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Beck insists that he is not political: "I could give a flying crap about the political process." Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. "We're an entertainment company," Beck says.

Glenn Beck Inc -
Since I saw Glenn Beck I have tried to categorize him. Far right? Talking-head radio-show host? FoxNews commentator? Snake-oil salesman? Centrist?

Over time, listening to him and the subjects he discusses and facts he brings forth for us to consider, I think I have my answer. He is most like the Founders, those 1776 guys, the ones who wrote the declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Neither a Republican nor a Democrat (they didn't exist then) but some descendent of the Founding Fathers, the original revolutionaries. Glenn is like Paul Revere, or the lanterns in the church tower...

Many Americans today deride him because he is representative of the Founding Fathers, and that's REAL "old school", because we have slid so far down the slippery slope of progressive/liberalism/leftism, and all the other "isms," away from our roots, our foundation, our values.

God help us, and God help Glenn Beck. The left hate him because he outted that Communist, Van Jones. That's a reason I love him...
I see a lot of posting here that smells of "sour grapes." The liberal-leftist media are going down the tubes (NY Times, Air America, MSNBC, CNN).

That FoxNews, Glenn Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly (not to mention Limbaugh) are putting them all in their graves, ratings-wise, is indicative of the mood of mainstream, heartland America....real Americans tired of liberal-leftist lies and agendas, taxes and spending, enormous deficits, socialism that can't work and never has, illegal aliens, and shadow governments of leftists, socialists, Maoists, Communists and perverts.

The national metronome is swinging back, and in its wake, we heartlanders and rising to take back this country before "progressives" and liberals and leftists ruin it forever. Standby for Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2012. Liberals and progressives will be shovelled into some dark hole in history...

That's what you think!!! You'll see the sourpuss right wingers in that dark hole in history, not liberals. What is so wrong about being a Progressive??? They believe in social justice, human rights, and they believe in change and meeting the needs of the people. To name a few of their objectives. So what's the problem?? Gee, those are such terrible goals, aren't they???
I see a lot of posting here that smells of "sour grapes." The liberal-leftist media are going down the tubes (NY Times, Air America, MSNBC, CNN).

That FoxNews, Glenn Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly (not to mention Limbaugh) are putting them all in their graves, ratings-wise, is indicative of the mood of mainstream, heartland America....real Americans tired of liberal-leftist lies and agendas, taxes and spending, enormous deficits, socialism that can't work and never has, illegal aliens, and shadow governments of leftists, socialists, Maoists, Communists and perverts.

The national metronome is swinging back, and in its wake, we heartlanders and rising to take back this country before "progressives" and liberals and leftists ruin it forever. Standby for Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2012. Liberals and progressives will be shovelled into some dark hole in history...

That's what you think!!! You'll see the sourpuss right wingers in that dark hole in history, not liberals. What is so wrong about being a Progressive??? They believe in social justice, human rights, and they believe in change and meeting the needs of the people. To name a few of their objectives. So what's the problem?? Gee, those are such terrible goals, aren't they???

And the rest of us believe in the Constitution.




That is outrageous!!

A guy made money!

How horrifying! The faux outrage of it all. He should be forced to hand over every cent for the greater good.

How pathetic that anyone should care how much money someone made. Get over it and earn your own damned money.

It went right over your head didn't it?

No, mo chara, it didn't. My point..... he is entitled to make money - and keep it.... just like you are and I am. This is America.

People who religiously follow anyone are fools. Be it Beck, Obama or any other human being. Absolutely none of them are in it for you - they are in it for themselves.



That is outrageous!!

A guy made money!

How horrifying! The faux outrage of it all. He should be forced to hand over every cent for the greater good.

How pathetic that anyone should care how much money someone made. Get over it and earn your own damned money.

It went right over your head didn't it?

No, mo chara, it didn't. My point..... he is entitled to make money - and keep it.... just like you are and I am. This is America.

People who religiously follow anyone are fools. Be it Beck, Obama or any other human being. Absolutely none of them are in it for you - they are in it for themselves.

I don't have a problem with him making money at all. If he is doing it legally and paying his taxes why should I care how much money he makes?

The post was a sarcastic shot at those who like to bring up how much money he makes or his ratings when Beck is getting bashed or criticized.
I see a lot of posting here that smells of "sour grapes." The liberal-leftist media are going down the tubes (NY Times, Air America, MSNBC, CNN).

That FoxNews, Glenn Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly (not to mention Limbaugh) are putting them all in their graves, ratings-wise, is indicative of the mood of mainstream, heartland America....real Americans tired of liberal-leftist lies and agendas, taxes and spending, enormous deficits, socialism that can't work and never has, illegal aliens, and shadow governments of leftists, socialists, Maoists, Communists and perverts.

