Bear shot on TV show "Gold Rush Alaska" What's the big deal?

Mini 14

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010
Bear killed on TV Show Unnecessarily

If the guy had a tag, I don't see what the problem is? If they didn't want to lower the population by 1, don't issue the tag. He took the bear legally and ethically. Whetehr it was done for the story or not is entirely irrelevant. They issued a tag, he used it legally. Game over for everyone, bear included.

I say it was a good shot. Why are we entertaining the enviro-tards when this guy played by the rules?
I shot a coyote yesterday, legally.

There was no media clamoring to tell the tale.

The man had a tag. Why is this even a story?
I didn't read anything in the linked article suggesting that the shooting wasn't legal.

It did however suggest that the shooting was gratuitous and intended to boost ratings. In this case I'm inclined to agree.
I shot a coyote yesterday, legally.

There was no media clamoring to tell the tale.

The man had a tag. Why is this even a story?

because it was on tv.

We have entire channels devoted to hunting. On average, 200+ animals being shot is broadcast to millions of viewers every day.

The argument seems to be that it was scripted, that the tag was acquired in hopes that a bear could be taken on camera.

And so what if it was? The tag was issued, which would imply that the State needed the population controlled. The guy did his job for the State, used his tag, and removed a bear from the population.

And this morning we have our choice of 113 articles to tell us how wrong it was.

Then don't issue the fucking tag?
I didn't read anything in the linked article suggesting that the shooting wasn't legal.

It did however suggest that the shooting was gratuitous and intended to boost ratings. In this case I'm inclined to agree.
Got news for ya': ALL TV shows are gratuitous and intended to boost ratings.
Bear killed on TV Show Unnecessarily

If the guy had a tag, I don't see what the problem is? If they didn't want to lower the population by 1, don't issue the tag. He took the bear legally and ethically. Whetehr it was done for the story or not is entirely irrelevant. They issued a tag, he used it legally. Game over for everyone, bear included.

I say it was a good shot. Why are we entertaining the enviro-tards when this guy played by the rules?

The guy just wanted the bear's arms. Americans are guaranteed that by the 2nd Amendment.
I shot a coyote yesterday, legally.

There was no media clamoring to tell the tale.

The man had a tag. Why is this even a story?

because it was on tv.

We have entire channels devoted to hunting. On average, 200+ animals being shot is broadcast to millions of viewers every day.

The argument seems to be that it was scripted, that the tag was acquired in hopes that a bear could be taken on camera.

And so what if it was? The tag was issued, which would imply that the State needed the population controlled. The guy did his job for the State, used his tag, and removed a bear from the population.

And this morning we have our choice of 113 articles to tell us how wrong it was.

Then don't issue the fucking tag?

I don't care that they shot a bear.

I'm just wondering why you care that some people have chosen to voice their opinion objecting to it.

Fact: If you didn't post this thread, I wouldn't even know about this 'story'.
because it was on tv.

We have entire channels devoted to hunting. On average, 200+ animals being shot is broadcast to millions of viewers every day.

The argument seems to be that it was scripted, that the tag was acquired in hopes that a bear could be taken on camera.

And so what if it was? The tag was issued, which would imply that the State needed the population controlled. The guy did his job for the State, used his tag, and removed a bear from the population.

And this morning we have our choice of 113 articles to tell us how wrong it was.

Then don't issue the fucking tag?

I don't care that they shot a bear.

I'm just wondering why you care that some people have chosen to voice their opinion objecting to it.

Fact: If you didn't post this thread, I wouldn't even know about this 'story'.

Probably a lot of the same reasons you care about evolution theory, abortion, or the Confederate Flag?

And on top of that, I'm a hunter.
We have entire channels devoted to hunting. On average, 200+ animals being shot is broadcast to millions of viewers every day.

The argument seems to be that it was scripted, that the tag was acquired in hopes that a bear could be taken on camera.

And so what if it was? The tag was issued, which would imply that the State needed the population controlled. The guy did his job for the State, used his tag, and removed a bear from the population.

And this morning we have our choice of 113 articles to tell us how wrong it was.

Then don't issue the fucking tag?

I don't care that they shot a bear.

I'm just wondering why you care that some people have chosen to voice their opinion objecting to it.

Fact: If you didn't post this thread, I wouldn't even know about this 'story'.

Probably a lot of the same reasons you care about evolution theory, abortion, or the Confederate Flag?

And on top of that, I'm a hunter.

It doesn't bother me if people express their own opinions about those things.

I got the impression from your posts in this thread that you think people should just shut up about it. I can't get on board with that.
It doesn't bother me if people express their own opinions about those things.

I got the impression from your posts in this thread that you think people should just shut up about it. I can't get on board with that.

Doesn't bother me if people express their opinions either.


If that were the case, none of us would be here at USMB.

But that doesn't mean I have to agree with them. I don't comment on 99.99% of all the opinions expressed around the world each day, only the ones that interest or affect me personally.
It doesn't bother me if people express their own opinions about those things.

I got the impression from your posts in this thread that you think people should just shut up about it. I can't get on board with that.

Doesn't bother me if people express their opinions either.


If that were the case, none of us would be here at USMB.

But that doesn't mean I have to agree with them. I don't comment on 99.99% of all the opinions expressed around the world each day, only the ones that interest or affect me personally.

So then we agree that it wasn't 'wrong' for the Alaska state agency to voice their opinion and for news outlets to run the story.

Glad we sorted that out. :thup:
So then we agree that it wasn't 'wrong' for the Alaska state agency to voice their opinion and for news outlets to run the story.

Glad we sorted that out. :thup:

Had that been my problem, I would have said so. I never said a word about Alaska DNR, and I was never confused about whether or not they were "wrong" in commenting.

You apparently were.
I don't like people who shoot any animal for 'sport'. Food, fine. But just for the craic of it? Bastards.

I think they ended up eating it didnt they?

But your right.... I have had fist fights with a couple of my so called friends when I was younger over them just shooting a bird or squirrel just because it was funny to them.
Needless to say.... the re'nt my friends ny longer.

I say if ya shoot it, you had better plan to eat it. (unless you are protecting life and limb)

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