Benghazi timeline reveals administration lies

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I expect the usual suspects will jump in and blame Bush for this.

• Sept. 10: Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri calls on Libyans to avenge the death of his Libyan deputy, Abu Yahya al Libi, killed in a June drone strike in Pakistan.
• Sept. 11: Protesters converge on the U.S. embassy in Cairo, scale its walls and replace the U.S. flag with the Islamist banner. The protests eventually spread to 20 countries around the world. That night, Republican candidate Mitt Romney criticizes an embassy statement denouncing the video before the events unfolding in Libya are known to the world. Late that night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says in a statement that “some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.”
• Sept. 12: Media outlets report that Stevens and three other Americans have been killed in an attack by well-armed militants. Obama denounces an “outrageous and shocking attack” without mentioning the video or terrorism. Reuters reports for the first time that some administration officials believe the assault “bears the hallmarks of an organized attack.”
• Sept. 13: White House spokesman Jay Carney says “the protests we’re seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie.”

Timeline of Libya Consulate attack reveals administration contradictions - The Hill's Global Affairs
I expect the usual suspects will jump in and blame Bush for this.

• Sept. 10: Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri calls on Libyans to avenge the death of his Libyan deputy, Abu Yahya al Libi, killed in a June drone strike in Pakistan.
• Sept. 11: Protesters converge on the U.S. embassy in Cairo, scale its walls and replace the U.S. flag with the Islamist banner. The protests eventually spread to 20 countries around the world. That night, Republican candidate Mitt Romney criticizes an embassy statement denouncing the video before the events unfolding in Libya are known to the world. Late that night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says in a statement that “some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.”
• Sept. 12: Media outlets report that Stevens and three other Americans have been killed in an attack by well-armed militants. Obama denounces an “outrageous and shocking attack” without mentioning the video or terrorism. Reuters reports for the first time that some administration officials believe the assault “bears the hallmarks of an organized attack.”
• Sept. 13: White House spokesman Jay Carney says “the protests we’re seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie.”

Timeline of Libya Consulate attack reveals administration contradictions - The Hill's Global Affairs

• In the weeks before Sept. 11, Libyan security guards are reportedly warned by family members of an impending attack. On Sept. 8, the Libyan militia tasked with protecting the consulate warns U.S. diplomats that the security situation is “frightening.”


• Sept. 14: Carney says the administration had “no actionable intelligence” about a pending attack.

How could they possibly have "no actionable intelligence" when CLEARLY they did? Not only had there been multiple incidents, as outlined at the link above, but everybody KNEW there was a problem. It was reported.

This bullshit of trying to blame everybody else for this administration's failures is getting old. I don't know what they could've done short of tattooing it on Obama's fucking forehead so he could see it in the mirror every time he admires himself.
I have a question.

Not to take away from the sad loss of life of an American over seas however, why has the right and especially Fox News treated this like its the end all foreign policy story? Where was this sort of in-depth coverage and outrage over Iraq, from the first days to today?

I'm astounded at the faux outrage used on the right on this Libya situation compared to the lack of reaction in Iraq. Common sense tells me far more was at stake in Iraq and many more American lives were lost in Iraq. And just as many if not more administration blunders.

I looked on Fox today and see they have a "bias alert" link on the front page. The irony of this fact is astounding.

What do Fox viewers think?
I have a question.

Not to take away from the sad loss of life of an American over seas however, why has the right and especially Fox News treated this like its the end all foreign policy story? Where was this sort of in-depth coverage and outrage over Iraq, from the first days to today?

I'm astounded at the faux outrage used on the right on this Libya situation compared to the lack of reaction in Iraq. Common sense tells me far more was at stake in Iraq and many more American lives were lost in Iraq. And just as many if not more administration blunders.

I looked on Fox today and see they have a "bias alert" link on the front page. The irony of this fact is astounding.

What do Fox viewers think?

This viewer thinks you are full of it to compare the two scenarios.

They are different as day and night.
Obama’s regime from day one misled us on what happened on 9-11-12… then they decided to keep up the lies for nearly TWO weeks!