The national metronome is swinging back, and in its wake, we heartlanders and rising to take back this country before "progressives" and liberals and leftists ruin it forever. Standby for Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2012. Liberals and progressives will be shovelled into some dark hole in history...

That's what you think!!! You'll see the sourpuss right wingers in that dark hole in history, not liberals. What is so wrong about being a Progressive??? They believe in social justice, human rights, and they believe in change and meeting the needs of the people. To name a few of their objectives. So what's the problem?? Gee, those are such terrible goals, aren't they???

No. They don't believe in that. They just claim to so guillible people will follow them off the abyss into a totalitarian government. And totalitarian governments always do the exact opposite of the state objectives.

The best way to help the poor is to allow them the freedom to pull themselves out of poverty and succeed using their gifts and skills.

The best way to ensure human rights is allow people to be free. And the only way to be free is to keep government from controlling the population.

The best way to meet the needs of the people is by everyone remembering their duty and lifting up their family and neighbors. Not through government handouts. Government's been handing out free money for decades and it hasnt gotten better. It's gotten worse.

You say you want these things, than actually propose policies that promote these concepts.

The Constitution has made us the most free nation in the world. Progressing past the Constitution is just going to return us to the despotic regimes that existed before the Founders started their marvelous experiment.
I see a lot of posting here that smells of "sour grapes." The liberal-leftist media are going down the tubes (NY Times, Air America, MSNBC, CNN).

That FoxNews, Glenn Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly (not to mention Limbaugh) are putting them all in their graves, ratings-wise, is indicative of the mood of mainstream, heartland America....real Americans tired of liberal-leftist lies and agendas, taxes and spending, enormous deficits, socialism that can't work and never has, illegal aliens, and shadow governments of leftists, socialists, Maoists, Communists and perverts.

The national metronome is swinging back, and in its wake, we heartlanders and rising to take back this country before "progressives" and liberals and leftists ruin it forever. Standby for Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2012. Liberals and progressives will be shovelled into some dark hole in history...

That's what you think!!! You'll see the sourpuss right wingers in that dark hole in history, not liberals. What is so wrong about being a Progressive??? They believe in social justice, human rights, and they believe in change and meeting the needs of the people. To name a few of their objectives. So what's the problem?? Gee, those are such terrible goals, aren't they???

No. They don't believe in that. They just claim to so guillible people will follow them off the abyss into a totalitarian government. And totalitarian governments always do the exact opposite of the state objectives.

The best way to help the poor is to allow them the freedom to pull themselves out of poverty and succeed using their gifts and skills.

The best way to ensure human rights is allow people to be free. And the only way to be free is to keep government from controlling the population.

The best way to meet the needs of the people is by everyone remembering their duty and lifting up their family and neighbors. Not through government handouts. Government's been handing out free money for decades and it hasnt gotten better. It's gotten worse.

You say you want these things, than actually propose policies that promote these concepts.

The Constitution has made us the most free nation in the world. Progressing past the Constitution is just going to return us to the despotic regimes that existed before the Founders started their marvelous experiment.

But when I listen to you and others that share your opinions, I get the impression that you are all from the dark ages. You hate change and you want everything to stay the same. And you don't want to help people in trouble.

And yes, I do support the policies that you mentioned. But I would make sure, if only I were Queen, :)lol:) that any sort of help from the government is temporary. I don't want anybody just living off of my money and taking it easy. I've worked too hard all of my life. And if a person is able bodied, they had better do the same
I see a lot of posting here that smells of "sour grapes." The liberal-leftist media are going down the tubes (NY Times, Air America, MSNBC, CNN).

That FoxNews, Glenn Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly (not to mention Limbaugh) are putting them all in their graves, ratings-wise, is indicative of the mood of mainstream, heartland America....real Americans tired of liberal-leftist lies and agendas, taxes and spending, enormous deficits, socialism that can't work and never has, illegal aliens, and shadow governments of leftists, socialists, Maoists, Communists and perverts.

The national metronome is swinging back, and in its wake, we heartlanders and rising to take back this country before "progressives" and liberals and leftists ruin it forever. Standby for Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2012. Liberals and progressives will be shovelled into some dark hole in history...

That's what you think!!! You'll see the sourpuss right wingers in that dark hole in history, not liberals. What is so wrong about being a Progressive??? They believe in social justice, human rights, and they believe in change and meeting the needs of the people. To name a few of their objectives. So what's the problem?? Gee, those are such terrible goals, aren't they???

