BBC reports US consulate in Benghazi 'did not have enough security'


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This article really shows how poorly this consulate was guarded. Externally the Consulate was guarded by local militia who according to the article, put down their guns and ran away.

And what's really crazy is that there had been 4 attacks in Benghazi since June.


" The US consulate in Benghazi, where the US ambassador to Libya died in an attack on Tuesday, was not given the standard security contract offered to many American diplomatic missions in the Middle East, private military contractors have told the BBC.

The consulate's walls were breached in just 15 minutes, guards were outgunned and overwhelmed and four US personnel were killed, including the Ambassador, J Christopher Stevens.

US embassies and consulates in areas of the world where they are deemed liable to attack are usually offered a formal security contract called a Worldwide Protective Services Agreement, known in the industry as a 'Wips'.

The contract, or so-called tasking order, is between the US state department and any one of several major private military contractors such as DynCorp International and Aegis Defence Services.

Under this agreement, extensive security precautions are put in place, including low-profile armoured vehicles, run-flat tyres, sufficient weapons, ammunition and trained personnel, as well as a tried and tested command and control system.

But sources have told the BBC that on the advice of a US diplomatic regional security officer, the mission in Benghazi was not given the full contract despite lobbying by private contractors.

BBC News - US consulate in Benghazi 'did not have enough security'
I remember waking up to the BBC on TV in Prague the day after Obamination won the election. I could tell by their bullshit tone that he won since they were talking it up....but funny how they are now seeing he is an idiot.
Hindsight is 20/20.

That's what you say when amateurs are trying something for the first time, but then that would apply with this administration.

No kidding, these people are stupid. Why do you have marines guarding American property in the middle east with no ammo? Reagan was stupid for letting it happen in 1983, and I think the middle east has gotten worse since then, so what kind of stupid do you have to be to work for this administration?
Hindsight is 20/20.

That's what you say when amateurs are trying something for the first time, but then that would apply with this administration.

No kidding, these people are stupid. Why do you have marines guarding American property in the middle east with no ammo? Reagan was stupid for letting it happen in 1983, and I think the middle east has gotten worse since then, so what kind of stupid do you have to be to work for this administration?

I just about stroked out when I found out that the Ambassador to Egypt didn't allow for live ammo.

Just un freakin real.
Hindsight is 20/20.

That's what you say when amateurs are trying something for the first time, but then that would apply with this administration.

You would think that the IED attack would have grabbed someone's attention and the State Department would have upped the security.

Really, increasing security after an attack. What a concept!!! In some areas of the world, it might even be reasonable to increase security to prevent attacks. Gee, too bad they didn't think of that. After the apology didn't settle the terrorists down, you'd think upping security would have been plan B.

Of course, they are still acting like a few protesters got a little bit out of hand. No big deal.
That's what you say when amateurs are trying something for the first time, but then that would apply with this administration.

No kidding, these people are stupid. Why do you have marines guarding American property in the middle east with no ammo? Reagan was stupid for letting it happen in 1983, and I think the middle east has gotten worse since then, so what kind of stupid do you have to be to work for this administration?

I just about stroked out when I found out that the Ambassador to Egypt didn't allow for live ammo.

Just un freakin real.
I'm sorry you didn't. Stroking out and dying over a lie would be an excellent example of fauxrage.
That's what you say when amateurs are trying something for the first time, but then that would apply with this administration.

No kidding, these people are stupid. Why do you have marines guarding American property in the middle east with no ammo? Reagan was stupid for letting it happen in 1983, and I think the middle east has gotten worse since then, so what kind of stupid do you have to be to work for this administration?

I just about stroked out when I found out that the Ambassador to Egypt didn't allow for live ammo.

Just un freakin real.

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