Benghazi Attack Was Retaliation For Brennan’s Secret Al-Qaeda War


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Kris Zane
February 14, 2013

Obama with his “we can’t wait for Congress to act” ... there is one man who wields more power than Obama: CIA appointee John Brennan.

[ame=]Benghazi Attack Was Retaliation For Brennan's Secret Al-Qaeda War - YouTube[/ame]​


recently discovered that Brennan, running something akin to a fiefdom with his drone assassination program, has the power to decide who lives and who dies and doesn’t have to provide evidence to any entity that the “target” presents any threat to America—even if they are an American—even if the American is living in the United States​


the United States, leading up to the 2011 Libyan civil war had been flooding Libya with literally millions of weapons. After the West—NATO, with Obama at the helm—decided to topple Gaddafi, these millions of weapons then fell into Al-Qaeda and associated groups’ hands. And what Team Obama wasn’t funneling to the Syrian rebels (what Benghazi: The Definitive Report calls an “open secret”)—they wanted to get back from groups such as Ansar al-Sharia. Brennan, throughout North Africa, had been conducting his secret JSOC wars against al-Qaeda and associated groups; and lo and behold, yes, Mr. Brennan, there was retaliation. And that retaliation resulted in the deaths of four Americans at the consulate in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11.

The whole Obama Benghazi cover-up was only partially about hiding the illegal funneling of Libyan weapons to Syria and was mainly about the real—but illegal—Commander-in-Chief John Brennan conducting secret wars in Libya—without approval from Congress, without approval from the Pentagon, and hidden even from the CIA, with only a behind-doors approval by Barack Hussein Obama.


Benghazi: The Definitive Report makes it clear that when the Benghazi consulate was attacked and requested help, the CIA annex was told to stand down. They were ordered to stand idly by while Americans were slaughtered. They refused.


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Benghazi Attack Was Retaliation For Brennan?s Secret Al-Qaeda War
No, no no. The CIA annex was a clearing house for ground to air missiles bound for the Syrian Freedom fighters. It was attacked by a contingent of Iranian opertives. However the weapon had already been sent on their way to Turkey. The ambassador was targeted because he was a the secret CIA contact responsible for getting those weapons to the rebels.

Granny says, "Dat's right - an' dey'll get dem emails even if dey ain't got a warrant...
Obama administration to provide emails on CIA’s Libya talking points to Senate panel
February 22, 2013 - The Obama administration has agreed to provide emails pertaining to the controversial CIA talking points which critics say pushed an inaccurate picture of what happened during the terror attack last September in Benghazi, a congressional source tells Fox News.
“We expect that will be done early next week,” the source said, adding the administration has agreed to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s request to review the emails. The source did not immediately make clear whether members of the committee would go into a room and read the emails, or whether hard copies would be permanently supplied to the committee. The source noted that the committee has already seen details on how the controversial talking points were changed from their original drafting. Terms like Al Qaeda were stripped out, which led Republican lawmakers to charge the talking points were deliberately watered down -- it’s unclear which versions of the talking points members of the Senate committee might see.

The intelligence community’s talking points were provided to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and formed the basis of her controversial comments on all the major Sunday talk shows five days after the attack. During those shows, she asserted that the attack was a “spontaneous” reaction to protests elsewhere in the region and was a demonstration that spun out of control. Fox News first reported there was no demonstration at the consulate. Rice and others have since acknowledged there was no protest in Benghazi before the attack on the U.S. consulate and CIA annex. The latest effort appears to be aimed at trying to appease Republicans and ease the pressure on White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan’s nomination for CIA director.

White House spokesman Tommy Vietor on Friday said "we are having conversations with members of Congress about their requests," without specifically mentioning the talking points. "That being said, the confirmation process should be about the nominees and their ability to do the jobs they're nominated for," he said. "As the confirmation hearings clearly showed, John Brennan is extraordinarily qualified to head the CIA, and the President needs him in place now." At his confirmation hearing earlier this month, Brennan faced a barrage of questions from both sides of the aisle – some about Benghazi, but many about the administration’s drone program. Some have sought additional legal documents to back up the targeted killing of Americans overseas, an issue that still could leave Brennan vulnerable to Democratic resistance on the committee.

Read more: Obama administration to provide emails on CIA?s Libya talking points to Senate panel | Fox News

See also:

13,753 Gov’t Requests for Google E-Mail Data in 2012, Most Without a Warrant
February 22, 2013 - American government agencies – state, local, and federal -- made a record 13,753 requests to read emails or gather other information sent through Google’s Gmail and other services in 2012, more than half without warrants, according to statistics released by Google.
The total number of users about whom government agencies wanted information also set a record at 31,072, up from 23,300 in 2011, the first year Google began reporting the data. The discrepancy comes because government agencies request information on multiple users or accounts at the same time. Most of these 13,753 requests, 6,542 of 8,438 in the latter half of 2012 alone, were done without a search warrant, Google data show. Google did not make available any detailed data prior to June 2012, nor did it make available which requests came from the federal government and which came from state or local law enforcement agencies, when asked by

Google spokesman Chris Gaither said the company only started tracking which type of legal authority – subpoena, court order, or search warrant – was used in the latter half of 2012. Google issues biannual reports on the requests for user data it receives from government agencies from around the world, including ones in the U.S. Google announced in June 2012 that it had 425 million active Gmail subscribers, making it the largest e-mail provider in the world. It also provides users the ability to store documents via its Google Drive service, phone service via Google Voice, YouTube, personal blogs via Blogger, as well as email hosting services for corporate clients through Gmail.

Google keep records of all email and other communication sent through its e-mail, telephone, YouTube, and other services, storing the information on cloud servers – a move that allows government agencies, local, state, and federal, to access some information without a warrant. Federal law allows government agencies to access Google’s archived email and other data, including chat logs, YouTube user information, voice messages, and blogger information without obtaining a search warrant or establishing probable cause, and Google says that it complies with the vast majority of government requests for data.

So someone's figured out that if we keep killing al qaeda, once in awhile al qaeda might try to kill some of us?

Is this what passes for brilliant insight on the Right?

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