No. They don't believe in that. They just claim to so guillible people will follow them off the abyss into a totalitarian government. And totalitarian governments always do the exact opposite of the state objectives.

The best way to help the poor is to allow them the freedom to pull themselves out of poverty and succeed using their gifts and skills.

The best way to ensure human rights is allow people to be free. And the only way to be free is to keep government from controlling the population.

The best way to meet the needs of the people is by everyone remembering their duty and lifting up their family and neighbors. Not through government handouts. Government's been handing out free money for decades and it hasnt gotten better. It's gotten worse.

You say you want these things, than actually propose policies that promote these concepts.

The Constitution has made us the most free nation in the world. Progressing past the Constitution is just going to return us to the despotic regimes that existed before the Founders started their marvelous experiment.

The difference between liberals and conservatives:

Liberals believe the government is exists to provide handouts and 'entitlements'.
Conservatives believe the government exists to protect the country and the Constitution.

I don't think many liberals actually know what the Constitution is, other than a piece of paper.
Glenn Beck is finally telling us what those who never think are thinking.

Are you scared? You should be! Glenn Beck tells you to be afraid, very afraid.

And the rubes are eating it up with a spoon!

Huh? That man is quite looney. Anyone who would take him seriously at all needs help... Seek help.
Oh My God!

That is outrageous!!

A guy made money!

How horrifying! The faux outrage of it all. He should be forced to hand over every cent for the greater good.

How pathetic that anyone should care how much money someone made. Get over it and earn your own damned money.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9

Whenever I read comments such as these I wonder what moral universe the person resides in? A school teacher, a janitor, or law enforcement person does more good for America or the world than Beck ever will do and yet some find in a world of finite resources that millions to one person is somehow not only morally sound but just wonderful. Something is skewed in a nation that considers itself generous and Christian when this sentiment fills the head of a large portion of society. I must have growth up in another country as absurd salaries and absurd greed were once considered one of the cardinal sins, but today they are praised, bailed out, and justified by a moral math that defies explanation.

Even if Glenn Beck's ranting had an iota of truth to them or were interesting in some way, he would be not be worth these ridiculous salaries and I feel that way for all millions plus salaries. It is why in a just world they would be taxed at a greater rate than today. They do not, as some assume contribute to jobs or the economy, what they contribute to is the same greed that got us into the current mess as the monies go into the financial industry that chase each others tails making more money for each other till the next bubble collapses. Isn't it a bit curious how prior to the great depression the same greed money craziness led to the same place. Money is the root of all evil - or maybe much.

And what is the appeal of doomsayers for many people? Why do many listen to Beck even, he says nothing positive? Father Coughlin reincarnated. Why does bad news have such an appeal?

"The Nobel Prize-winning economist and social scientist Herbert Simon estimated that “social capital” is responsible for at least 90 percent of what people earn in wealthy societies like those of the United States or northwestern Europe. By social capital Simon meant not only natural resources but, more important, the technology and organizational skills in the community, and the presence of good government. These are the foundation on which the rich can begin their work. “On moral grounds,” Simon added, “we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent.” Simon was not, of course, advocating so steep a rate of tax, for he was well aware of disincentive effects. But his estimate does undermine the argument that the rich are entitled to keep their wealth because it is all a result of their hard work. If Simon is right, that is true of at most 10 percent of it." Peter Singer

Inequality on the March by J. Bradford DeLong
Inequality on the March - Project Syndicate

"The modern [American] conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith
Oh My God!

That is outrageous!!

A guy made money!

How horrifying! The faux outrage of it all. He should be forced to hand over every cent for the greater good.

How pathetic that anyone should care how much money someone made. Get over it and earn your own damned money.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9

Whenever I read comments such as these I wonder what moral universe the person resides in? A school teacher, a janitor, or law enforcement person does more good for America or the world than Beck ever will do and yet some find in a world of finite resources that millions to one person is somehow not only morally sound but just wonderful. Something is skewed in a nation that considers itself generous and Christian when this sentiment fills the head of a large portion of society. I must have growth up in another country as absurd salaries and absurd greed were once considered one of the cardinal sins, but today they are praised, bailed out, and justified by a moral math that defies explanation.

Even if Glenn Beck's ranting had an iota of truth to them or were interesting in some way, he would be not be worth these ridiculous salaries and I feel that way for all millions plus salaries. It is why in a just world they would be taxed at a greater rate than today. They do not, as some assume contribute to jobs or the economy, what they contribute to is the same greed that got us into the current mess as the monies go into the financial industry that chase each others tails making more money for each other till the next bubble collapses. Isn't it a bit curious how prior to the great depression the same greed money craziness led to the same place. Money is the root of all evil - or maybe much.

