neither are possible. Well, in liberal lala-land, I suppose it's technically possible. But WTF?
All of it is impossible.

The government hire EVERY unemployed American? 35 million people?

The government print enough money to pay them all 25-30K a year?

Neither are possible. Well, in liberal lala-land, I suppose it's technically possible. But WTF?

Which is it? Possible or not possible?

And there aren't 35 million people out of work. The work force is about 150 million, of which 9.1 % are unemployed, so that's 13.65 million.
Ok. So a friend of mine is a bit of a leftie. And we all met today to do our NFL fantasy football roundup. And of course, after that and pizza, politics came up. And he is a staunch Obama supporter. He said of course the Tea Party was evil, blamed Bush for the mess we're in, then offered one whopper of an idea. Wanna hear it?

He said if only the right wing would get out of the way, Obama could fix the country and have 0% unemployment. Thats right. ZERO % unemployment. How, I asked? He says....

"The government can do two things: Hire people, and print money. There is so much that needs to be done, the government can just hire everyone who is unemployed, give them a role, and print the money to pay them. There would be no unemployment and no poverty. Of course, the Tea Party would vote to block it because for some reason they like people struggling."

How could I not have thought of that myself??????????

Of course. Just hire everyone, and print the money to pay them. No more poverty, no more unemployment!!!!!!

Left wingers, you are so brilliant:clap2:

So you've got idiots for friends, is this surprising?
All of it is impossible.

The government hire EVERY unemployed American? 35 million people?

The government print enough money to pay them all 25-30K a year?

Neither are possible. Well, in liberal lala-land, I suppose it's technically possible. But WTF?

Which is it? Possible or not possible?

And there aren't 35 million people out of work. The work force is about 150 million, of which 9.1 % are unemployed, so that's 13.65 million.

if you think this is a viable plan, you're as big a moron as the OP's friend.

Printing money with nothing to back it up decreases the value of the currency... causes inflation...back to square 1.
Ok. So a friend of mine is a bit of a leftie. And we all met today to do our NFL fantasy football roundup. And of course, after that and pizza, politics came up. And he is a staunch Obama supporter. He said of course the Tea Party was evil, blamed Bush for the mess we're in, then offered one whopper of an idea. Wanna hear it?

He said if only the right wing would get out of the way, Obama could fix the country and have 0% unemployment. Thats right. ZERO % unemployment. How, I asked? He says....

"The government can do two things: Hire people, and print money. There is so much that needs to be done, the government can just hire everyone who is unemployed, give them a role, and print the money to pay them. There would be no unemployment and no poverty. Of course, the Tea Party would vote to block it because for some reason they like people struggling."

How could I not have thought of that myself??????????

Of course. Just hire everyone, and print the money to pay them. No more poverty, no more unemployment!!!!!!

Left wingers, you are so brilliant:clap2:

Ever hear of the New Deal and work programs like the WPA? It helped lift America out of the depression.

But more importantly, it gave the unemployed a job to feed their families.

You right wingers always forget about families, and human beings. During the Great Depression conservatives raised objections to F.D.R.’s programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

The government hired about 60 per cent of the unemployed in public works and conservation projects that planted a billion trees, saved the whooping crane, modernized rural America, and built such diverse projects as the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, the Montana state capitol, much of the Chicago lakefront, New York's Lincoln Tunnel and Triborough Bridge complex, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Yorktown.

It also built or renovated 2,500 hospitals, 45,000 schools, 13,000 parks and playgrounds, 7,800 bridges, 700,000 miles of roads, and a thousand airfields. And it employed 50,000 teachers, rebuilt the country's entire rural school system, and hired 3,000 writers, musicians, sculptors and painters.

In other words, millions of men and women earned a living wage and self-respect and contributed mightily to the national infrastructure.
Ok. So a friend of mine is a bit of a leftie. And we all met today to do our NFL fantasy football roundup. And of course, after that and pizza, politics came up. And he is a staunch Obama supporter. He said of course the Tea Party was evil, blamed Bush for the mess we're in, then offered one whopper of an idea. Wanna hear it?

He said if only the right wing would get out of the way, Obama could fix the country and have 0% unemployment. Thats right. ZERO % unemployment. How, I asked? He says....

"The government can do two things: Hire people, and print money. There is so much that needs to be done, the government can just hire everyone who is unemployed, give them a role, and print the money to pay them. There would be no unemployment and no poverty. Of course, the Tea Party would vote to block it because for some reason they like people struggling."

How could I not have thought of that myself??????????

Of course. Just hire everyone, and print the money to pay them. No more poverty, no more unemployment!!!!!!

Left wingers, you are so brilliant:clap2:

Ever hear of the New Deal and work programs like the WPA? It helped lift America out of the depression.

But more importantly, it gave the unemployed a job to feed their families.

You right wingers always forget about families, and human beings. During the Great Depression conservatives raised objections to F.D.R.’s programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

The government hired about 60 per cent of the unemployed in public works and conservation projects that planted a billion trees, saved the whooping crane, modernized rural America, and built such diverse projects as the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, the Montana state capitol, much of the Chicago lakefront, New York's Lincoln Tunnel and Triborough Bridge complex, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Yorktown.

It also built or renovated 2,500 hospitals, 45,000 schools, 13,000 parks and playgrounds, 7,800 bridges, 700,000 miles of roads, and a thousand airfields. And it employed 50,000 teachers, rebuilt the country's entire rural school system, and hired 3,000 writers, musicians, sculptors and painters.

In other words, millions of men and women earned a living wage and self-respect and contributed mightily to the national infrastructure.

What year did the WPA "lift America out of the Depression"?
Ok. So a friend of mine is a bit of a leftie. And we all met today to do our NFL fantasy football roundup. And of course, after that and pizza, politics came up. And he is a staunch Obama supporter. He said of course the Tea Party was evil, blamed Bush for the mess we're in, then offered one whopper of an idea. Wanna hear it?

He said if only the right wing would get out of the way, Obama could fix the country and have 0% unemployment. Thats right. ZERO % unemployment. How, I asked? He says....

"The government can do two things: Hire people, and print money. There is so much that needs to be done, the government can just hire everyone who is unemployed, give them a role, and print the money to pay them. There would be no unemployment and no poverty. Of course, the Tea Party would vote to block it because for some reason they like people struggling."

How could I not have thought of that myself??????????

Of course. Just hire everyone, and print the money to pay them. No more poverty, no more unemployment!!!!!!

Left wingers, you are so brilliant:clap2:

Ever hear of the New Deal and work programs like the WPA? It helped lift America out of the depression.

But more importantly, it gave the unemployed a job to feed their families.

You right wingers always forget about families, and human beings. During the Great Depression conservatives raised objections to F.D.R.’s programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

The government hired about 60 per cent of the unemployed in public works and conservation projects that planted a billion trees, saved the whooping crane, modernized rural America, and built such diverse projects as the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, the Montana state capitol, much of the Chicago lakefront, New York's Lincoln Tunnel and Triborough Bridge complex, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Yorktown.

It also built or renovated 2,500 hospitals, 45,000 schools, 13,000 parks and playgrounds, 7,800 bridges, 700,000 miles of roads, and a thousand airfields. And it employed 50,000 teachers, rebuilt the country's entire rural school system, and hired 3,000 writers, musicians, sculptors and painters.

In other words, millions of men and women earned a living wage and self-respect and contributed mightily to the national infrastructure.

way to miss the point.

You simply cannot just print money and give everyone a job paid for with that money... the money is worthless because there is nothing to back it up... so prices skyrocket... putting everyone right back where they were to begin with.

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