Dems AND Repubix agreed that Iraq had WMD’s (and they did) but we sat on our hands for months while we waited for the U.N.
We were all caught up in the intelligence mistakes Dems and Repubix….

Libya was no intelligence mistake. It was and IS an outright lie!
I have a question.

Not to take away from the sad loss of life of an American over seas however, why has the right and especially Fox News treated this like its the end all foreign policy story? Where was this sort of in-depth coverage and outrage over Iraq, from the first days to today?

I'm astounded at the faux outrage used on the right on this Libya situation compared to the lack of reaction in Iraq. Common sense tells me far more was at stake in Iraq and many more American lives were lost in Iraq. And just as many if not more administration blunders.

I looked on Fox today and see they have a "bias alert" link on the front page. The irony of this fact is astounding.

What do Fox viewers think?

This isn't some little off the wall incident. It's an indictment upon Obama's entire Middle East strategy, his unilateral interference in Libya, his lies regarding his own effectiveness at restraining al Qaeda and Islamic terrorism. THAT's why he tried to cover up the details of the Benghazi attack. That, and the fact that a CHILD could've predicted that our assets overseas would need additional security on the anniversary of 9/11, but somehow he failed to get it done. The BEST face you could put on this would be "gross incompetence", and that means willfully ignoring his attempts to mislead the public by blaming it off on some video.

In the immortal words of Joe Biden... "This is a big, fucking deal". Watergate was just a burglary. Nobody died. This is something much, much bigger.
Does Bushs was not start the falling of Domino's that has been deemed the "Arab Spring"?? I would think so.

Look, Im an Obama guy, okay. However, I would like to have an objective conversation about why FOX hardly ever showed the public the mes that was Iraq, I mean thousands have died. I fail to see how one death over shadows 4,0000 American soldiers deaths.

Basically, why did Fox not cover Iraq like they are covering Libya? Its clear to see. They are both overseas disasters where we have made mistakes.

Am I wrong, did Fox cover the Iraq war just as closely? I don't think so but maybe you all can show me otherwise. Like I said, lets have an objective conversation. And please, no name calling fellas.
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Does Bushs was not start the falling of Domino's that has been deemed the "Arab Spring"?? I would think so.

Look, Im an Obama guy, okay. However, I would like to have an objective conversation about why FOX hardly ever showed the public the mes that was Iraq, I mean thousands have died. I fail to see how one death over shadows 4,0000 American soldiers deaths.

Basically, why did Fox not cover Iraq like they are covering Libya? Its clear to see. They are both overseas disasters where we have made mistakes.

Am I wrong, did Fox cover the Iraq war just as closely? I don't think so but maybe you all can show me otherwise. Like I said, lets have an objective conversation. And please, no name calling fellas.

There is NO way to have an objective conversation with someone who is trying to nail Fox News to a wall rather than to just look at the here and now... Bush is no longer POTUS... Obama is, and it is an outrage that we are being treated this way by our leaders.
Fow News is not making policiy for us.... Obama is.
Obama and Hillary stood just a matter of feet away from 4 dead bodies and still continued to tow the "a movie made them do it" party line... that is unexcusable!!! :mad:
you miss the point.

And yes, this is about a major American news outlet not doing its job. Or, as Fox would say, BIAS ALERT!

Im not trying to bring Bush or Obama into this, but instead the source of our news and info we all depend on to inform ourselves into world affairs.

Ill ask you in a simple format. Did Fox News cover Iraq with the same energy as they are Libya. Yes or no question.

I am of the opinion that Fox news did not cover the war in Iraq anything near the level they are Libya.
I have a question.

Not to take away from the sad loss of life of an American over seas however, why has the right and especially Fox News treated this like its the end all foreign policy story? Where was this sort of in-depth coverage and outrage over Iraq, from the first days to today?

I'm astounded at the faux outrage used on the right on this Libya situation compared to the lack of reaction in Iraq. Common sense tells me far more was at stake in Iraq and many more American lives were lost in Iraq. And just as many if not more administration blunders.

