Beaver attacks Latvian man, who couldn't be helped because police thought his report was a prank


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In what I can only describe as a Kafkian nightmare, a Latvian man was recently attacked by a beaver in the middle of the night … and couldn’t get help because both police and a friend believed he was prank calling them.

Inna Plavoka, editor at the local Seychas daily newspaper, told Latvian Radio 4 that the man, who was referred to only as Sergei, was walking outside late at night when a beaver ran up out of the bushes and bit him in the leg. Knocked to the ground, he tried to get up and run away, only to be bitten again.

The beaver then stood guard, refusing to let him get up. In the words of the Latvian Public Broadcasting report: “The beaver was in effect holding Sergei hostage.”

This is nightmarish enough, but what happens next is what makes the whole thing even more ridiculous and horrifying.

Sergei attempted to call police for help, but was hung up on because they believed he was making a prank call. So he then tried a friend, who also believed him to be joking, until Sergei finally convinced him he was in peril.

From there, it gets crazier.
Beaver attacks Latvian man, who couldn't be helped because police thought his report was a prank call

That's insane.
The critters can be territorial particularly if it is mating or kit raising season.

Or the beaver may have just been rabid, which raises the stakes for the man.
That is just something out of a horror flic.
You would probably be more of a potential victim for wild dog packs.

They have less fear of humans than wolves.

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