CDZ Ben Shapiro explains why healthcare is not a Right, it is a commodity, and subject to freedom...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This video by Ben Shapiro points out the actual truth of is not a Right....because you cannot force a doctor to treat you without turning that Doctor into a slave....taking away their freedom to practice their medical profession without coercion.....

Human beings are commodities in america.

Of course you didn't watch the as a Right turns people into slaves.....and will destroy medical innovation and progress.......
I have never understood how the leftists and progs came to the conclusion that health care is a right! It is NOT in the constitution.

Yes, a humane society cares for the sick within the bounds of common sense. To heal the sick. What the progs are demanding are medical procedures for social reason, not medical.
I have never understood how the leftists and progs came to the conclusion that health care is a right! It is NOT in the constitution.

Yes, a humane society cares for the sick within the bounds of common sense. To heal the sick. What the progs are demanding are medical procedures for social reason, not medical.

And the very method they want to provide this right.....government control....destroys it...makes it worse and less available....except of course for the rich....
A question for the Libertarian/Conservatives.

Would you accept a universal healthcare system if it was cheaper/more cost efficient, as it's proven to be in almost every OECD country? In other words, would you accept it if it had ZERO impact on your life/financial expenses/overall economy?
A question for the Libertarian/Conservatives.

Would you accept a universal healthcare system if it was cheaper/more cost efficient, as it's proven to be in almost every OECD country? In other words, would you accept it if it had ZERO impact on your life/financial expenses/overall economy?

It is not cheaper or more cost efficient in any of those countries......and no.....a universal healthcare system is always going to be less efficient and cost more because you have unaccountable burueacrats and politicians running it.....Why not let everyone get their own insurance? I have to say that I see almost everyone in the country with a cell is that possible? From the lowest McDonalds worker to the highest executive? Because of competition......and trying to actually please the customer instead of telling the customer what they can and can't have....

And I'll see you this......once all of the OECD countries provide enough money to pay for their own militaries for their own defense...then tell us how cost efficient their healthcare systems are......considering the gold star of universal healthcare.....the British National Health Service is in a state of crisis according to the Red Cross....they can't afford it, it is going to collapse......
A question for the Libertarian/Conservatives.

Would you accept a universal healthcare system if it was cheaper/more cost efficient, as it's proven to be in almost every OECD country? In other words, would you accept it if it had ZERO impact on your life/financial expenses/overall economy?

Your point doesn't work......there is no ZERO impact when the government runs anything...they are always over budget, and innefficient.......our country runs the VA....a tiny medical system specifically created to see to the medical needs of the veterans injured fighting for the country......and they are dying waiting on fake waiting lists.....and can't get medical attention.....

Could you please answer this question.....if our government and bureaucrats, and polticians can't run the tiney VA system...why would you think that they can run healthcare for 320 million people? Can you explain how their failure with the VA means they will be successful controlling healthcare for the whole country...?

And on the gold standard...British National tell us how there can be ZERO impact.........

NHS chiefs warn that hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse

The body that represents hospitals across England has issued a startling warning that the NHS is close to breaking point because of its escalating cash crisis.

Years of underfunding have left the service facing such “impossible” demands that without urgent extra investment in November’s autumn statement it will have to cut staff, bring in charges or introduce “draconian rationing” of treatment – all options that will provoke public disquiet, it says.

In an unprecedentedly bleak assessment of the NHS’s own health, NHS Providers, which speaks for hospital trust chairs and chief executives, tells ministers that widespread breaches of performance targets, chronic understaffing and huge overspends by hospitals mean that it is heading back to the visible decline it last experienced in the 1990s.
A question for the Libertarian/Conservatives.

Would you accept a universal healthcare system if it was cheaper/more cost efficient, as it's proven to be in almost every OECD country? In other words, would you accept it if it had ZERO impact on your life/financial expenses/overall economy?
No, on principle alone I would still reject it. There is no evidence that any government run program in the U.S. has ever been more (financially) efficient than private enterprise. "Universal Healthcare" limits choice, by definition, limits incentives for innovation, and generally stifles growth. So yeah, I would reject it.
Health care is for people. Living people count more than ideology, economic system, profits or any other noun.
Health care is for people. Living people count more than ideology, economic system, profits or any other noun.

