Bernie Sanders--someone needs to call 9/11!!!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I watched the PBS debate 2/11/2016, and I swear there were several times--that Sanders looked like he was going to pass out, or have a heart attack. He's older than dirt. He's really not in that good shape for being 75 years old. John McCain running against Obama at 81 years old was really in much better shape and he survived 7 years of torture. Bernie Sanders looks like a 100 miles of bad road.

Anyway Hillary Clinton buried the old fart tonight. I learned tonight that Sanders is just another canned speech politician. When he was asked specific questions about foreign policy--he would revert back to his canned speech. Free college tuition, Wall Street, etc. etc. etc.

When Hillary was responding to a question his long arms were flying all over the place--those fingers were going a 100 miles an hour. His blood pressure must have gone to 300--he would get real red faced--coughing--wheezing--and once he caught his breath it was time to give another memorized canned speech.

Shit how could anyone take this guy serious enough to be our next POTUS. Really!!!! She nailed him on several things, his prior voting record, and the final nail in his coffin, when she brought up that Sanders had called for Obama to be challenged for the DNC nomination in 2012. Man did face go beserk then. He tried to say that he was "friends" with Obama--but no friend would do that--LOL

Of course, Sanders was never a Democrat, he was the "Liberty Party" aka Socialist Party--then switched to Independent, and recently changed to Democrat to run for the Presidency.

Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of this party.


That whole deal is one big JOKE and it was played on their base of voters. they stick Hillary and a bunch of NOBODIES in with her to make it seem they have a choice and then week after week they drop out one by one until they only have THE TWO old fogies, Bernie the nobody career politician who's only claim to fame has been: sucking a living off us taxpayers for what must be, 40 years now in Congress?

and then they have the Queen of mean and nasty, the most Corrupted lying woman to ever serve in our Government, the Shrillary.

The Republicans still has at least 5 viable choices. the Democrats can just flip a frikken coin and vote

they play their base like a fined tuned fiddle and not one peep out of them
That whole deal is one big JOKE and it was played on their base of voters. they stick Hillary and a bunch of NOBODIES in with her to make it seem they have a choice and then week after week they drop out one by one until they only have THE TWO old fogies, Bernie the nobody career politician who's only claim to fame has been: sucking a living off us taxpayers for what must be, 40 years now in Congress?

and then they have the Queen of mean and nasty, the most Corrupted lying woman to ever serve in our Government, the Shrillary.

The Republicans still has at least 5 viable choices. the Democrats can just flip a frikken coin and vote

they play their base like a fined tuned fiddle and not one peep out of them

What do these Bernie supporters think--that we can move the oval office into a nursing home?
Sanders has an older brother who's active in politics in the UK.

P.S. McCain was 72 in '08.

This thread seems to have gotten lost on the way to Political Satire.

The Trumpster will be 70 in November, if his overuse of bronzer doesn't kill him first.

Not everyone over 60 is as decrepit as your grandparents.

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