"because Hannity tells it like it is..."

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
America, I mourn as I laugh...
...one family member out here only watches Sean Hannity on Fox News, because Hannity tells it like it is, and another reads all the Glenn Beck books and says Beck is the only man in America who knows what is really happening.

Those two say, in effect, that CNN is caught in a cognitive trap, only able to see things through the syntax and grammar of the liberal left and can’t see what is really happening.

Tell them no, that’s MSNBC and they’ll say maybe so, but CNN is just as bad.

Of course the whole premise of Fox News – Fair and Balanced and We Report, You Decide – was to claim they had escaped the cognitive trap of all other news organization and had no lens of any kind filtering anything – thus O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone. And of course that was brilliant marketing. But one’s man’s freedom from the traps everyone else has fallen into is just another man’s spin.

And thus there are the flame wars where O’Reilly on Fox and Olbermann on MSNBC go at each other, and the poor guys at CNN wonder where all their ratings went.

The poor guys at CNN thought they were just reporting the news.

The Most Trusted Name in Something or Other Just Above Sunset

Is America becoming a cable nation?

Poll: CNN Is America's 'Most Trusted' News Source
by Mike Moody, posted May 5th 2010 11:40AM


Fox innovation used by Hannity last week in connection with the foiled New York attack. For a “text voting” segment, he invited the audience to vote “if you think the Times Square bombing suspect acted alone” or with the Taliban or with Al Qaeda.

The winner, he announced at the program’s end, was Al Qaeda.

So what if the correct answer is the Pakistani Taliban? Fox viewers are officially entitled to decide their own facts. You’d think that if America is at war with terrorists, it might be helpful if we knew precisely which terrorists we are at war with.

We’re still paying for having conflated Iraq with Al Qaeda after 9/11.

Op-Ed Columnist - They Don’t Report. You Don’t Have to Decide. - NYTimes.com

note: Stewart, defending his satirical show's impact on the media and culture, said during a recent airing, "I have not moved out of the comedian's box into the news box, the news box is moving toward me."
America, I mourn as I laugh...
...one family member out here only watches Sean Hannity on Fox News, because Hannity tells it like it is, and another reads all the Glenn Beck books and says Beck is the only man in America who knows what is really happening.

Those two say, in effect, that CNN is caught in a cognitive trap, only able to see things through the syntax and grammar of the liberal left and can’t see what is really happening.

Tell them no, that’s MSNBC and they’ll say maybe so, but CNN is just as bad.

Of course the whole premise of Fox News – Fair and Balanced and We Report, You Decide – was to claim they had escaped the cognitive trap of all other news organization and had no lens of any kind filtering anything – thus O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone. And of course that was brilliant marketing. But one’s man’s freedom from the traps everyone else has fallen into is just another man’s spin.

And thus there are the flame wars where O’Reilly on Fox and Olbermann on MSNBC go at each other, and the poor guys at CNN wonder where all their ratings went.

The poor guys at CNN thought they were just reporting the news.

The Most Trusted Name in Something or Other Just Above Sunset

Is America becoming a cable nation?

Poll: CNN Is America's 'Most Trusted' News Source
by Mike Moody, posted May 5th 2010 11:40AM


Fox innovation used by Hannity last week in connection with the foiled New York attack. For a “text voting” segment, he invited the audience to vote “if you think the Times Square bombing suspect acted alone” or with the Taliban or with Al Qaeda.

The winner, he announced at the program’s end, was Al Qaeda.

So what if the correct answer is the Pakistani Taliban? Fox viewers are officially entitled to decide their own facts. You’d think that if America is at war with terrorists, it might be helpful if we knew precisely which terrorists we are at war with.

We’re still paying for having conflated Iraq with Al Qaeda after 9/11.

Op-Ed Columnist - They Don’t Report. You Don’t Have to Decide. - NYTimes.com

note: Stewart, defending his satirical show's impact on the media and culture, said during a recent airing, "I have not moved out of the comedian's box into the news box, the news box is moving toward me."

Hannity even has his own crazy following online...
Who, or better, What is Elena Kagan?
What is Elena Kagan?

Could someone help me out? Obama likes Kagan for SCOTUS so given his horrific agenda I must oppose all things Obama including Kagan. Is Kagan some kind of androgenous person? It it a male or a female? EEEEEEECCCHH


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