Beating Obama More Important than Economy - McConnell


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
If the T.E.A. Party and Republicans, along with any Dem who sees the light, can turn the economy around I don't care who gets the credit.

If Obama gets re-elected as a result of what the new Congress accomplishes then so be it. I don't hate Obama, I just hate his policies. In fact, I think he'd make a much better figure head than what he is now.
I can agree that beating Obama is important to the survival of our economy
'Tis what I've been saying all along. Fuck the economy and middle class, the only thing the GOP-ers want is for Obama to fail.
sorry your thread was sent to Siberia. Here's a get well card!

Obama may be a commie crook from Chicago but he is a likable commie crook from Chicago so I think McConnel stuck his foot in it.
Bush took over a mild recession in 01, got his way mostly, did his two tax cuts, stimulated the housing market into a bubble with ill advised low interest rates in 04 (3 full years after the recession ended in 01), watched the explosion of subprime lending in 04-06, and presided over the second biggest meltdown of the US financial system.

Bush did a much worse job than Obama has.

Then Bush tossed an economy near collapse to Obama, and folks are disappointed he has not righted the ship in 2 years? Obama inherited a situation a lot worse than Bush inherited.
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Beating Obama is important to saving the economy.

God only knows the damage he's set in motion already.


300 billion worth of Tax cuts in the stimulus package.

A deficit that went down from 2009 to 2010.

A downsizing of people on the federal payroll.

Financial regulation prohibiting dangerous behaviors on wall street.

Protections against payroll discrimination.

A health care package that actually makes insurers pay for your health care if you get sick.

Gosh..who KNOWS where that could lead? It's damn dangerous to the Plutocracy President Bush and the Republican cowboys were forging over those 8 years.

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