BBC Journo Lets Slip His Contempt For Working Class People


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Brit let slip out the complete contempt that the left has of working class people today.

Tommy Robinson nails him on it.

BBC Journalist Allegedly Likened Working Class To 'Cannibals'

BBC flagship political show Panorama’s John Sweeney has allegedly been caught referring to working-class men as being like “cannibals from Amazonia” in an undercover video released by Tommy Robinson.
The footage was posted to Robinson’s social media accounts on both Facebook and Instagram over the weekend and shows the former English Defence League leader confronting Sweeney over his comments.

Sweeney seems to describe meeting a working-class white man named Danny in a BBC green room saying, “it was unusual to meet a white working class male in the Newsnight green room.”..

“It was so unusual that me and one of my mates went down there to have a drink with him in the way that you would do with somebody, from the, you know a cannibal from the Amazonian, erm, from Amazonia or maybe a creature from outer space,” he allegedly said.

Robinson has also released several live streams on Facebook claiming to have far more undercover footage of both Sweeney and of the far-left activist organisation HOPE not Hate who are claimed to have sat in on interviews filmed for the Panorama documentary on Robinson apparently labelled with the working title “Tommy Takedown.”​


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