Benghazi; no cover up. No lies, no negligence, no lack of security.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Only Radical Right Wing Extremist propaganda used for political gains.
There was an attack on the Consulate in Benghazi and four Americans die not by fire but by smoke inhalation from the fire an Obama immediately referred to the attack as an “act of terrorism” and thereafter.
What difference does it make if the fire was started by protestors or terrorist, four Americans are dead and seven Libyan security. By a mob protesting the anti-Muhammad video or by terrorist.
Fact is there were a 7 hour standoff and the terrorist never penetrated the consulate and never come in contact with any Americans. All Americans were evacuated except the four that died from smoke inhalation because they could not be found for evacuation and that tell me that there were sufficient security. American and Libyan. If there were a 7 hour standoff by security who were the security? Imaginary security? It appears to be an unfortunate accident due to separations of the four from security that was evacuating.
There is no evidence of a cover up, no lies, no negligence and no lack of security, but there is evidence of a tragedy being taken advantage of for political gains and that a disgrace and dirty politics at the highest at the bottom of the cesspool.

I got something to say to Trump that Obama cannot say, FUCK YOU. You fucking little weasel.
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Only Radical Right Wing Extremist propaganda used for political gains.
There was an attack on the Consulate in Benghazi and four Americans die not by fire but by smoke inhalation from the fire an Obama immediately referred to the attack as an “act of terrorism” and thereafter.
What difference does it make if the fire was started by protestors or terrorist, four Americans are dead and seven Libyan security. By a mob protesting the anti-Muhammad video or by terrorist.
Fact is there were a 7 hour standoff and the terrorist never penetrated the consulate and never come in contact with any Americans. All Americans were evacuated except the four that died from smoke inhalation because they could not be found for evacuation and that tell me that there were sufficient security. American and Libyan. If there were a 7 hour standoff by security who were the security? Imaginary security? It appears to be an unfortunate accident due to separations of the four from security that was evacuating.
There is no evidence of a cover up, no lies, no negligence and no lack of security, but there is evidence of a tragedy being taken advantage of for political gains and that a disgrace and dirty politics at the highest at the bottom of the cesspool.

I got something to say to Trump that Obama cannot say, FUCK YOU. You fucking little weasel.

The point is, that it shows a lack of leadership judgment.
They should have been pulled out of there by June, because of the many previous attacks.
The British and Red Cross showed good leadership by pulling their people out of there.
We should have done the same thing and they would still be alive like the British and Red Cross workers are.
Wow getting thing you'll know they'll have black people lighting themselves on fire and blaming the KKK....oh wait.....
Of course the pubs will try to use this for political gain. Mittens was the first out of the block to do so. They are unscrupulous in their quest to regain power.
Of course the pubs will try to use this for political gain. Mittens was the first out of the block to do so. They are unscrupulous in their quest to regain power.

Nope they'll use this administrations corrupt policies and politics agaisnt them.....You have no answer for Benghazi other than blaming it on a film

which is hilarious since liberals always back video games, movies, and music when people blame shit on them....but in this case........hmmmmmm
For her tireless effort as an Obama Fluffer, LilOllady has been awared a Golden Kneedpad with Oak Leaf Cluster
It is astounding that liberals will praise Obama for any and all things. His lack of response to this terrorist attack, and his idiotic blaming of a goddamned video is so un-presidential...he should be impeached immediately.

He does not have the balls to be a good CIC.

He is too apologetic to god-forsaken Islam and the goddamned radical Muslims to speak the truth about what happened. We got attacked ON HIS WATCH and he did absolutely NOTHING about it...except to try to blame it on a video despite KNOWING that it was an attack by radical fucking Muslims.

Obama is the lowest form of liar!

Liars such as LilOlLady take lessons from him daily!
If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.
Only Radical Right Wing Extremist propaganda used for political gains.
There was an attack on the Consulate in Benghazi and four Americans die not by fire but by smoke inhalation from the fire an Obama immediately referred to the attack as an “act of terrorism” and thereafter.
What difference does it make if the fire was started by protestors or terrorist, four Americans are dead and seven Libyan security. By a mob protesting the anti-Muhammad video or by terrorist.
Fact is there were a 7 hour standoff and the terrorist never penetrated the consulate and never come in contact with any Americans. All Americans were evacuated except the four that died from smoke inhalation because they could not be found for evacuation and that tell me that there were sufficient security. American and Libyan. If there were a 7 hour standoff by security who were the security? Imaginary security? It appears to be an unfortunate accident due to separations of the four from security that was evacuating.
There is no evidence of a cover up, no lies, no negligence and no lack of security, but there is evidence of a tragedy being taken advantage of for political gains and that a disgrace and dirty politics at the highest at the bottom of the cesspool.

I got something to say to Trump that Obama cannot say, FUCK YOU. You fucking little weasel.

You're losing the spin war:lol:

Argue with Jack Cafferty from CNN a mega lib. Go ahead silly poster. :D

They let them die. Unaided and unprotected. And you should be ashamed of yourself.

Why didn't President Obama tell the truth about what happened in Benghazi?

FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:

The truth about what happened in Benghazi – and when President Obama knew it – could have a huge impact on the closing days of this campaign.

Turns out the White House, the State Department and the FBI were all told two hours after the September 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that an Islamic militant group had claimed responsibility. Two hours.

One government e-mail from the State Department shows a Libyan group – called Ansar al-Sharia – claimed responsibility for the attack on Facebook and Twitter. The group denied responsibility the next day.

This is big. It suggests that the president had reports that very day that the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans weren't because of some film clip.

And yet – we heard just the opposite.

It took the administration nine days to refer to the attack as the work of terrorists.

Instead, top officials insisted there was no evidence suggesting the attack was "planned or imminent."

They continued to suggest that it was that anti-Muslim video produced in the United States that fueled a spontaneous protest in Benghazi. This includes folks at the very top like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and the State Department spokeswoman.

Why did the president and his top lieutenants obfuscate and hem and haw for so long before telling us what really happened? Try politics.

Why didn't President Obama tell the truth about what happened in Benghazi? – Cafferty File - Blogs
Thank god oldlady is a dem. I couldn't take the embarrassment she would cause if she were on my side. Yikes.
If everything was peaches and cream in Benghazi why do we have a dead Ambassador on our hands?

Who said it was Peaches and Cream? Fact is it was an attack on America and the republican candidate did not stand with America that day. His untimely attack on the president give our enemies hope that they can divide us further.

Democrats did that for 8 years...starting with Bush reading to kids....yeah they blamed Bush for remaining calm and not sounding the alarm bell in a room full of children
The OP I guess truly believes that leaving the good Ambassador's security in the hands of Libyan militias was a swell idea.


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