And who says otherwise......? What you guys want...destroys healthcare.....makes it less likely that the poorest in the country will get healthcare that they actually need.and then makes sure that everyone else gets crappy healthcare too....
This video by Ben Shapiro points out the actual truth of is not a Right....because you cannot force a doctor to treat you without turning that Doctor into a slave....taking away their freedom to practice their medical profession without coercion.....

I find it to be hypocrisy, by those who claim who claim that it's not a right to have healthcare in America, yet claim to be Christians..
We are alleged Christian nation, at least when it comes to saying "Merry Christmas", Muslims and including "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. And of course, the Republican Party claims to be the "party of God".
In the Bible, there are multiple verses, telling Christians to take care of the sick and healing people. Jesus healed people for free..
The United States is the only country where healthcare in not a right. Yet In God's eyes, healthcare is a right.
So which is it? America is or isn't a Christian nation?
THE most expensive and inefficient healthcare system in the world for shitty outcomes relative to other advanced nations. This is what the people must never learn of.
This video by Ben Shapiro points out the actual truth of is not a Right....because you cannot force a doctor to treat you without turning that Doctor into a slave....taking away their freedom to practice their medical profession without coercion.....

I find it to be hypocrisy, by those who claim who claim that it's not a right to have healthcare in America, yet claim to be Christians..
We are alleged Christian nation, at least when it comes to saying "Merry Christmas", Muslims and including "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. And of course, the Republican Party claims to be the "party of God".
In the Bible, there are multiple verses, telling Christians to take care of the sick and healing people. Jesus healed people for free..
The United States is the only country where healthcare in not a right. Yet In God's eyes, healthcare is a right.
So which is it? America is or isn't a Christian nation?

There is something inherent in the american psyche that requires a subset of the population be punished and made to suffer, possibly caught up in this ridiculous notion of original sin. American society has always required someone, some group to look down upon and punish, who better than the poor. They have no voice and no power, and the vote as an instrument by which society can right itself is clearly fiction at this point. America had never been anything other than a colonial societal wealth extraction enterprise. And it still is.
Since being rich obviously means being blessed by 'God', they have the divine mandate to control. Likewise, the poor must be cursed if they have nothing, and, so, have to bear the burden.
This video by Ben Shapiro points out the actual truth of is not a Right....because you cannot force a doctor to treat you without turning that Doctor into a slave....taking away their freedom to practice their medical profession without coercion.....

I find it to be hypocrisy, by those who claim who claim that it's not a right to have healthcare in America, yet claim to be Christians..
We are alleged Christian nation, at least when it comes to saying "Merry Christmas", Muslims and including "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. And of course, the Republican Party claims to be the "party of God".
In the Bible, there are multiple verses, telling Christians to take care of the sick and healing people. Jesus healed people for free..
The United States is the only country where healthcare in not a right. Yet In God's eyes, healthcare is a right.
So which is it? America is or isn't a Christian nation?

So, let me see if I understand you correctly.
Sense we are, supposedly, a predominantly Christian nation we should use the government to do "God's work"? Is that what you are saying? That the religious right should happily use the government as an instrument of God? I must be misunderstanding you here.

Note: There is nothing specifying a particular religion's or sect's god in any document of the federal government, that I am aware of(it would be unconstitutional). Additionally, there is nothing in the Bible that even remotely suggests using the government as an instrument of God. Only that any particular government is in place because God allows it, maybe even "ordains" it. Consider this:
" The Bible shouldn’t be treated as an oracle that reveals to us the ideal social and economic policies for current-day American society. Attempting to do so usually results in bad policy and worse religion. That’s how we got slavemasters waving Bibles over their heads in defense of the moral appropriateness of an evil institution. It would be good if we could stop doing that sort of thing." Jared Hillary Ruark Here's a link to the article I pulled this from: Jesus, The Bible, and Foodstamps: Can a Christian Be Against The Welfare State?
So, should we, as a "Christian Nation" support a "right to Healthcare"? Well, I guess I'd have to say, "One's faith/spirituality has little, if anything, to do with the matter as far as government and governing others is concerned."
THE most expensive and inefficient healthcare system in the world for shitty outcomes relative to other advanced nations. This is what the people must never learn of.

Yeah...and we have been through those fake stats over and over....we drive more, we have more gang members shooting people and that increases our death rates and lowers our life expectancy rates....and they also play games with how they designate live births as well........

Throw in the fact they can't provide for their own national defense, and that their socialist medical systems are collapsing....and those wonderful health systems suck....

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