Battles and campaigns - a lost art

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Korea was sort of borderline -between WW2 and Vietnam. Korea was a tweener.

Vietnam had some battles -but no campaigns.

Irag and afg have neither

not wars
Vietnam had several Campaigns, they generally last no more then 1 or 2 months. And the Tet offensive created several campaigns as well.

Iraq was one campaign for the whole war.

Don't know a lot about Afghanistan but seems to me they had several operations over a large area for a month or so. That would be a campaign.
Who won the Tet "Offensive??"

Not the cong.

Recall Saigon police chief executing a cong

Unmitigated disaster for the North Vietnamese

Traitor media ie Walter Cronkite and anti-war punks made TET out to be a defeat for the US

FDR stifled all dissent from the effort in WW2. Threatened to exile them - put them on an island. if thats what it takes..............
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The nature of war is changing.

Technology is, in part, the reason.

Plus the USA hasn't really faced a large army since its brief encounter with the Iraqi Army, and they were so outclassed that no WWII type conditions arose that would have created long campaigns.
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