I looked on Fox today and see they have a "bias alert" link on the front page. The irony of this fact is astounding.

What do Fox viewers think?

Why haven't the left when they jumped all over Bush for 9/11 and the entire Iraq war?
Just to be fair. Clinton and Co have not done a good job here. I don't want you to think im looking for a fight as I agree with some of what you say. We need answers now, this was inexcusable.
Does Bushs was not start the falling of Domino's that has been deemed the "Arab Spring"?? I would think so.

Look, Im an Obama guy, okay. However, I would like to have an objective conversation about why FOX hardly ever showed the public the mes that was Iraq, I mean thousands have died. I fail to see how one death over shadows 4,0000 American soldiers deaths.

Basically, why did Fox not cover Iraq like they are covering Libya? Its clear to see. They are both overseas disasters where we have made mistakes.

Am I wrong, did Fox cover the Iraq war just as closely? I don't think so but maybe you all can show me otherwise. Like I said, lets have an objective conversation. And please, no name calling fellas.

Bush normalized relations with Gaddafi after he dismantled his nuclear weapons program and paid reparations for the Pan Am bombing. Obama bombed him.

How, exactly, is what happened in Libya Bush's fault? There was no Al Qaeda presence in Libya until Obama made it possible for them to step into the power vacuum his policies created. Bush made hundreds of mistakes, but he is not responsible for the actions of Obama and their consequences.

By the way, thanks for proving me right about the attempt to blame Bush.
Does Bushs was not start the falling of Domino's that has been deemed the "Arab Spring"?? I would think so.

Look, Im an Obama guy, okay. However, I would like to have an objective conversation about why FOX hardly ever showed the public the mes that was Iraq, I mean thousands have died. I fail to see how one death over shadows 4,0000 American soldiers deaths.

Basically, why did Fox not cover Iraq like they are covering Libya? Its clear to see. They are both overseas disasters where we have made mistakes.

Am I wrong, did Fox cover the Iraq war just as closely? I don't think so but maybe you all can show me otherwise. Like I said, lets have an objective conversation. And please, no name calling fellas.

This isn't about Bush, it's not about Iraq, and it's not about Fox News. It's about a president who has deliberately attempted to cover up his own mistakes in order to try to fool more people right before an election.

Fox covered Iraq and it covered Bush when those issues were pertinent, but TODAY Bush isn't president and it's not our ambassador to Iraq who's dead due to the incompetence of his boss.
Obama has one day to come up with some kind of explanation for the lies told. Can't wait to hear what he has to say for himself at tomorrow night's debate. I don't think this one will be as easy to sweep under the rug unless first thing tomorrow, someone takes full blame and gets tossed under the bus. Hillary won't go down without a fight, so who else could Obama possibly blame this on?

Some on the left refuse to see why lying is a big deal. Obama knowingly lied about this not being a terrorist attack and blamed some guy's video. This is unprecedented. In the past, maybe the intel wasn't there, but we know it was in this case and the lies continued after the facts were in. Did he think he could keep a lid on this and pretend that he really had disabled al Qaeda?

The people at the embassy didn't have to die. The American people didn't have to get lied to. The terrorists didn't deserve to get apologized to. Obama lied about so many things and has yet to offer any explanation.

People within the Obama administration are battling over who takes the blame. I think Obama deserves it. As far as the people who are solidly in the tank for him, they could care less what he does or says, but there are many who do and those are the ones he needs to concern himself with if and when he decides to be honest about this. Then he needs to apologize to the American people for a change instead of the rest of the world.
Lets leave Bush and Obama out of this, my fault for even dropping a name.

Im of the opinion that the other news agencies are so lame no one really watches, compared to fox news.

Do you think Fox is playing to the crowd on Libya? In my eyes, both Libya and Iraq are big deals and huge foreign policy disasters.
The people at the embassy didn't have to die

and neither did 40000 troops in Iraq. Again, why did Fox not cover Iraq with the same tone???
you miss the point.

