Benghazi is not about politics, it's about the truth


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Benghazi is not about politics, it's about the truth

Examiner Editorial
October 28, 2012

President Obama likes to do local television interviews in swing states. It's a good way to get favorable coverage, but it also has its drawbacks. Where the national political press has largely contented itself with ignoring big stories in favor of vapid horse-race coverage, Denver News 9 reporter Kyle Clark saw an opportunity to ask Obama a few tough questions.

Right out of the gate, Clark asked Obama about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. "Were the Americans under attack at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya denied requests for help during that attack, and is it fair to tell Americans that what happened is under investigation and we'll all find out after the election?"

Obama avoided answering, then avoided answering again when Clark followed up. The first words out of his mouth: "The election has nothing to do with four brave Americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened."

He could not have been more wrong.

When Americans choose their presidents, one of their considerations is that they want a commander in chief who can make tough calls when the pressure is on. Obama deserves credit for making the right call when Osama bin Laden became a target of opportunity. But when U.S. diplomats came under a terrorist attack in Libya, someone in the chain of command failed to make the "gutsy call" that might have saved them.


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Examiner Editorial: Benghazi is not about politics, it's about the truth |
Its cover your ass time at the State Department.

That fuck in the WH had no problem taking off for his Vegas fund raiser. That was way more important than four good men dying in Benghazi waiting for help that didn't come. Dying because of the ineptness of his State Deparment. He had his priorities down pat. Shows you what a class act he is.

Yeah. He and his State Department are a real class act.

Don't expect any truth about Benghazi. For Gods gods sake don't think anyone will be held accountable because they won't.

After all. Its just four dead men. You know they could care less.
We will likely never know the truth about the matter(unless we find it on Wiki-Leaks). Why do you think they held secret meetings?
Guess the most transparant administration in history isn't, well, very transparant.

Of course they held secret meetings. Hells bells. They don't want anyone to really know how they fucked up and four good men died.

Glad my life isn't dependant on that pack of incompetant boobs.

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