

Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Drivers seat.
Found this hive today. Its nest that is in most of a wall and a good bit of the attic. When we opened the attic door it really pissed them off. they are all over in there still. A bee guy is coming to get them tommrow. Bee's have been pretty busy around here lately. I tried to get better pictures with my phone, but I was to chicken to get any closer. As it was they were flying into my face.


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I hate wasps and yellow jackets.

Bees? Eh. The killer bees I could live without, I suppose.

But that whole pollination thing does seem kind of -- I dunno -- important.

Those little fuckers.
I lived in a nice house once that had high eaves, and wasps and yellow jackets built multiple nests under them.

I bought some cans of the super far-shooting wasp killer, had a few drinks and waited until dusk, when they'd all be home...this stuff shoots 35 feet....and I let them have it.

Only I didn't let them have it. I let myself have it, directly in face and chest.

I didn't die. I turned it around and I did let them have it, correctly...that stuff really works, and I didn't get a single sting.
Bees? Or wasps?

Honey bee's. Those are asbestos shingles, and the honey is dripping from underneath. It's also oozing from behind the dry wall. The garage is crawling with roaches. Its a huge mess. I see dollar signs. Lots of work there.
I lived in a nice house once that had high eaves, and wasps and yellow jackets built multiple nests under them.

I bought some cans of the super far-shooting wasp killer, had a few drinks and waited until dusk, when they'd all be home...this stuff shoots 35 feet....and I let them have it.

Only I didn't let them have it. I let myself have it, directly in face and chest.

I didn't die. I turned it around and I did let them have it, correctly...that stuff really works, and I didn't get a single sting.

I wish I could have got pics inside the house. This nest is huge. Massive. If we used that much poison we would most likely go to prison. The bee guy said he can get rid of them with out killing them, but it will take a day or two. I live about six blocks from here. I may buy a bee box from the guy and keep them.
Last summer I was standing on my back porch and without looking I go to grab the handrail and I grabbed a wasp instead! It felt like a small nail going into my wrist!
Bees? Or wasps?

Honey bee's. Those are asbestos shingles, and the honey is dripping from underneath. It's also oozing from behind the dry wall. The garage is crawling with roaches. Its a huge mess. I see dollar signs. Lots of work there.

here you are not allowed to kill them. You have to have a professional come and remover the hive.... And yeah... its costs a pretty penny to remove them...and then repair the damage.
I lived in a nice house once that had high eaves, and wasps and yellow jackets built multiple nests under them.

I bought some cans of the super far-shooting wasp killer, had a few drinks and waited until dusk, when they'd all be home...this stuff shoots 35 feet....and I let them have it.

Only I didn't let them have it. I let myself have it, directly in face and chest.

I didn't die. I turned it around and I did let them have it, correctly...that stuff really works, and I didn't get a single sting.

I wish I could have got pics inside the house. This nest is huge. Massive. If we used that much poison we would most likely go to prison. The bee guy said he can get rid of them with out killing them, but it will take a day or two. I live about six blocks from here. I may buy a bee box from the guy and keep them.

So they really are honey bees? Not wasps...or killer bees?????
I used to work at an outdoor summer camp and one year the yellow jackets were out in force. On a particularly cold day some kids were (unknowingly) playing around one of the ground hives. Next thing I knew a 5 year old came up to me balling his eyes out. Yellow jackets, maybe 100, were burrowing in his jacket. Needless to say we all made a run for it. Luckily I only was bitten once, and only because one of stupid enough to fly into my hair.

But good luck with the removal. And I hope it costs less than you think!
Yeah yellow jackets can kill a person.

I get stung now and then...the worst was when one got between my sandal and my foot..oh owwwww that thing hurt and itched for months. It was awful.

My son got stung one year on his hand...and 24 hours LATER his hand swelled up and he started having trouble breathing. Weird.
Bees? Or wasps?

Honey bee's. Those are asbestos shingles, and the honey is dripping from underneath. It's also oozing from behind the dry wall. The garage is crawling with roaches. Its a huge mess. I see dollar signs. Lots of work there.

here you are not allowed to kill them. You have to have a professional come and remover the hive.... And yeah... its costs a pretty penny to remove them...and then repair the damage.

Why do you have to have to get a contractor in? I've smoked-out several nests without any trouble and buried the nest. Nor am I aware of any official UK guidelines on pest control within your property.
Honey bee's. Those are asbestos shingles, and the honey is dripping from underneath. It's also oozing from behind the dry wall. The garage is crawling with roaches. Its a huge mess. I see dollar signs. Lots of work there.

here you are not allowed to kill them. You have to have a professional come and remover the hive.... And yeah... its costs a pretty penny to remove them...and then repair the damage.

Why do you have to have to get a contractor in? I've smoked-out several nests without any trouble and buried the nest. Nor am I aware of any official UK guidelines on pest control within your property.

We have lots of bee keepers in the area, and the keeper who came by told us there could be liability issues if we poison the other hives. The home owner still has not been able to get in the house. The bee keeper said this is the biggest wild bee hive he has seen. He got a 24 inch hole cut in the interior wall and had to stop and come out . In the end, they bay need to be poisoned. This job is not a demolition either. We just need to get that siding off, and put hardy on.
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You have to remove all signs of the hive honey ect. and completely close the hole up. The bees will smell the old hive and will try to rebuild in the same spot.

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