And yes, this is about a major American news outlet not doing its job. Or, as Fox would say, BIAS ALERT!

Im not trying to bring Bush or Obama into this, but instead the source of our news and info we all depend on to inform ourselves into world affairs.

Ill ask you in a simple format. Did Fox News cover Iraq with the same energy as they are Libya. Yes or no question.

I am of the opinion that Fox news did not cover the war in Iraq anything near the level they are Libya.

No it isn't. There's the thread topic right there: "Benghazi timeline reveals administration lies". So no... this isn't about Fox News.

And you know, I kind of get the feeling that you don't watch Fox News anyway. Otherwise, you'd know that the topics you've mentioned were covered extensively in their time. The problem, of course, is that you Obama supporters are looking for some sort of deflection as it finally occurs to you that the Benghazi cover-up isn't going away.
The people at the embassy didn't have to die

and neither did 40000 troops in Iraq. Again, why did Fox not cover Iraq with the same tone???

I think we are talking about what happened recently...
If you want to rehash history that's up to you.
Let's get answers from this administration about this first OK?

I work over seas teaching our USMC boys SATCOM and radar theory so ya, I dont watch much of any American news outlet. I do get AFN and they have a rotating deal with the news agencies, Fox for an hour, CNN for an hour, MSNBC for an hour, etc.

I just dont see the same energy when it comes to Iraq, but Libya is like the biggest deal ever. I just dont understand the difference in coverage.

Secondly, you may be correct, or not. The facts are not in. I spent 2 weeks in Libya a few months back setting up for a mission. Let me tell you, that place was a nightmare for sure. I dont even know why we had Ambassadors there. But im no policy wonk so who knows.
If you want to rehash history that's up to you.

I think its a fair question. Why the difference in coverage.

it just makes Fox look like a GOP cheerleader and that's about the worst news America could get seems a vast majority get news from Fox. If they would have done the same tone with Iraq, I would have a great deal of respect for Fox. But they seem to want to push an agenda.

Let's get answers from this administration about this first OK?

no doubt. Since I have spent a lot of time in Iraq and Afghanistan I can tell you, a war zone not a place facts and evidence come easy. Especially in the shit hole that is the middle east. Man I hate that area.
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I work over seas teaching our USMC boys SATCOM and radar theory so ya, I dont watch much of any American news outlet. I do get AFN and they have a rotating deal with the news agencies, Fox for an hour, CNN for an hour, MSNBC for an hour, etc.

I just dont see the same energy when it comes to Iraq, but Libya is like the biggest deal ever. I just dont understand the difference in coverage.

Secondly, you may be correct, or not. The facts are not in. I spent 2 weeks in Libya a few months back setting up for a mission. Let me tell you, that place was a nightmare for sure. I dont even know why we had Ambassadors there. But im no policy wonk so who knows.

Sounds to me like you need to familiarize yourself with some facts and stop taking your party's talking points as gospel. Fact is, if you're working overseas, it could just as easily be YOU as those other guys not coming home. And how do you gauge what risk you're willing to take when this administration REFUSES to be honest about the dangers? Yeah, they'll increase hazardous duty pay, as we learned in last week's congressional hearing, but they won't increase security. Why? It's not money. Charlotte Lamb said so directly when questioned. They've got money for Chevy Volts, charging stations, and champagne parties, but none to keep our citizens safe while serving overseas. What's up with that? :eusa_eh:

This isn't about the media's reporting of the facts. It's about the facts, and in particular to this thread, the facts outlined in OP's link. Sean Smith looked out his window on the night of 9/11/12, and commented to his online gaming friends that he might not live through the night as he noted their 'police' out front photographing the consulate. And he was right. He didn't live through the night. HOW is it possible to not want justice for him?.. for the others who died with him? And yet this administration, as you'll note in the above link, failed to secure the facility and what evidence might have been found there for THREE WEEKS.

Obama doesn't deserve another term. He may not be guilty of the murders of these men, but he's damn sure responsible for the negligence that led to them. And he's responsible for his lies too.

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