And what is the appeal of doomsayers for many people? Why do many listen to Beck even, he says nothing positive? Father Coughlin reincarnated. Why does bad news have such an appeal?

"The Nobel Prize-winning economist and social scientist Herbert Simon estimated that “social capital” is responsible for at least 90 percent of what people earn in wealthy societies like those of the United States or northwestern Europe. By social capital Simon meant not only natural resources but, more important, the technology and organizational skills in the community, and the presence of good government. These are the foundation on which the rich can begin their work. “On moral grounds,” Simon added, “we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent.” Simon was not, of course, advocating so steep a rate of tax, for he was well aware of disincentive effects. But his estimate does undermine the argument that the rich are entitled to keep their wealth because it is all a result of their hard work. If Simon is right, that is true of at most 10 percent of it." Peter Singer

Inequality on the March by J. Bradford DeLong
Inequality on the March - Project Syndicate

"The modern [American] conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith

Whenever I read a bible quote from a liberal to justify stealing from some to give to others, I know they have no real moral justification for their beliefs.

While I don't know much about Beck, I do know that he is a Mormon and they have a moral responsibility to tithe. How much Beck does or does not give to charity is his business. Just like what I do for those less fortunate is my business. One can only wonder at those who think that it should be Government's responsibility to care for our fellow man, personally I view it as a moral obligation on everyone.
Whenever I read a bible quote from a liberal to justify stealing from some to give to others, I know they have no real moral justification for their beliefs.

While I don't know much about Beck, I do know that he is a Mormon and they have a moral responsibility to tithe....

I had no idea the bible was about stealing? I always thought it was about honesty and responsibility. If you know nothing about Beck why then open one's mouth? In the world in which we live, salaries of that kind are immoral, maybe in some imaginary world like yours they make sense.

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Matthew 6:24
There is only one Beck.
Kill all of the others.
[ame=]YouTube - Jeff Beck at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club 2007 - Goodbye Pork Pie Hat/Brush With The Blues[/ame]
Since I saw Glenn Beck I have tried to categorize him. Far right? Talking-head radio-show host? FoxNews commentator? Snake-oil salesman? Centrist?

Over time, listening to him and the subjects he discusses and facts he brings forth for us to consider, I think I have my answer. He is most like the Founders, those 1776 guys, the ones who wrote the declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Neither a Republican nor a Democrat (they didn't exist then) but some descendent of the Founding Fathers, the original revolutionaries. Glenn is like Paul Revere, or the lanterns in the church tower...

Many Americans today deride him because he is representative of the Founding Fathers, and that's REAL "old school", because we have slid so far down the slippery slope of progressive/liberalism/leftism, and all the other "isms," away from our roots, our foundation, our values.

God help us, and God help Glenn Beck. The left hate him because he outted that Communist, Van Jones. That's a reason I love him...


The man does know how to play that axe, doesn't he?
Without revealing myself :cool:I was a singer in a fairly well known seventies band and am a hotrod freak.
Jeff is one of the best mechanics/machinists I've ever met.
He's a great guy who's guitar ability gave him the $$$ to follow his dreams.
The last time I saw him, 7 years ago, he had about 45 of the coolest rides you ever saw......and 150 or so guitars.
Glenn Beck is finally telling us what those who never think are thinking.

Are you scared? You should be! Glenn Beck tells you to be afraid, very afraid.

And the rubes are eating it up with a spoon!

Huh? That man is quite looney. Anyone who would take him seriously at all needs help... Seek help.
Dear Sarah,

Please read my post carefully. I come to bury Beck, not to praise him.
And the rest of us believe in the Constitution.


That's nothing but an out for people with no principles who want to present themselves as blind patriots. What 'Constitution' do you believe in? The one that prevented any law from being passed outlawing slavery for some years afters its signing? Or the Constitution as it existed after the Thirteenth Amendment? The one that had the state legislatures choosing our congressman (well, in one house), or the one that has them elected by popular vote? The Constitution as it existed during prohibition, or as it existed before/after if was repealed? Do you believe in the Constitution before or after women and blacks got the right to vote?

Do you believe in the Constitution of the FF or the Constitution as it exists today, after the Leftists got a hold of it and started reforming things? Or maybe you mean the Constitution you envision after you add an amendment banning gay marriage?

Your little one-liner about believing in the Constitution is nothing but an out- cheap political points for those who can't actually state what they believe in.

Since all you believe in is the Constitution, do tell us which version of this infallible document you worship so.
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