BDS:LOL Israel and Turkey to Restore Full Diplomatic Ties

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Turkey wants some of that Israeli NG and Other economic benefits.

Israel and Turkey to Restore Full Diplomatic Ties
Move clears way for an easing of Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip
ORR HIRSCHAUGE in Tel Aviv and
June 26, 2016 - Wall Street Journal
Israel and Turkey to Restore Full Diplomatic Ties

Israel and Turkey agreed to restore full diplomatic ties after more than six years of animosity, clearing the way for renewed cooperation between the U.S. allies and an easing of Israel’s blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

Officials from both countries said late Sunday that negotiators in Rome had reached a deal that will be made public in Jerusalem and Ankara on Monday. Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu was in Rome to meet with Secretary of State John Kerry and speak about the agreement.

The push toward rapprochement came amid security threats to both nations—the Syrian conflict on their borders, the rise of the extremist group Islamic State and what many regional governments view as Iran’s assertive military and political posture.

The deal won’t end the tight controls Israel imposed on Gaza’s borders in 2007 to hold Hamas militarily in check—a concession Turkey had demanded. But, in a compromise that broke a deadlock after months of talks, Turkey will be allowed to send aid to Gaza through the Israeli port of Ashdod and to build a 200-bed hospital, new power plants, residential buildings and other badly needed infrastructure in the war-torn Palestinian enclave.

Israel will also make it possible for Turkey to launch major development projects in the West Bank, a Palestinian territory whose borders are also controlled by Israel, a senior Turkish official said.

In addition, the two countries will rebuild military and intelligence ties, which grew close in the 1990s and early 2000s, an Israeli official said. They will send ambassadors back to each other’s capitals.
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Another BDS victory! And last week Israel got a permanent spot on an important UN committee. They're racking it up.
You didn't mention the $20,000,000 to be paid by israel to the Families of those Illegally killed on the Mavi mara
You didn't mention the $20,000,000 to be paid by israel to the Families of those Illegally killed on the Mavi mara

You did not mention the counter claims placed by the Israelis against the families of those killed for attacking the Israeli troops carrying out a legal boarding of a vessels suspected of carrying illegal goods. We will accept all of Jerusalem as full payment after the arab muslims have left for good
Sun Jul 3, 2016 game on again

That is the day your particular little propaganda piece was posted. The actual events were from September of 2015.

There are no mainstream news pieces on this subject except from September of 2015.

Do better.
Icelanders vote to join boycott on Israeli goods
PressTV-Iceland joins boycott Israel movement


All 20 of them? Something tells me that Israel would rather have Turkey, any day.

Next contestant, please.
You didn't mention the $20,000,000 to be paid by israel to the Families of those Illegally killed on the Mavi mara
Wow wa we wa! 20 million! You didn't mention that Israel and Turkey will both be making billions in trade and tourism with each other.
Turkey will someday regret making deals with the zionist jews.

They are dealing with the devil and will lose in the end. ...... :cool:
They lost big time dealing with fellow Muslims. Last I checked, they got millions of refugees and terrorism, and their tourism industry is collapsing. Now they trust the Jews a lot more.
Turkey will someday regret making deals with the zionist jews.

They are dealing with the devil and will lose in the end. ...... :cool:

The devil being allah of course that 3rd rate moon god and his whores
He likes to make all these bigoted moronic statements so everybody thinks all Muslims are as stupid and retarded as he is. I think Sunni is Zionist spy out to make Muslims look bad.

Mission accomplished. :clap2:

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