Benghazi: Behind the scenes (Part II)


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Obama does not want the American people to know the truth about what is going on, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, AQIM​

Benghazi: Behind the scenes (Part II)​

By: Doug Hagmann
November 30, 2012

Author’s note: This is part two of a multi-part interview with a government insider intimately familiar with the events that took place in Benghazi. It is important to note that the information contained in this series was developed from interviews that spanned over 100 hours. In this part, the insider provides information about the events of the attack and the continuation of the cover-up at the highest levels of our government. (For Part I, please click here). Benghazi explained: Interview with an “Intelligence Insider”

We’ve heard different accounts and different timelines concerning the attack at Benghazi. What exactly happened?​

First, people must understand that the compound that was attacked was situated in a somewhat rural area and was not a consulate, but a rented villa, or a residential structure. The residence was the primary building, and what has been referred to as the annex was located about 1800 feet away as the crow flies, but just over a mile to travel by road. And again, visible security was not present as the compound was the headquarters for a covert operation. No one wanted to draw attention to what was taking place at this location.

The first indications of problems there began at least twelve-(12) hours before the first shot was even fired. One of the men at the compound observed a policeman or Libyan security officer taking photographs outside of the villa. Keep in mind that Ambassador Stevens, the point man in this Obama-sanctioned weapons running operation, was hastily scheduled to meet with the Turkish consul general at this location. The meeting was deliberately planned for dinner time, toward evening, when the events that happened next could be performed under the cover of darkness.

Could the man who left to buy more phone cards have known what was about to take place?

Do you know what was discussed, or the reason for the meeting between Stevens and the Turkish consul general?

There was another issue as well, a very important and telling one. Seven members of the Iranian Red Crescent had been kidnapped or snatched from the streets of Benghazi on or about July 31, 2012. Again you must understand that virtually anyone walking on the streets of Benghazi not indigenous to the area are spies. Covert operatives, operating under various covers. From all nations.

Read more:
Benghazi: Behind the scenes (Part II)

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